Soliairs Taeyang Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Soliairs Taeyang

Goddess of Cranes, The Crane God, (a.k.a. Sol, Soli)

Divine Domains

Rebellion, justice, fire, the ocean, refugees, Shanin Culture, day, loyalty, romantic love, coordination, sailors, orphans and adopted children

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Feathers, sea shells, fire, sea water, ships, eye black/eye makeup, swords, guns, cranes


Soliairs, due to having grown up on the Shanin Islands, is present at many of the nation's festivals and a worshiper of Fire God Vega themself. Soliairs often personally attends the Midsummer Fire Festival, which in some aspects, has also become synonymous with Soliairs' own festival.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Soliairs seeks to broaden the worship of the gods to every person, and allow them the opportunity to be just as likely to get assistance from the divine as someone of status. As such, Soliairs completely changed the system in which they are worshiped.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Soliairs was a mortal Mage like any other. They moved to the Republic of Shanai when they were young and quickly became a devout follower of Fire God Vega and climbed the ranks of his cult. A powerful caster and brilliant user of Fire Mana, their presence at festivals was common until meeting Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks.   Yung and Soliairs, despite their numerous differences, found solace and great friendship in one another that eventually blossomed into a relationship from their early teenage years well into adulthood. It however, was not meant to last. As a young adult, Yung's responsibilities as a god grew and encompassed his life to the point that Soliairs was a mere afterthought. Either due to pride or a refusal to accept that things would not work out, neither addressed their problems until an explosive argument broke out and ended their relationship. Yung made Soliairs immortal in a last bid to salvage things, which only angered Soliairs, cementing that they were done and for good, as Yung didn't consider what Soliairs actually wanted, and never considered if Soliairs would consent to being made immortal.   Soliairs left Shanai and met Benjamen Stridde, quickly starting a relationship with the mage founded on trust and mutual respect. They became a powerful couple, and reveling in Soliairs' newfound immortality, quickly became terrors at sea as pirates. Soliairs was also forced to take up the mantle as the new crane god with the prior one's passing, leaving no heir behind, and unbeknownst to Soliairs and Ben at the time, the new god was pregnant at the time. Not too long later, Soliairs gave birth to two children by Yung, Gulana Taeyang and Heritai Pagoni. Svrar killed Ben, as an act of spite to Soliairs, who xe saw as a rival, knowing Soliairs had just given birth and would be too weakened to protect him.   With Ben's death, Soliairs hunted down Shia, the God of Death, and begged for him to be revived. The pair had a pact neither one would die without the other, and they'd do anything to uphold it. At first, Shia refused, and Soliairs threatened to throw the world into unbalance if shi didn't- threatening to tell mortals the true workings of the gods, the dragons, and magic, and make them obsolete. After many weeks of following and tormenting the death god, Shia finally relented, under the condition that Soliairs and Ben would be forced to serve death, and Soliairs agreed to the cost. Now having the love of their life returned, Soliairs resumed their duties as a proper god, and gained a massive cult following for their dedication to their partner, and has become a symbol of loyalty and romantic love.

Gender Identity

Nonbinary, they/them


Having been born a user of Fire Mana, Soliairs was required to be trained by Fire God Vega personally in order to learn to control it. They became quite skilled in the magic, and advanced to a high level in competitions before being made a god. Soliairs' skill and renown for fire magic has become such that they are often regarded as a phoenix, granting them even more skill and association with fire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a goddess, Soliairs is regarded by many to be extremely powerful already for having been born mortal. The young god also managed to climb the ranks of the minor gods and settle themselves among the 'big five' of them, by completely reshaping the system in which they are worshipped. Rather than demanding offerings of rare, expensive, and often limited items, Soliairs will accept almost any offering, any prayer, and any shrine as one of their own. This allows for them to be an easy god to worship without the pomp and circumstance others require, and open up their cult to literally anyone. Soliairs' massive following and frequent offerings gives them a vast amount of power as a god, and only fuels the cycle of gaining more followers and offerings as more people gain interest in them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Soliairs often considers themself to be at direct fault for the death of their boyfriend, Benjamen Stridde, although this view is not shared by most in their social circle. When they were in labor with their two children by Yung Pagoni, Heritai and Gulana, Soliairs tasked Benjamen with leading their fleet and gave him control over their temple while they moved to a more secluded ship in a hidden location, fearing that Svrar, Goddess of Tigers, would take advantage of the situation and attack them. This was meant to be a plot to get Svrar to attack the full force of Soliairs' navy, but unfortunately, the rival god had forseen this move.   Not willing to lose reputation by attacking someone in labor, or to kill newborns despite their ongoing war with Soliairs, Svrar instead counted on Soliairs' move of hiding themselves and their children and have Benjamen attacked instead. Svrar sunk a large number of Soliairs' ships and using illusions and mind control magics, tricked him into thinking the vessel he was on was still safe enough to go below and secure supplies and other members of the crew. Upon realization that the ship was sinking much faster than anticipated, Svrar trapped the mage below and took great satisfaction when he died to his injuries sustained in the battle and drowning, using it to deal a substantial blow to Soliairs, as he was the most important person to them.

Mental Trauma

It is under no uncertainty that Soliairs suffers PTSD from Benjamen's death, in particular the state his body was found in after the battle, having been in the ocean for several days before being recovered. They often feel guilt and shame about the situation, remarking that they should have been able to protect him no matter how impossible a task it would have been. Generally Soliairs attempts to mask their pain with humor and confidence, but is also quite open about their condition and a strong advocate for mental health and treatment.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Soliairs has a particular dislike to those that mispronounce their name as sol-air-is and is prone to holding a grudge over the fact.


Ryoma, God of Tuna

Ally (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally (Important)

Towards Ryoma, God of Tuna




Ryoma and Soliairs are allies, both benefiting from the cooperation of their cults. AS both gods have a strong love of and association with the ocean, they work together well and Soliairs often assists Ryoma's followers in conflicts due to his personal policy of pacifism. It is unknown when exactly the two became allies, but due to their rather strong friendship many suspect it was shortly after Soliairs became a goddess.

Relationship Reasoning

As both are gods of the sea and associated with ships, Ryoma and Soliairs have a mutually beneficial relationship, often trading between their cults and giving one another supplies. Ships bearing the flag of Ryoma's cult are among the few that Soliairs' fleet will refuse to raid, and often there are several small fishing boats among the fleet for protection, giving a percentage of their catches to Soliairs' crew in exchange.   Ryoma's fishing boats are quite crucial to Soliairs, one of the main methods that their cult and temple can stay at sea for so long with few stops at port by providing fresh food. Although the vessels belonging to his cult do not fight or assist in Soliairs' raids, they often will keep lookout at night for hostile entities and occasionally are used as bait by the crane.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Ships, seafaring, strong love of mortals   A little known fact about Soliairs is how knowledgeable they are about the history of piracy and battle at sea, meshing well with Ryoma being a historian on the subject of war. The two are known to talk for hours during meetings amongst themselves.

Shared Acquaintances

Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Novi, The Goddess of Orcas

distant ally

Towards Soliairs Taeyang


Soliairs Taeyang

distant ally

Towards Novi, The Goddess of Orcas


Relationship Reasoning

As both are gods of the sea, Soliairs and Novi maintain a steady allegiance with one another, though both goddesses typically do not interact or aid one another often. It is more a relationship of convenience, that should one ever need aid of the other, they already have precedence for doing so without breaking ties with other groups.


ally (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang


Soliairs Taeyang

ally (Important)

Towards Ludovic



During the War of the Moon. Ludovic suffered grevious injuries when he was thrown from the Temple of the Crane in an attack by a lunar dragon. He broke through the ice and into the freezing ocean, breaking multiple bones and nearly drowned. He was rescued and resuscitated by Soliairs' crew on duty, and spent many months recovering on the ship.   Since, he has forged a close alliance with Soliairs, mainly due to him owing his life to their subordinates, one he intends to pay in full as it is "only fair". Their similar fiery personalities, volatile attitudes, and aligned goals suggest the two gods may continue their alliance for many centuries to come.

Nergalzeb, God of Flies

Elder (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Enemy (Important)

Towards Nergalzeb, God of Flies



Relationship Reasoning

Nergalzeb doesn’t hate Soliairs, she doesn’t really hate anyone, but she feels he must be taught a lesson for their treatment of Shia and fiddling with the natural order by saving Benjamen Stridde after he had died. Shia need only say the word and Nergalzeb would attempt to release new and horrific plagues upon Soliairs and their cult. To Nergalzeb, Soliairs is young, foolish, and has yet to accept the truth of rot.

"Umbra", God of Giant Squid

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Enemy (Important)

Towards "Umbra", God of Giant Squid



Relationship Reasoning

The crane god has fought Umbra on several occasions, and has even managed to beat it more than a couple of times due to their masterful use of fire mana. That does not mean these fights were easy however. Members of the Crane Cult must typically avoid crossing Umbra’s territories at night without the proper offerings and / or respect. Lest they risk their ships being pulled down to the bottom of the ocean by the squid god or strange oceanic entities of the night. Many ships simply just avoid Umbra’s territories at night and even the ships that pass through often have tales of strange and nightmarish creatures or occurences.


Adoptive Child (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Adoptive Parent (Vital)

Towards Taeil



Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods are known to sometimes offer or feed Soliairs information and hints on how to outwit or trick Shia, an odd behavior for one outside their cult. However, Soliairs often takes these suggestions with a grain of salt as the gods are also constantly trying to coax them into joining the Spider Cult. According to the spider gods Soliairs is “One who is destined to join the Spider Cult but they can break free from their fate by joining the Cult of Spiders.” A statement that Soliairs seems to interpret with caution and frustration by its seemingly contradictory and nonsensical nature. Soliairs, and Benjamin seem to currently agree that the two gods are most likely saying that Soliairs will somehow end up joining their cult at some point no matter what. However, when or how this is supposed to happen is still up in the air. A small number of the ships within the Crane Cult have reported that some of their members have joined the Spider Cult due to being given more access to information about loopholes and technicalities in regard to Shia and the Cult of Death along with promises of altering their otherwise unavoidable fates. Most other cult members look upon them with suspicion and worry about a possibly growing influence of the Spider Cult within their own ranks. While these members are often helpful, especially in regards to strategy and calculating trajectories, wind speeds, and how long it takes to reach a destination, they are usually monitored closely because of this and not allowed to enter the Crane Temple. They are few in number but growing slowly. Some will lock themselves in a room on the ship and emerge with more information on how to subvert Shia and their cult. The gods seem to be wary allies for now.

Ana, God of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Chevalier, God of Crickets

Ally (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally (Important)

Towards Chevalier, God of Crickets



Relationship Reasoning

Chevalier does not appreciate having any ships carrying pieces of art raided by the Crane Cult’s members but this is only a small annoyance as even though their ships are rarely built for direct combat the Cult of Crickets tends to travel with cults like the Cult of John de Luminarie who provide ample protection(and seem to usually view any fights as a chance to prove or better themselves). They also may often have protection and the support of cults that have gods that are part of John’s alliance and the Spider Cult. However, they still overall like Soliairs’ for how their overhaul in regards to how the gods were worshiped made the lives of most mortals easier. Plus, Chevalier starts to cry and becomes overcome with emotion when he hears the story about the relationship between Soliairs and Benjamin as well as Benjamin’s death, and supports their relationship.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Ally (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies




JL greatly admires the goddess of cranes. Especially since Soliairs’ goal to broaden the worship of the gods to every person in order to ensure that anybody is just as likely to receive assistance from the divine and restructuring of the system by which the gods are worshiped enables JL’s more clout-chasing side and goal of increasing his renown to the highest possible limit. The goddess of fireflies rarely shies away from a chance to make his presence or divine interventions known to mortals or affairs that others may overlook as trivial or unimportant. Similar to JL and Ryoma, there is also the overlap with Soliairs’ association with sailors and JL’s association with guidance, lighthouses, signals, and morse code. Since JL is also not one to shy away from conflict and believes that conflict is often a natural way for progress to occur and a way for the world to become a better place JL and their cult also have a liking for Soliairs’ connection to rebellion. Peace is all fine and good to JL but people should always be careful about falling into complacency and stagnation.

Soliairs Taeyang

Partner (Vital)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang




Soliairs and Ben met shortly after Yung had made Soliairs immortal, and quickly dived into a relationship before they were raised as the new god of cranes. Benjamen and Soliairs have been inseparable ever since, the mage becoming perhaps the most powerful mortal alive. At least, until he was killed by Svrar, Soliairs' enemy. With his death, Soliairs fell into despair and begged Shia to raise him into undeath. With success, both now serve the god of death.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sol, Soli, Benji

Relationship Reasoning

Soliairs and Ben's relationship is founded on complete trust and transparency with the other of the pair, always being honest about their intentions and plans. The two also have a pact that neither one will die until the other does as well.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Piracy, ships, firearms

Shared Secrets

Although not known to their children, Soliairs has no intention of passing on their mantle any time soon. It is extremely likely Soliairs and Ben will both outlive Soliairs' current heir, Namen Lugal.

Shared Acquaintances

Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Legal Status


Namen Lugal

Heir (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Predecessor (Important)

Towards Namen Lugal




Namen and Soliairs met as a result of Namen fleeing his family and Hilathu's cult, seeking shelter in their temple while docked in Shanai. Soliairs only discovered him, only 16 at the time, long after they had left the city as a stowaway. Rather than kick him out or send the boy back, Soliairs stuck with their long standing tradition of allowing all who seek shelter under the crane to stay, under the condition they earn their keep and contribute, hiring Namen to help manage the ship's records.   Being quite skilled in this, Namen very quickly found many flaws in Soliairs' system that was mostly done with pen and paper and that it was incredibly easy to forge records and siphon funds from the temple without notice, as the records were rarely checked. Taking advantage of the situation, he began to steal funds from Soliairs, but no more than his wages working for the god, intending to later confront Soliairs about the issue, but not before he was found out. Benjamen, Soliairs' boyfriend and right hand, caught Namen doing so, and brought the teen before Soliairs himself and due to his mistrust of him, thinking him to be a spy for Hilathu's cult, expected him to come under heavy punishment, perhaps even death.   Rather, Soliairs was greatly impressed by Namen's boldness to steal from a god known for violence and in particular, killing those who wronged them. Quickly he admitted to stealing from the god and only taking the same as he was being paid, most of which he had been spending on courting Soliairs' daughter Gulana, the rest being stored away for his plan to expose the flaws in the records to Soliairs themself. Further impressed, Soliairs then gave the young boy an offer: to become their heir, and upon their death, inherit the position as the new Goddess of Cranes.   Namen accepted this deal, and since, has been training to one day take over as the new crane god.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ramen Noodle, Sol, Soli

Soliairs Taeyang

Enemy (Vital)

Towards Svrar, Goddess of Tigers



Svrar, Goddess of Tigers

Enemy (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang




The Crane and Tiger gods have been at war with one another for centuries, no matter who the actual gods were, due to territory disputes and fiercely competitive cults. This is no different between Soliairs and Svrar, who almost immediately began to war with one another. Svrar is actually partially responsible for Soliairs being the god of cranes, as xe killed the previous god and their heirs personally.   Svrar is also responsible for the death of Soliairs' boyfriend, Benjamen Stridde, assassinating him as an attempt to weaken them and throw the war in their favor.


Former Student (Trivial)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang


Soliairs Taeyang

Former mentor (Trivial)

Towards Jon



Soliairs used to teach young fire mana users in the Republic of Shanai, prior to their ascension as a god, and regularly returned to the islands to assist in teaching during shortages of masters. Through the programs hosted on Shanai, Soliairs was a part time teacher to Jon in his youth, and connected with him through their similar shared circumstances- the loss of parent(s) to becoming Vega's priests, the pressure of being notable users of mana, and the high expectations placed upon them. Soliairs was present when Jon graduated the mastery program, and offered to sponsor him if he ever decided to open his own school, though he declined. They do not maintain much contact, however, Soliairs does occasionally send cranes to check up on him in secret.   Both Jon and Asher have had frequent run ins with the God of Cranes, and have attended festivals with them as drinking buddies in the past. Although not quite friends, the trio do share enough history to be on good terms and hang out with one another when in the same area.   Soliairs is often entertained by Jon's volatile reaction to tourists and his frequent torment of them with endless pranks and general misdemeanor

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Causing havoc and mischief

Asher Burman

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Asher Burman




Both Jon and Asher have had frequent run ins with the God of Cranes, and have attended festivals with them as drinking buddies in the past. Although not quite friends, the trio do share enough history to be on good terms and hang out with one another when in the same area.

Shia, the God of Death

Master (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Servant (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death




As the God of Death, Shia is the master of all gods serving under shi, however Shia and Soliairs' relationship is personal. At the death of Benjamen Stridde, Soliairs' lover, at the hands of Svrar, the Goddess of Tigers, Soliairs begged the god for his life to be returned. Shia however, did not allow this, as all gods know that their personal relationships are fleeting and temporary and will one day end.   Soliairs was unable to accept this fact, and under threat to throw the world out of balance, to tell mortals of the inner workings of the gods, and destroy the dividing line between god and mortal, was able to sway Shia into reviving him. This came at a great cost, that the God of Cranes was to ever serve Shia, and all who follow them, with Benjamen made into a personal servant for the god.

Heritai Pagoni

Son (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Parent (Important)

Towards Heritai Pagoni



Gulana Taeyang

Daughter (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Parent (Important)

Towards Gulana Taeyang




Gulana was born and raised on Soliairs' ship, the Temple of the Crane, and has spent her entire life under Soliairs' care. Wanting for nothing, Gulana was heavily spoiled by her parent, and follows in Soliairs' footsteps as a brutally efficient pirate and master fire mana.

Nicknames & Petnames

Gully, Sol

Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Ex (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ex (Important)

Towards Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks




Yung and Soliairs were once lovers, from the time of their early teens well into adulthood. Both shared many years together, however as Yungs duties as a god grew, they became much more distant, and thus the pair split apart. Not willing to let Soliairs go, Yung made them immortal as a last bid for them to stay together. Instead this angered Soliairs, forever cementing that they would never have another romantic relationship. In the nearly two decades that have past since the end of their relationship, Soliairs and Yung have reconciled and remain friends, though with firm boundaries.   Soliairs later went on to become the Crane God, and give birth to two children by Yung. Their son serves as Yung's heir, while their daughter is in a relationship with Soliairs' heir, Namen Lugal.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sol, Yuyu

Divine Classification
Minor God, Goddess
Current Location
Year of Birth
19965 56 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born a mortal Mage
Brown with orange streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Shanin   Like all gods, Soliairs can be understood by mortals regardless of what language they are speaking, and the listener's native language.

Articles under Soliairs Taeyang


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