Benjamen Stridde Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Benjamen Stridde

Soliairs' Right Hand (a.k.a. Ben, Benji)

The long time boyfriend of the Crane God, Soliairs, and their right hand. Where Soliairs goes, he will follow, and has stood valiantly at their side for years- even death itself could not separate the two of them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ben is a strong individual, fit and in the prime of his life at the time he died. As now one of Shia's Dead, he will forever remain such.

Body Features

Ben has numerous scars, his most prominent being top surgery scars across his chest. He isn't shy about sharing the details of the numerous ways he's been wounded, most of which, performing duties for Soliairs or being at their side in battle against other gods. He also has three tattoos- two black bands on his right arm, signifying the two most major events in his life- Meeting Soliairs, and being revived, and another one on his middle finger of his right hand, signifying his ties to Shia.

Facial Features

Benjamen's eyes mark him as Shia's Dead, in that they are blank white, and not affected by light.

Identifying Characteristics

He wears smudged eye-black at all times after his death, very similar to the style he wore it in life only more smudged, much more similar to how his makeup appeared due to his death.

Special abilities

As a Shia's Dead, he is able to use Death Magic, which he has weaponized for fighting off other gods and completing tasks for Shia.   Ben can also call upon Soliairs at any time using their feather he wears as an earring.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically, Ben wears a thick leather vest over a sleeveless shirt, and a partial leather kilt fashioned from an old coat. He is armed at all times, usually in the form of a knife or dagger strapped to his left leg, although at times this is often replaced with a broadsword or a pistol.

Specialized Equipment

Feather of the Crane God- Soliairs' feather, fashioned into an earring. Using the magic in it, he can call upon Soliairs, or use their boon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Benjamen was born in Korea, to a small coastal town known for it's fishing and primarily seafaring ways. He had a relatively normal childhood, learning to sail, fish, and defend himself, and became quite skilled in @water mana due to his lifestyle. He met Soliairs, not knowing who they were, shortly after they had been heartbroken by Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks and forced into immortality. He and Soliairs quickly dived into a relationship that was founded on clear boundaries and mutual trust, always ensuring that the other had the full consent of their partner to do anything that would impact their lives.   It wasn't long before Soliairs had been chosen to become the God of Cranes, due to their immortality, and Ben feared that it would mean Soliairs would leave him behind in their new life. This wasn't the case, however, and Soliairs brought him aboard as not only their boyfriend to continue their relationship, but as an equal in all manners. He acted as their right hand, but never as their official heir, taking over many duties that would be reserved for one.

Gender Identity

Trans man




Prior to joining Soliairs' crew, Ben was attending law school in Seoul, South Korea.

Intellectual Characteristics

Benjamen is known for being cunning, a key advisor in most if not all of Soliairs' plans. His skill in diplomacy and legal loopholes makes him a vital part of the crew, particularly in shielding both Soliairs and their subordinates from repercussions and harm. He also has a keen understanding of death, perhaps much of it coming from Shia, and the ways of ghosts, able to placate them easily.

Morality & Philosophy

Ben is well known for his tenacity and viciousness in combat, having made a name for himself alongside Soliairs for their brutal efficiency in commandeering ships and other vessels. Of those that fight back against him and the crew under his command, there have been few survivors when deadly force has been used. Despite this, he has been known to treat prisoners fairly, if sternly, making their position quite clear and is not prone to bribery or giving slack in which the situation could be turned against him.   Following his death and subsequent revival, Benjamen has seemingly calmed somewhat, being more prone to allowing combatants to live, instead taking them as prisoner for ransom even when it is the far more inconvenient option. Many speculate this has to do with him being bound to Shia, and potentially knowing something to do with when the people are truly meant to die.


Family Ties

Ben holds no ties to his birth family, instead favoring the found family he has created with Soliairs. He adores Rose, Gulana, and Heritai as if they are his own children, and filled with pride and love for their accomplishments.

Social Aptitude

He may be calmer compared to Soliairs, but that is saying little compared to most mortals as Soliairs is an active volcano in temperament. Benjamen has certainly let his position go to his head and can be incredibly cocky, rude, and aggressive without warning, and is just as likely as the crane god to shoot first, ask later. He can be incredibly brash and blunt to Shia especially, hiding absolutely no distaste for the god of death.

Hobbies & Pets

Panda, an extremely large rabbit, is his beloved pet, always nearby when he is on the ship. It is thought by many due to Panda's extremely old age that Ben or Soliairs, or perhaps both, may have made the animal immortal.


Soliairs Taeyang

Partner (Vital)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang




Soliairs and Ben met shortly after Yung had made Soliairs immortal, and quickly dived into a relationship before they were raised as the new god of cranes. Benjamen and Soliairs have been inseparable ever since, the mage becoming perhaps the most powerful mortal alive. At least, until he was killed by Svrar, Soliairs' enemy. With his death, Soliairs fell into despair and begged Shia to raise him into undeath. With success, both now serve the god of death.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sol, Soli, Benji

Relationship Reasoning

Soliairs and Ben's relationship is founded on complete trust and transparency with the other of the pair, always being honest about their intentions and plans. The two also have a pact that neither one will die until the other does as well.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Piracy, ships, firearms

Shared Secrets

Although not known to their children, Soliairs has no intention of passing on their mantle any time soon. It is extremely likely Soliairs and Ben will both outlive Soliairs' current heir, Namen Lugal.

Shared Acquaintances

Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Legal Status


Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks

Rival (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks




Yung and Benjamen do not get along, have never gotten along, and most likely, never will. As Soliairs' new partner, Ben is viewed by Yung as a waste and a rebound, while Benjamen views the god as jealous and spiteful. Nevertheless, Benjamen is kind to Yung's children with Soliairs, helping to raise them as if they were his own.

Shared Acquaintances

Soliairs Taeyang

Benjamen Stridde

Enemy (Vital)

Towards Svrar, Goddess of Tigers



Svrar, Goddess of Tigers

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Benjamen Stridde




Ben died at the hands of Svrar directly- Soliairs had recently given birth to their two children, Gulana Taeyang and Heritai Pagoni, and due to this, was unable to perform their duties as a god for a short period. During this, Ben took over Soliairs' fleet alone and became trapped in an ambush by Svrar.   Recognizing the danger, Ben evacuated as many of the ships as he could, despite the god actively sinking many of them, and in an effort to retrieve important documents on who precisely was on the ships, became trapped. Svrar used illusion magic to fool him into thinking that the vessel was not sinking as fast as it was and by the time the illusion faded it was too late- Benjamen was trapped below deck and drowned.   This act was cruel, and meant to emotionally and mentally cripple Soliairs along with destroying many of the god's assets in their war, and also done out of spite for the importance they placed in a mere mortal. Having been revived by Shia, Ben continues to despise the tiger god, and seeks to kill xem at the first opportunity as revenge.

Namen Lugal

son in law? (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde


Benjamen Stridde

father in law? (Important)

Towards Namen Lugal



Namen and Ben did not get off to a grand start to their relationship, with Ben being suspicious of him from the start. Namen's thievery from Soliairs only fueled his dislike for the young man, and was a point of many arguments between the two, with Ben believing him to be a spy for his family's cult. Ben was further spurred by Namen for claiming Soliairs' protection and then immediately jumping into a relationship with Gulana Taeyang, who by all accounts, Ben considers to be his own daughter.   This rivalry has mostly subsided into jest between a father in law and son in law, by all accounts. Benjamen frequently makes jokes at Namen's expense that if he's going to be a part of their family, and more importantly, the next Crane God, he needs to have an heir quickly, and it 'had better be with Gulana'. All in all, Ben simply wants grandchildren and as Gulana is the only one with plans for continuing the family line, he funnels all his harassment into him.

Chevalier, God of Crickets

Ally (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Ally (Important)

Towards Chevalier, God of Crickets



Relationship Reasoning

Chevalier finds how far Benjamen and Soliairs are willing to go for each other endearing and a form of true love.

Ana, God of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods are known to sometimes offer or feed Benjamien information and hints on how to outwit or trick Shia and the Cult of Death. However, Benjamen is still extremely suspicious of the god due to their history of trickery and espionage.


Adoptive Child (Vital)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Adoptive Parent (Vital)

Towards Taeil



Year of Birth
19973 48 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Svrar, the Goddess of Tigers in year of 25007 (died 29 years old) and revived by Shia as undead.
Current Residence
Temple of Soliairs
Blank white (formerly brown)
Sleek black
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Shanin
Ruled Locations


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