Shia's Cult Organization in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Shia's Cult


Shia's cult is lead by the High Priests, those closest to the Death God, and have made great contributions to shi's temple. Many of these priests are Shia's Dead or ghosts, although the living are not barred from becoming a member of the temple. The High Priests are the most revered, feared, and respected of the cult. Under them, ordinary priests serve by taking on lesser duties.   The Ferrymen of Shia's Cult are a position not found in most of the other gods' cults, a special position reserved for those on the same ranking as a priest, however their duties revolve around the task of gathering those close to death, and those who were meant to die but for one reason or another, have not. Be it to kill them, or simple bring them to the Death God depends on the situation, and much of the process unknown outside of the cult.


Members of Shia's Cult revere death and the afterlife. Considered morbid by many, they view death as simply a state in the cycle of life as do their view their own lives. This has many in the belief that their actions now, although temporary, may affect the world as a whole in the long run, and strive for leaving things better at the ends of their lives than the start as a final gift.   The creation of needless death and misery is seen as a cruel act, and also more work for the cultists.

Granted Divine Powers

All priests of the cult can use Shia's Boon, granting them the power of death magic far beyond any living being is able, be it they dead or alive, without harm.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Cult of Shia, Death Cult, Shia's Dead
Head of State
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Organization Vehicles
Related Myths


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