Shia, the God of Death Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Shia, the God of Death

Lord Shia, God of Death, Death made Manifest, Guide to the dead

A near skeletal horse like being, Shia is Terra's god of Death, presiding over all users of death magic, the undead, and afterlife.

Divine Domains

Death, the afterlife, and undead.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Horseshoes, skulls, bones, apples, lavender, obituaries, death masks

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The god is incredibly lithe and nearly skeletal, with very little muscle mass. It is thought that shi moves not by shi's own power, but rather through death magic. Shia's body is completely hairless, though the vast amount of mold and spores coating the god give Shia an almost fuzzy appearance.

Body Features

Shia, at one point in time, was simply an undead horse, however the god has a habit of taking parts from those that have wronged shi after their death. As such, Shia in the current time has horns of a fallen antelope god, neck spines from a Lightning Dragonflight dragon, skin from a fallen crocodile god on shi's throat, and the rib of a fallen whale god on shi's tail, sharpened into a blade.

Physical quirks

Shia is graceful in shi's movements, more flowing than walking or running giving an aura of unnaturalness.

Special abilities

Shia can use all manner of death magic and in its most powerful forms- able to kill anyone or anything by magic alone, or revive the dead in such a way that they never died in the first place. The creator of much of the death magic around today, all who use it are considered Shia's disciples.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Shia is removed from most concepts of gender that mortals know, instead referring to themself and 'shi', as there is only one Shia. In languages where the god's chosen pronoun, 'shi' does not translate, most often mortals will hear Shia use traditionally more feminine pronouns if there is not a singular they.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The biggest achievement Shia has known is permanently wounding the god of life, Mora, blinding the other god on their right side. A wound even the god of life cannot heal, Shia frequently boasts of such.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Shi is quite fond of making jokes regarding death deities from the human era, particularly about Hades and Persephone. Shia also is a strong lover of comedic irony, and giving out ironic punishments to those that displease shi.   At the same time, Shia is greatly angered by those that try to cheat death or be selfish about their own lives, holding little regard for them. Grave robbers and those that refuse proper burial to the dead also often meet a grim fate by shi's own blade.


Unfortunately for the living, Shia carries a stench of death and decay wherever shi goes, and the potent death magic emanating from the god is more than enough to kill small plants and small animals if they get too close, or shi treads over them. It is strong enough to even make other gods reel back with displeasure.



Shia is quite well known for giving others nick names, often relating to the circumstances of their birth, significant life events, and in the case of the undead, their deaths. Shia will often use these in the place of their names, which begs to question if shi even remembers a person's name or not. Regardless, Shia will most often call all others 'child' in some form or another, but not to demean them, rather referring to the fact that all others are young in comparison.   Shia has given Chiiri Hanley the nickname "Child born at the death of the world" and Mą’ii, The Coyote God, the nickname "Child born of death"


Henra, God of Vultures

Follower (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Deity (Important)

Towards Henra, God of Vultures



Shia, the God of Death

rival (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

rival (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death




Mora and Shia. The Gods of Life and Death. Both are vital to the survival of all life, as there cannot be life without death, and ever locked in a struggle of one force over the other symbolized by daily battles between them. Should Mora win their conflict and kill Shia, any being meant to die will not until the next sunrise. Should Shia win, nothing can be born until the next sunset.   Despite their bloody conflicts, and acres of land left wrought with the gods' blood, these two are on relatively decent terms, their relationship defined by that they are bound to one another and there will never be a true resolution to their conflict without eliminating the world as we know it. Despite this, their followers are often zealots, viewing it as a black and white issue, with only one solution.

Shia, the God of Death

Master (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Servant (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death




As the God of Death, Shia is the master of all gods serving under shi, however Shia and Soliairs' relationship is personal. At the death of Benjamen Stridde, Soliairs' lover, at the hands of Svrar, the Goddess of Tigers, Soliairs begged the god for his life to be returned. Shia however, did not allow this, as all gods know that their personal relationships are fleeting and temporary and will one day end.   Soliairs was unable to accept this fact, and under threat to throw the world out of balance, to tell mortals of the inner workings of the gods, and destroy the dividing line between god and mortal, was able to sway Shia into reviving him. This came at a great cost, that the God of Cranes was to ever serve Shia, and all who follow them, with Benjamen made into a personal servant for the god.

Chiiri Hanley

Servant (Important)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Master (Trivial)

Towards Chiiri Hanley




Upon the death of his girlfriend, Chiiri sought to have her revived by the Death God. Shia at first refused, knowing that he was an omnia, and had not revealed this to her during her life and the numerous secrets he withheld could easily put a regretable end to their relationship. Just the same, Chiiri insisted, even going so far as to threaten the god.   Angered and insulted by this, Shia proposed that shi would revive her for him, on the condition that if shi did, his girlfriend would come back with all the knowledge on what Chiiri was and his immortality, and that there would be a great personal cost. Without thinking, Chiiri agreed to the terms, desperate and heartbroken by her death and only thinking of his own need to see his girlfriend again.   She was revived, and instantly angered by his selfishness and lack of thinking on her own wishes. She tore into Chiiri, lecturing him on his selfishness and how much he had hidden from him, and begged that she be returned to the afterlife. Shia was unable to grant this as she had already been revived, and in the process of this, Chiiri had denied her a proper burial to do so. Stuck as one of Shia's Dead, she holds a great resentment to him. As payment for having her revived, the death god struck Chiiri with shi's scythe in the head, giving him the Shia's Mark / Mark of Mora and forever binding him to the god.

Relationship Reasoning

Having the mark, Chiiri is bound to Shia and at will, shi can force him into service as punishment. This most often is mundane jobs such as overseeing the death rites of others, delivering death masks, or collecting the essences of those who have passed on. While done as a punishment and to simply get tasks done Shia is often too busy to bother doing shiself, Shia mainly intended for the omnia to learn some humility and shed himself of the selfishness that put himself in the situation in the first place.

Shared Acquaintances

Benjamen Stridde is also bound to Shia, although undead. He and Chiiri have on occasion met one another doing tasks for the death god, but are no more than acquaintances.

Ferventi, God of Wolves


Towards Shia, the God of Death


Shia, the God of Death


Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Much like the god of life, Ferventi also seeks to hunt and kill Shia, the god of death to prove himself the best of all gods of hunting.

Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs

Ally (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs



Relationship Reasoning

She greatly admires Mora and Shia and sees them as the leaders of the god and what are currently the highest ranking gods. She believes them to be incredibly wise due to their advanced age and whenever they talk in her presence she listens attentively and clings on to every word they say. Mora and Shia tend to like Morien for the respect she shows towards them and their domain, and because she is a lot less likely to pull something like Soliairs did to Shia or try to hunt Mora down like Fervanti does, but they also see her as young and naive. She also doesn’t take a side in conflicts involving the two gods fighting each other. She views herself as having no place in their conflicts but also believes the conflicts between them are natural and keeps the other strong.

Ana, God of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Ally (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Ana and Nancy seem to actually get along quite well with Mora. it would appear that the goals of the spider god and the god of life usually align. Mora sometimes sends Ana and Nancy to make sure things are in order or flowing as they should. Mora does not usually seem too picky with the how and why the two spider gods choose to resolve the issues as long as it perpetuates the continuation of life and its resulting greater good. There is also the fact that Mora probably has a better grasp of their plans and why they are doing them due to the roots of fate. The continuation of life is something that Ana and Nancy need in order for any of their plans to work, but Ana and Nancy care more about the propagation of intelligent life in particular than Mora does. Meanwhile, Mora only cares that life continues no matter the state in which it does.

Nergalzeb, God of Flies

Ally / Follower (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Leader (Important)

Towards Nergalzeb, God of Flies




Nergalzeb is one of Shia’s most fervent worshippers and she practically kisses the ground shi walks upon. She does what Shia says without question and sees Shia as a god of life and death along with Mora. Nergalzeb will often refer to Shia as Shimora in order to highlight how they view the god as being connected to both life and death. Nergalzeb takes any slight or disrespect towards Shia from mortals or other minor gods personally. Shia seems to find Nergalzeb loyal and useful but the fly god’s loyalty and love for Mora, the God of Life causes Shia to view the fly god less favorably. However, Nergalzeb rarely causes trouble for Shia unless Mora is involved.

Wealth & Financial state

As perhaps the most worshiped god on the planet, Shia and shi's cult is the most wealthy with their only competitor being Mora, The God of Life. Any and all forms of luxury are available, and most often, not utilized by Shia and instead passed onto shi's followers and priests.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Shia, God of Death, Death made Manifest, Guide to the dead
Circumstances of Death
It is unknown how or when Shia died, only that the god is truly undead
Current Residence
Temple of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moldy, pale lavender
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
As a god, Shia inherently knows all languages, and is perceived by mortals as speaking in their native tongue regardless of what language the god is actually speaking. In languages where the god's chosen pronoun, 'shi' does not translate, most often mortals will hear Shia use traditionally more feminine pronouns if there is not a singular they.
Ruled Locations

Articles under Shia, the God of Death


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