Mora, The God of Life Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Mora, The God of Life

God of Life, Keeper of Life, King of the Lands, Creator of all that Lives, The Silent God

Divine Domains

Life, birth, rebirth, creation, survival, evolution, time, spring, the sun

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Antlers, deer and elk, bird's nests, eggs, blood, plants


Festival of Life and The New Year

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Mora's only known goal is the perpetual continuation of life, at any cost. They have been known to be quite brutal in this, killing the few who seek to end all things for the sake of the greater good. For as long as there is life, any form of life, in the world, Mora considers it a success. It matters not if there is intelligent life, but only that something survives.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Mora has a large scar on the right side of their face, encompassing both eyes on that side. Their antlers, which are shed every year, change, mimicking that of a new species every year.

Physical quirks

Mora's movements are typically slow and cautious, and often described as graceful.

Special abilities

As the God of Life, Mora is capable of using all life magic and to a degree far above any mortal. Mora can gift boons onto mortals allowing them to use the magic as the god does, although this is rare and exclusive to their high priests.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Mora seems to not have any preference in how they are reffered to, accepting all pronouns used by others on them.

Failures & Embarrassments

For Mora, none could be a greater shame than the wound inflicted by Shia, the God of Death. In battle, Shia bit the god upon their face, tearing the flesh and blinding them on the right side, a mark that despite being the god of life, Mora can never truly heal from.



For the most part, Mora uses little in way of body language, at most a tilt of their head, flick of a whisker or ear, or turning away when a conversation is ended. Mora is much more expressive with Shia, however, known to make a point by charging, stomping, or even attempting to gouge the other god with his antlers when in a foul mood. Rarely will he touch mortals, and when Mora does, will leave the Shia's Mark / Mark of Mora behind, binding the person to him.


Mora, unlike all other gods both present and past, has taken a permanent vow of silence. The reason is unknown, and none alive today have heard the god's true voice. Rather than communicate by words, Mora will use magic to imprint images and feelings into those he communicates with to get an idea across. When absolutely pressured, or in need to make a more complex point, Mora will use the voice of the person he is trying to communicate with in their own mind.


Shia, the God of Death

rival (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

rival (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death




Mora and Shia. The Gods of Life and Death. Both are vital to the survival of all life, as there cannot be life without death, and ever locked in a struggle of one force over the other symbolized by daily battles between them. Should Mora win their conflict and kill Shia, any being meant to die will not until the next sunrise. Should Shia win, nothing can be born until the next sunset.   Despite their bloody conflicts, and acres of land left wrought with the gods' blood, these two are on relatively decent terms, their relationship defined by that they are bound to one another and there will never be a true resolution to their conflict without eliminating the world as we know it. Despite this, their followers are often zealots, viewing it as a black and white issue, with only one solution.

Ferventi, God of Wolves


Towards Mora, The God of Life


Mora, The God of Life


Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi has long since been hunting the god of life, seeing Mora as an elusive prize and the ultimate kill to prove his boasts and pride.

Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs

Ally (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs



Relationship Reasoning

She greatly admires Mora and Shia and sees them as the leaders of the god and what are currently the highest ranking gods. She believes them to be incredibly wise due to their advanced age and whenever they talk in her presence she listens attentively and clings on to every word they say. Mora and Shia tend to like Morien for the respect she shows towards them and their domain, and because she is a lot less likely to pull something like Soliairs did to Shia or try to hunt Mora down like Fervanti does, but they also see her as young and naive. She also doesn’t take a side in conflicts involving the two gods fighting each other. She views herself as having no place in their conflicts but also believes the conflicts between them are natural and keeps the other strong.

Ana, God of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Mora, The God of Life


Mora, The God of Life

Ally (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders


Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Ana and Nancy seem to actually get along quite well with Mora. it would appear that the goals of the spider god and the god of life usually align. Mora sometimes sends Ana and Nancy to make sure things are in order or flowing as they should. Mora does not usually seem too picky with the how and why the two spider gods choose to resolve the issues as long as it perpetuates the continuation of life and its resulting greater good. There is also the fact that Mora probably has a better grasp of their plans and why they are doing them due to the roots of fate. The continuation of life is something that Ana and Nancy need in order for any of their plans to work, but Ana and Nancy care more about the propagation of intelligent life in particular than Mora does. Meanwhile, Mora only cares that life continues no matter the state in which it does.

Nergalzeb, God of Flies

Ally / Follower (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

Leader (Important)

Towards Nergalzeb, God of Flies




Nergalzeb is one of Mora’s most fervent worshippers and she practically kisses the ground they walk upon. She does what Mora says without question and sees them as a god of life and death along with Shia. Nergalzeb will often refer to Shia as Moria in order to highlight how she views the god as being connected to both life and death. Nergalzeb takes any slight or disrespect towards Mora from mortals or other minor gods personally. Mora seems to find Nergalzeb loyal and useful but the fly god’s loyalty towards Shia, the God of Death causes Mora to view the fly god less favorably but Nergalzeb rarely causes trouble for Mora unless Shia is involved. Mora and Nergalzeb have surprisingly compatible and similar philosophies. Mora wishes for life to persist no matter what form it takes and Nergalzeb wishes for life to flourish and generate as much of it as possible. Nergalzeb also sees all life as equal and Mora believes that as long as there is any form of life in the world, be it intelligent or not, then they have succeeded. While some others may see Nergalzeb as brutal or uncaring Mora seems to be one the ones that best understands where the fly god is coming from and usually seems unbothered by their spreading of diseases, mold, and parasites, because at the end of the day life is life. Likewise, Nergalzeb doesn’t mind how brutal Mora can be. From her perspective all life is equal and when Mora kills someone they are doing it so that future life may flourish. It is no different than trimming the branches of a tree or bush.

Satari, God of Oxpeckers


Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life


Towards Satari, God of Oxpeckers



Satari values Mora and their goal at protecting life. Satari has been known to assist Mora however she could if it would support the survival of a species. However, it is not idolization or pure trust, as she believes that Mora has far less reservations than her about an individual species facing extinction.

Wealth & Financial state

Mora isn't known to retain any wealth or property, instead living in the wilds, forever followed by herds of deer, elk, and caribou along with their most devout followers.
Divine Classification
Major God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Life, Keeper of Life, King of the Lands, Creator of all that Lives, The Silent God
Current Residence
Temple of Mora
Unknown, presumed male
Teal green, the right eyes pale and blind.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
As a god, Mora knows every language, and is perceived by mortals as speaking in their native tongue. However, as Mora has taken a vow of silence to those outside their temples, hearing Mora's words is incredibly rare.


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