John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Written by Douglysium

Goddess of Fireflies (a.k.a. JL, John, Luminarie)

Divine Domains

Fireflies/lightning bugs, lightning, fire, stars, light, shooting stars/comets, torches, flashlights, lightbulbs, lanterns, guidance, lighthouses, parties, beauty, self-confidence, performers, actors, artists, inspiration, popularity/fame, special effects, fireworks, sparks, signals, morse code, electronic screens, pixels

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fireflies, torches, flashlights, streetlights, a jar filled with fireflies, lightbulbs, stars, fireworks, stage lights, brightly colored gemstones, a lighthouse. His associated colors are greenish-yellow, yellow, green, orange, gold, and the neon versions of all those colors.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

JL is quite famous for being a sort of clout chaser, influencer, a bit of a trickster, some sort of adrenaline junkie, and an eccentric who tries to make almost everything they do as flashy and awe-inspiring as possible. At the end of the day, their goal is to wow as many people as they can and become the most famous god with the biggest cult in the world. They believe achieving such a goal could put them on par with the major gods. To this end, they wish to ascend and become the goddess of lightning. They believe that the idea of a god residing over lightning and its respective mana was actually a good one but they just picked the wrong person for the job. A job they believe they can fill very well. Plus, becoming a major god would cause their popularity and renown to skyrocket while creating a new era of magic. They are considered by many of the other gods to be insufferable when they are present at Meetings of the Gods because they almost never shut up about becoming the new god of lightning. Some rumors say that they actually managed to steal the name of the previous god of fireflies and that’s how they ended up in their position. In their free time, they seek to spread their image and increase their popularity by performing massive light shows or acting as a superhero-esque figure for the populace and saving people, stopping disasters, or even fighting monsters or the rare god on occasion. Despite their loud and eccentric nature they also seek to appreciate the beauty and spectacle in the world and all the places that it can be found. While this can make them very inspiring, being able to see silver linings that others may miss, it can also make them off putting. They may find natural disasters to be a hilarious cosmic coincidence or a way to test themselves for example. They are known to get bored easily and seek to make the world more exciting by fostering and rewarding those who can make a big enough spectacle or simply entertain them. However, a spectacle big enough to earn JL’s permanent favor is usually one that risks one’s very life or shakes the very political/social landscape of the world or the gods. He is not usually very picky about how someone chooses to worship him or the offerings they give him and just about anyone can worhip him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

JL is somewhat short, notably muscular with dark brown skin, and has a noticeably chubby stomach. They have dreads that are tied into a glowing greenish-yellow bun. They have pronounced canines and pointy ears characteristic of vampires and can often be seen wearing green eyeshadow that glows in the dark. They also have freckles that are known to glow sometimes. They also have a pair of dreads resembling antennas on their head with glowing tips. All the holes on their body seem to glow from something within their body and their blood is known to glow a greenish-yellow when it leaves the body.

Facial Features

They are missing their right eye and have a glowing orb where that eye would be. The pupil in their present eye is always glowing a greenish-yellow color and JL is known to wear a glowing green eyeshadow. They can often be seen wearing a pair of goggles that resemble compound eyes and glow green when being worn over one’s eyes. They also have freckles that are known to glow sometimes. He can often be seen with a massive, almost cartoonish grin, on their face.

Identifying Characteristics

They are completely missing their right eye and their right arm as well as part of their right leg. They have a prosthetic on their right leg. Having scars that are known to glow in place of both body parts. They also have the signifying pointy ears and canines of vampires. They are known to almost always have a smiler plastered upon their face. They are missing one of their front teeth. Apparently, they ripped it out so they could whistle better. They have a Lichtenberg scar going across parts of their body. He has a mark of Mark of Mora shaped like a lightning bold on his chest. Their divine form is that of a firefly. However, it is missing its right frontmost leg and its largest right eye while also having a Mark of Mora on its chest. This form is the size of an actual firefly but it is much faster and can produce a much brighter light. When flying through the air John resembles a shooting star. It is said that if one makes a wish upon a shooting star and that star happens to actually be John de Luminarie they will help the wish come to fruition. Hearing his laughter echo through the night is said to be their acknowledgment of the wish. A mortal has yet to clock the fastest speed at which JL can travel in his divine form but he claims that if he goes all out he can circle around the planet in no time at all. However, this is most likely just boasting on his part. As a firefly, he has a lot of control over his light. He can make his light hot enough to burn almost anything that it touches and is capable of changing the color of his light. A quality that he is able to use in order to create illusions or disorienting images and patterns. While a normal firefly produces very little heat with its bioluminescence JL is known to be scorching to the touch while glowing and can create a light bright enough to rival the stars or sun in the sky while glowing at full luminosity. Which can easily blind unfortunate victims. Sometimes one can see one or more stars moving across the sky in an odd way and some believe this is John guiding people. While they typically take on a mortal form that is that of a vampire they are known to have a countless number of other mortal forms and members of his cult seem to believe he can take the form of any mortal species via magic and/or illusions.     No matter his form he seems to have a strange tentacle-like tatoo or marking around his neck. Complete with scars where the tentacle's suckers were.

Special abilities

JL is extremely proficient in utilizing fire mana, and wind mana as well as life magic, and they would be proficient in lightning mana if it was not stripped of its power. They typically use fire mana and lightning spells in the forms of light, heat, lasers, beams, etc. and they are a master at using wind mana to grant them a form of flight while in their mortal forms. He can also utilize wind and lightning magic to further boost their speed, strength, and reaction time. JL’s understanding of how to wield lightning mana rivaled that of Eleteros’. They are well known for creating a yellow aura of crackling energy around them that, while active, significantly boost their strength, speed, and agility while allowing them to fly through the sky at breakneck speeds. Their “ultimate” technique involves them concentrating all their available aura into one of their fist or feet, creating a dazzling and scorching aura around said body part, and striking someone with it. The technique is usually a gamble as it leaves the rest of his body completely defenseless and they need to take time to charge up the attack(around 30 seconds). The technique is also very telegraphed due to the amount of light and energy it gives off and the loud buzzing sound it makes while active. Another one of his more famous and commonly used techniques involves shooting a “laser” beam out of his eye or fingertips.     While the goddess is capable of more subtle forms of magic, such as party tricks and illusion magic they typically use bombastic and loud displays of magic when in combat that aim to disorient victims and create a spectacle.     He has the uncanny ability of being able to understand exactly where he is on Terra and what time it is via looking at the stars and objects in the night sky alone. They are extremely well-versed in magical combat and known to have gotten into many fights. He has also created many spells.   It is well known that reputation, popularity, and follower count are all factors that can increase the power of a gods to a degree. This seems to be even more extreme for the likes of a god like John. Simply being in an area where he is famous or has lots of followers can cause a sharp increase in his power. If he sat in the middle of a city in which his reknown his great his raw power could put up with the likes of Fervanti but if he sat in the middle of a barren desert the desparity in his strength would be palpable. Tangentially, many of JL's demigod offspring also seem to be effected by this power to some degree. If they have little to no renown their lifespan is only slightly longer than that of an average mortal but if they reach and maintain a certain level of fame they will enjoy the same immortality that gods do. Some can use this fame to achieve powers above that of any mortal, but still weaker than most gods.

Apparel & Accessories

JL is known for having a massive love of exciting, eye-catching, and ostentatious fashion. They find things like set uniforms with no variation or room for self-expression to be boring and monotonous. They often wear clothes resembling some sort of cheesy superhero with bright colors, a pair of goggles, a dark blue cape(with star patterns on the inside) that drapes over where their missing arm would be, and rings with bright crystals on each of their fingers and similar crystals on a pair of earring they wear.

Specialized Equipment

His goggles, when worn, allow him to see farther by zooming in and it can allow him to see infrared light. JL’s rings allow the wearer to seemingly create duplicates of themselves made of some sort of light. They are only able to make one clone for each ring they are wearing. Apparently, this resembles the boon of the previous firefly god. He has given two of his 10 rings to the god of crickets and the god of cicadas and distributes some of the others among his champions. He is always wearing at least 5 at a time. Whenever a clone is killed or runs out of energy the ring loses its luster and shine and must be recharged by electricity. These rings were worn by the previous firefly god. The cape he wears was given to him by the god of bats. It allows vampires to walk in broad daylight with no drawbacks and it can be used to fly during the night. They have a small string given to them by the god of crickets. Plucking it allows one to reproduce any sound they have heard in the past. This comes with the caveat that the replication of the sound is based on their memory so if one remembers the sound incorrectly it will be played incorrectly. They carry a small megaphone given to him by the god of cicadas. Using it allows one to create the illusion that their voice is coming from one or more places within the user’s line of sight instead of from their mouth. Whenever it is played the god of cicadas may bestow their boon on the player if they choose to do so. The torch of the previous firefly god. It produces no heat while burning, can burn underwater, and any fire on it glows a greenish-yellow color while crackling with electricity. Getting touched by the fire feels like getting zapped by a build-up of static electricity(but it does no actual damage). The wielder has full control over the fire as long as they hold the torch. It doesn’t have a lot of destructive power but it can be used to obscure vision with waves of odd luminescent fire and potentially scare foes who aren’t aware of its true nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Despite originally being born a mortal, the identity of JL’s biological parents are unknown. JL was found by two men who were fishing outside of the city of New Orleans in a swamp when a serious thunderstorm hit. The storm was a bit odd in the fact that despite the heavy rain and harsh winds the light of fireflies could still be seen in the distant night. On their way back to the city to escape the storm they heard the crying of a baby and found an infant vampire in some muck. The baby had a Lichtenberg scar on its body. Rumor has it that JL’s parents abandoned him at some point and he was either struck by lightning or some sort of lightning spell at some point after his birth. No one actually knows what happened before the two fishermen found him but there are countless stories with varying details and levels of potential validity regarding what happened. Everyone seems to have some ancestor that witnessed the baby JL being left in the swamps or watched JL’s parents wander out into the storm only to never return(and presumably die) etc. Some say he was struck by lightning while in the swamps and managed to survive due to having an unparalleled affinity for lightning magic, even as a baby, while others say his parent purposely exposed him to some sort of lighting spell to toughen him up or test his strength, or even that his affinity for lightning magic was so great he somehow electrocuted himself as a baby. One of the more likely and common theories seems to be that JL was actually a demigod and the child of the previous firefly god. This could explain his talent for fire, wind, and lightning magic as well as how he was able to become the next firefly god. Others still say the previous firefly god saw something in the Roots of Fates during one of the meetings of the gods that caused him to take seemingly nonsensical outcomes to ensure a better future or avoid one that he feared. When JL is asked about what happened he typically answers that he has no way of knowing for sure before giving some theory that seems to become more grandiose every time they tell it.   Nonetheless, JL would eventually be taken in by the fishers and some of their neighbors. These people would act as their family and they named the child Lucien. They taught the child many skills and Lucien spent their childhood growing up in the city of New Orleans. During this time they were known to perform impressive party tricks using lightning, fire, and wind magic. Due to their vampiric nature, they were mostly active at night and became enamored with the stars and fireflies that twinkled in the night sky. They would often try to capture it in the form of paintings, pictures, or light shows. They were notoriously mischievous and loved to hear stories of John de Conqueror, Brer Rabbit, Hermes, Loki, and the like.   Some point after they became an adult, their first claim to fame is that they were able to steal the god of cricket’s heart by capturing the beauty of the night with a most spectacular play and light show through the use of magic. The god was summoned during the performance by one of their followers who sought to gain favor with the god by showing him amazing art. After witnessing the play the god was apparently left weeping when nightfall came as the stars and fireflies reminded him of Lucien’s performance. Lucien and the god eventually became lovers. They would often perform together with Lucien typically being in charge of visuals and the god of crickets usually being in charge of music and audio.   Lucien’s second claim to fame was a trick pulled on the god of fireflies at the time, Luminarie. They managed to steal all 10 of their famous jeweled rings from them without being caught or suspected for an entire week. During this time they also managed to steal the god’s signature torch. When finally caught the god was enraged and sought to make an example out of him. However, Lucien’s stunt caught the attention of both the city and its neighbors. The firefly god decided to perform a test and struck Lucien with a lightning spell, of which he only barely managed to survive. Impressed and swayed by the god of cricket’s pleas he decided to only exile them declaring that “Lucien could never again step foot upon the grounds of New Orleans” instead of imprisoning or executing him in order to keep the general populace’s favor.   Forced to leave his home behind, Lucien began to wander and learned all he could about the world. Before making his journey the god of crickets granted him a string that could be used to replicate any sound the player had heard based on memory alone. As Lucien wandered the world he began to truly master fire, wind, and lightning magic and became a well-known trickster and stage magician. At one point he bet with someone that he could race through a lightning storm like that of the lightning dragon flight and, thanks to his proficiency with lightning spells, successfully managed to do so. During the event, Lucien accidentally interrupted the mating ritual of a dragon from the Lightning Dragonflight. They barely managed to survive but also managed to steal a scale from one of the dragons. Which they proceeded to wear around as a necklace as proof. At this point, it is known that they began to become more and more fascinated with dragons, especially those of the lightning variety. They attempted to study and nab dragon scales as a form of boasting and to test their skill while also attempting to see if they could learn anything about lightning magic from them. They also learned how to use their skills to save and free mortals and even entire towns from more bloodthirsty and tyrannical dragons that wanted to rule or control them, typically via escape, trickery, or red herrings as opposed to direct fights. Unfortunately, they became the ire of some weaker dragons that would often attempt to hunt them down. One of their most famous stories is about when they pretended to be a much bigger and more powerful dragon in order to scare off an oncoming pack of dragons from the Solar Dragonflight that threatened to raze a city. The act of doing so ended up costing Lucien his right arm. At one point Lucien lost his right arm and eye after casting some form of draconic magic in order to defeat a rampaging dragon. The ordeal almost killed him.   Apparently, Lucien had attended the Midsummer Fire Festival at one point and managed to make local headlines after winning a magic brawl that had spilled over and taken up several blocks and included a small army of people duking it out.   At some point, seemingly as part of a bet, Lucien asked for the bat god’s favor and hand in marriage. Having heard of some of their antiques they were amused, instead of being completely offended(plus the marriage was more symbolic and marrying a mortal that would die relatively quickly anyway was odd but not the biggest deal in the world). Humoring them the bat god offered to grant them free access to their boon, a special cape, and their hand in marriage/support if Lucien could obtain a scale from Aien Sol De Draco, a tuft of fur from Neia Lun De Draco, a tooth from Hilathu, and the torch of the firefly god. If Lucien could do all of those things and successfully bring them to the bat god they would grant him their protection, boons, and gifts.   Doing so would prove to be arduous, and dangerous and take several years to complete and almost came at the cost of Lucien’s life several times. All the stories of his great exploits are of course much too long to go into full detail here but he managed to steal one of Hilathu’s teeth using the shed skin of a snake god and the help of several vengeful snake gods to trick Hilathu and would later manage to steal a tuft of Neia Lun De Draco’s fur and a scale from Aien Sol De Draco with the help of some other dragons. During this escapade Lucien would end up losing part of his right leg and having it replaced with a prosthetic. Obtaining the firefly god’s torch would be the most difficult since Lucien was banished from New Orleans and being caught would mean that the god would probably kill him on sight, and no mortal could hope to beat a god in a direct fight. Plus, he risked causing other gods to enact punishment upon him. Utilizing magic he lifted himself up from the ground in order to enter the city without stepping a foot upon its grounds and managed to steal the god’s torch after creating a big enough distraction. They then presented all the items to the bat god and were granted all the promised rewards and were given a cape that allowed one to fly at night and allowed any vampire wearing it to walk out in broad daylight. While the god of fireflies demanded that Lucien be punished both the bat god and god of crickets vouched for him and most of the other gods did not care enough to intervene. Lucien also pointed out that they technically followed every rule the god had set.   At some point, the god of fireflies was somehow stripped of his immortality and Lucien took his place. After becoming a god Lucien changed his name. He based his name off that of one of his idols, the figure John de Conqueror and took up the name of the previous god of fireflies, Luminarie. Taking up the name John de Luminarie. Most mortals don’t really know the full story of what happened to the previous god. Some say the gods of bats, crickets, and cicadas worked with John to somehow kill the god with the poison of Hilathu and their combined divine power while others feel it is much more likely the Luminarie had simply stepped out of line somehow or that John was secretly his son and challenged and beat the heir for their title. What actually happened is that when the previous god of fireflies was somehow stripped of their immortality there was no proper heir and so a small group of gods vouched for John.   Some point after becoming a god John became married to the god of cicadas who in turn was married to the god of crickets. Creating a famous polycule involving the three of them. He is also known to have interacted with Eleteros and supported his idea to become a god of lightning and even joined Eleteros’ resulting cult to show his support and was known to be a master of lightning mana. He believed that having a lightning god was the future of the world. After Eleteros was stripped of his power JL left his cult and would advocate for himself to be a replacement for Eleteros as god of lightning. At some point, JL is known to have gotten into one symbolic conflict with Ryoma, the god of tuna, in the past due to his propensity for excitement sometimes conflicting with Ryoma’s goals of peace and Ryoma stepping in to stop some of his conflicts. While JL doesn’t start a lot of conflicts as a god he does not usually go out of his way to avoid them either and if forced to choose he will often go with whatever choice is least boring unless he has some other reason not to.

Gender Identity

JL uses he/him and they/them in equal measure. If asked about their gender identity they give a long grandiose story as an answer.


They are polyamorous and in a polycule with the god of crickets, and the god of cicadas. They are no longer married to the god of bats but are on good terms with them and are strong allies.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

JL has an infamous love for excitement and innovation and is known to be sort of an adrenaline junkie in a sense. After becoming a god they don’t really start conflicts but don’t usually go out of their way to avoid them either, this applies to both arguments and fights. They see conflict as a natural part of life and something that shouldn’t be demonized. To JL conflict is how the world can change, grow, and evolve and is a neutral force that can push one to do better. A world of complete peace, while all well and good, can lead to stagnation if achieving peace, even if it means not addressing issues or silencing those in pain, is all one cares about. They revel in being the center of attention and are known to be a bit of a clout chaser. He has a love of flashy fashion, tricks, and sleight of hand. They are known to perform amazing spectacles on stage or in public and are known to act as a “superhero” of sorts by stopping disasters or saving people in a spectacular fashion. How much of this he does out of wanting to help people or out of just excitement and to gain popularity is debatable though. They of course tend to value people who go against the grain to push the bounds of what is possible or achieve something that no one thought possible in a spectacular or eye-catching manner. He is known to grant his boon, either temporarily or permanently, to those who have caught his eye. Especially, if they are in a do-or-die situation(such as a warrior or athlete doing a heroic and dangerous maneuver). He is extremely fond of soda and sugary foods in general. Many give him offerings of elaborate and massive cakes and sweets. Some even host massive bake-offs so that they, or the winner, may gain his favor. Large shows and parties are also known to be a common way to worship him. They have a love of Yung Pagoni, the God of Peacock’s fashion sense and style. They are known to love attending the Midsummer Fire Festival due to the excitement and bombastic events it creates. Many of his worshippers are known to flock there in an attempt to impress him with massive parties, bombastic stunts, outlandish and sugary foods, or legendary magic duels. Although not a holiday in his name, he is one of the many gods associated with the Dance of Blood, despite its legality or lack thereof in many areas. They are known to have participated in it when they were a mortal and some say if a follower of JL wins the most battles he will grant them a reward or even permanent access to his boon.     He likes to gaze at the stars and make paintings of fireflies and the night sky. They are known to dislike boring and strict uniforms or needless monotony. They are also known to dislike those who “stand for nothing” and just go with anything and everything as long as it keeps the peace… No, it is more accurate to say he feels sorry for them and he tends to try to, figuratively, knock some sense into them. He appreciates people with backbone. He despises food with no seasoning. He hates pesticides because of the fact that many pesticides, both natural and unnatural, are known to kill fireflies. The use of pesticides within the Cult of Fireflies is banned. He also has a well-known dislike of people forgetting who he is or being forgotten, as well as people who underplay his achievements. He also doesn’t like being in pitch-black darkness for long periods of time. To him sitting in a place where no stars, moon, candlelight, lightbulbs, bioluminescence, lightning, etc. are visible feels unnatural. A squid god associated with ink and pitch darkness cursed him to be slowly strangled by his own “shadow” if he is ever left in utter and complete darkness after he attempted to pull a trick over it. He doesn’t like Hilathu’s cult and wishes to become more proactive in its dissolution. The cult seems to be under the impression that the reason JL dislikes pure darkness is because of an odd poison Hilathu inflicted upon him for attempting to trick him. This misconception is probably the main reason he dislikes them.

Vices & Personality flaws

They sometimes stumble into conflicts or disputes they could have easily avoided. He is also a well-known attention whore and clout seeker. Likewise, he tends to seek a good challenge and will sometimes do things just to prove he can or do something that has never been done before. This does have its limits though, for example he isn’t about to push his luck too far with Mora or Shia and get himself killed or stripped of his godhood.

Personality Quirks

As he speaks he is known to make very exaggerated movements and gestures, and make a lot of physical contact with those he’s comfortable with. They are also known to often speak very loudly and clearly. They try to make almost everything they do as flashy as possible but this does not mean everything they do is straightforward or should be taken at face value. Sometimes their flashiness is meant to be a distraction for something else or to disorient someone. The fact that they usually are flashy makes it harder to discern when they are just doing it for its own sake or have some other sort of plan.     JL’s flashy and awe-inspiring way of doing things makes them extremely popular among mortal children. Their love of sweets and entertainment also makes children all the more prone to enjoying the god’s presence.     JL is known to be much more liberal about handing out access to his boon than most other gods but it is still a rare sight to see someone using the boon and typically when one is given the boost they usually only have access to it for a specific duration of time or can only use it once. It takes a lot of proving oneself to get JL to consider giving someone access to his boon permanently. In dire situations he may revoke everyone’s access to his boon so he can have access to his full power. Every individual having their access to the boon abruptly cut off is considered a bad omen in his respective cult.


They are known to wear makeup and strong perfume.


Family Ties

JL was married to the god of bats, although this was mostly a symbolic gesture of them showing their support for them. They have a strong alliance to this day.     JL is currently married to the god of crickets and the god of cicadas. They are a polycule and well-known group of performers and artists.     JL never knew their biological parents but they built a shrine to the two fishermen and all the people who helped take care of them in the neighborhood they resided in as a child. Said neighborhood is adorned with magic torches in place of streetlights.


They gesture a lot and while they usually have a decorum of whatever the bare minimum amount of respect is they may sometimes come off as disrespectful or blunt when they become too excited. He is known to have trouble sitting still and fidgets a lot and can be touchy with those he is really close to.


They are known to have a deep booming voice and typically speak very loudly and are known to shout and yell more than the average person


John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Ludovic




Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL and his cult tend to participate in, support, and host many types of competitions that are not only a way to gain popularity but prove your worth or skill. JL tends to be fond of champions, and winning many competitions is considered an effective way to gain JL’s favor. Plus, the competitions and arguments between Sekhmet and Novi as well as their cults entertain John greatly. JL is also greatly inspired by the way Novi completely changed the way her cult worships her and opened up the cult to not just to those with access to valuable offerings, and allowed for just about anyone to worship her and is known to take inspiration from Novi and Soliairs’ system.

Robeulalie, Goddess of Cicadas

Partner (Vital)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Partner (Vital)

Towards Robeulalie, Goddess of Cicadas



Nicknames & Petnames

Robeulalie, John, and Chevalier are all married to each other and have very open relationships. So it goes without saying that they are on very good terms with each other and care a lot about eachother. They often perform spectacular shows with each other, with John usually providing visuals and effects while Robeulalie and Chevalier provide music or sound design. Robeulalie finds John and his over the top nature very “metal.” Chevalier isn’t as metal outside of his performances but she loves him regardless. Robeulalie is the god champion of John’s Orange Ray(the ray in charge with communications, publications, and pr). This can be considered ironic due to Robeulalie’s reclusive underground tendencies but she is known to be very sociable at special events and gatherings while also have a pretty good understanding of them.

"Umbra", God of Giant Squid

Enemy (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Enemy (Important)

Towards "Umbra", God of Giant Squid



Relationship Reasoning

Umbra loathes JL due to the fact that they are strongly associated with light and wield powerful light magic, and light acts as Umbra’s only major weakness. John is the god that most often ends up foiling Umbra’s plans since they are both gods that are usually active at night. Plus, John is one of the more powerful light gods. Some priests of the Luminarie Cult specialize in dispelling and combating the influences and works of Umbra. Rumors even say that the Unseen Ray of the cult was originally created to combat Umbra. At one point, during a fight, Umbra managed to strike John and left a tattoo mark around the firefly goddess’ neck.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Friend (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friend (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult. Nancy is currently the god champion of the Cult of Luminarie’s yellow ray, which they enjoy making and critiquing art for. While Nancy is technically the only god champion of the ray both Ana and Nancy tend to hold equal sway within it.

Ana, God of Spiders

Friend (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friend (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Chevalier, God of Crickets

Partner (Vital)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Partner (Vital)

Towards Chevalier, God of Crickets



Relationship Reasoning

They are romantic partners and have had a long loving relationship. Chevalier seems to find John inspiring and appreciates his overall optimistic outlook on life even when he needs to be reigned in from time to time when he runs off to perform some grand trick or heist and the like. John acts as one of his main artistic muses and they often perform together along with the god of cicadas. They have a very open relationship and are known to have relationships with mortals more frequently than the average god.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



Relationship Reasoning

Both gods have a notorious love of challenges and rarely shy away from them, if ever(be they physical or mental), and they often test their limits. John at one point managed to gain the favor of the wolf god when he was a mortal after challenging the wolf god and subsequently impressing him even though Jl ended up losing. JL would later attempt to challenge him after ascending to godhood only to lose again, but still impressing Fervanti yet again.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes



Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




Whenever these two are in the same area grand tricks and pranks will be abound. Sometimes pulled on each other and sometimes pulled on others(both gods and mortals alike). A good time is likely to be had between them and their illusion magic no matter their outcome, the same can not be said for their potential victims however their tricks tend to be harmless and avoid unnecessary cruelty.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Rival (Important)

Towards Svrar, Goddess of Tigers



Svrar, Goddess of Tigers

Enemy (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




Svrar already dislikes John by default as they consider themselves an ally of Soliairs. It doesn’t help that xe find the current god of fireflies loud, grating, and annoying. On top of that John is willing to be allies with, come to the aid of, and involve themself in conflicts with weak gods that Svrar looks down upon. JL is also one step away from being the complete opposite of professional. JL appears to find xer use illusion magic intriguing, especially since they also use and dabble in some forms of this kind of magic along with slights of hand, and it is said that they have been researching it.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Ryou, the God of Wind



Ryou, the God of Wind

Ally (Trivial)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




They don’t have much of a personal relationship but Ryou is the god of flying things(which includes fireflies). So JL and their respective cult seem to look favorably upon Ryou and her respective cult. JL himself is even part of Ryou’s cult. She is also a great listener which makes her great for JL to brag about his exploits to(not that they meet very often) and likewise he loves listening to the tales of others.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Novi, The Goddess of Orcas



Novi, The Goddess of Orcas

Ally (Trivial)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL and his cult tend to participate in, support, and host many types of competitions that are not only a way to gain popularity but prove your worth or skill. JL tends to be fond of champions, and winning many competitions is considered an effective way to gain JL’s favor. Plus, the competitions and arguments between Sekhmet and Novi as well as their cults entertain John greatly. JL is also greatly inspired by the way Novi completely changed the way her cult worships her and opened up the cult to not just to those with access to valuable offerings, and allowed for just about anyone to worship her and is known to take inspiration from Novi and Soliairs’ system.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Sekhmet, Goddess of Lions



Sekhmet, Goddess of Lions

Ally (Trivial)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL and his cult tend to participate in, support, and host many types of competitions that are not only a way to gain popularity but prove your worth or skill. JL tends to be fond of champions, and winning many competitions is considered an effective way to gain JL’s favor. Plus, the competitions and arguments between Sekhmet and Novi as well as their cults entertain John greatly.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Namen Lugal



Namen Lugal

Fan (Trivial)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL greatly admires the goddess of cranes. Especially since Soliairs’ goal to broaden the worship of the gods to every person in order to ensure that anybody is just as likely to receive assistance from the divine and restructuring of the system by which the gods are worshiped enables JL’s more clout-chasing side and goal of increasing his renown to the highest possible limit. The goddess of fireflies rarely shies away from a chance to make his presence or divine interventions known to mortals or affairs that others may overlook as trivial or unimportant. Similar to JL and Ryoma, there is also the overlap with Soliairs’ association with sailors and JL’s association with guidance, lighthouses, signals, and morse code. Since JL is also not one to shy away from conflict and believes that conflict is often a natural way for progress to occur and a way for the world to become a better place JL and their cult also have a liking for Soliairs’ connection to rebellion. Peace is all fine and good to JL but people should always be careful about falling into complacency and stagnation.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL greatly admires the goddess of cranes. Especially since Soliairs’ goal to broaden the worship of the gods to every person in order to ensure that anybody is just as likely to receive assistance from the divine and restructuring of the system by which the gods are worshiped enables JL’s more clout-chasing side and goal of increasing his renown to the highest possible limit. The goddess of fireflies rarely shies away from a chance to make his presence or divine interventions known to mortals or affairs that others may overlook as trivial or unimportant. Similar to JL and Ryoma, there is also the overlap with Soliairs’ association with sailors and JL’s association with guidance, lighthouses, signals, and morse code. Since JL is also not one to shy away from conflict and believes that conflict is often a natural way for progress to occur and a way for the world to become a better place JL and their cult also have a liking for Soliairs’ connection to rebellion. Peace is all fine and good to JL but people should always be careful about falling into complacency and stagnation.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Ryoma, God of Tuna



Ryoma, God of Tuna

Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL’s adoration of creativity and innovation makes them a massive fan of Yung’s fashion and the ways Yung also encourages one to create their own styles, which is reflected in their respective cults. JL understands that really changing things will sometimes require risk and failure so they see uplifting amateurs or newbies, even when they fail, as vitally important for fostering a healthy mindset. Similarly, JL’s emphasis on recognition and change also gives him and his cult an idealization of hard work and pursuing one’s own goals. However, the fact that Yung seems to be avoidant about taking any acknowledgment for their own work is maddening for JL and they constantly try, and fail, to hype Yung up. Someone refusing to have the proper amount of pride in their accomplishments also drives JL up the wall. They are constantly asking Yung to speak up, especially since JL themselves speak very loud a majority of the time.     They are known to have gotten into conflicts before due to stepping in to stop or contain conflicts John is involved in. Also, John is much more proactive and known to get involved in the lives of mortals much more often.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Eleteros



Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



JL’s adoration of creativity and innovation makes them a massive fan of Yung’s fashion and the ways Yung also encourages one to create their own styles, which is reflected in their respective cults. JL understands that really changing things will sometimes require risk and failure so they see uplifting amateurs or newbies, even when they fail, as vitally important for fostering a healthy mindset. Similarly, JL’s emphasis on recognition and change also gives him and his cult an idealization of hard work and pursuing one’s own goals. However, the fact that Yung seems to be avoidant about taking any acknowledgment for their own work is maddening for JL and they constantly try, and fail, to hype Yung up. Someone refusing to have the proper amount of pride in their accomplishments also drives JL up the wall. They are constantly asking Yung to speak up, especially since JL themselves speak very loud a majority of the time.     They are known to have gotten into conflicts before due to stepping in to stop or contain conflicts John is involved in. Also, John is much more proactive and known to get involved in the lives of mortals much more often.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks



Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL’s adoration of creativity and innovation makes them a massive fan of Yung’s fashion and the ways Yung also encourages one to create their own styles, which is reflected in their respective cults. JL understands that really changing things will sometimes require risk and failure so they see uplifting amateurs or newbies, even when they fail, as vitally important for fostering a healthy mindset. Similarly, JL’s emphasis on recognition and change also gives him and his cult an idealization of hard work and pursuing one’s own goals. However, the fact that Yung seems to be avoidant about taking any acknowledgment for their own work is maddening for JL and they constantly try, and fail, to hype Yung up. Someone refusing to have the proper amount of pride in their accomplishments also drives JL up the wall. They are constantly asking Yung to speak up, especially since JL themselves speak very loud a majority of the time.     They are known to have gotten into conflicts before due to stepping in to stop or contain conflicts John is involved in. Also, John is much more proactive and known to get involved in the lives of mortals much more often.

Divine Classification
Minor God, Goddess
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of Fireflies, Goddess of Light
12,300yrs old
Circumstances of Birth
Born a mortal vampire
New Orleans, Louisiana in America
Current Residence
The Temple of Luminarie
Brown, and their pupils glow a greenish-yellow color. They are often wide eyed.
Black, and some parts of their hair glow a greenish-yellow. It is kinky in texture but is usually done up in dreads and a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
5’ 6” or 1.67 meters(Mortal vampire form)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, French, and some form of sign language. Since he only has one arm he usually has to use some sort of illusion or other visual component to get across what he's saying.

Cover image: by Douglysium


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