Ferventi, God of Wolves Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Ferventi, God of Wolves

Savior of Wolves, Father of Werewolves, Guardian of Soldiers and Men of War, Ferventi the Father

The lone wolf is without family, and the lone deer without protection. Tell me, which are you?"

Divine Domains

Wolves, fatherhood, war, hunting, soldiers, justice and revenge, sons, childrearing, fertility, protection of sons and fathers are his most common domains, with Ferventi as a god of incredibly strong romantic and sexual love being among his most popular secondary domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Wolves, furs, the moon, forests, wooden animal figurines, animal fangs, spears, and antlers or branches are common symbols associated with him and frequently decorate Ferventi's shrines and altars. Ferventi has different sects of his cult that surround different and sometimes, mutually exclusive depictions of him. These depictions of his different aspects are often meant to honor one part of his dominion as a god while not influencing or gaining favor from the others, or for shrines meant only for one aspect where giving offerings for a different one may be seen as an insult.    

Aspects of Ferventi

Like many gods that have existed for millennia, Ferventi is often associated with many different ways of life, and worshipped in different ways depending on these aspects ascribed to him. Different offerings are often used, and these aspects often have different attributes and iconography that differ heavily from his actual appearance. Although used very rarely and almost entirely in ancient times, there have been cases of all of Ferventi's aspects being depicted together, being known as the 'Vengences of Ferventi'. In almost all cases of his aspects being depicted together, they are almost always used in rebellions and times of strife, often being used as a threat against others, depicting the target of the rebellion being torn to pieces by each aspect.  

Ferventi of War

His war aspect is depicted as a pure white wolf, often with black or pure gold eyes. Although quite similar to Ferventi the Soldier, another of his aspects, he represents the act and power of war itself, as well as ferocity. Often images of this aspect are used to adorn declarations of war, rebellion, battle flags, and weaponry.  

Ferventi the Soldier

Ferventi the Soldier is depicted as a gray wolf, representing the cooperation, loyalty, and coordination of soldiers as a 'pack'. Often this is seen adorning armor, and has become a symbol of many armed forces globally, oftentimes being used as shorthand for cooperation as a group.  

Ferventi the Father

Ferventi the Father is depicted as a black wolf, often carrying an infant gently in his teeth or being ridden by a small child. In modern iconography of him, this child is often one of his most well known sons, Odii, in his youth. Ferventi the Father is a well known symbol of Father's Day and the Festival of Life, used for symbols of fertility and patriarchs of families.  

Ferventi the Hunter

Ferventi the Hunter is depicted as a brown wolf and often used to ornament blessed or ritual use hunting equipment such as bows, rifles, spears, and arrows. Iconography of him as Ferventi the Hunter is also often used in tandem with many feast days and holidays, even ones with very little connection to Ferventi himself, as it has become as symbol of a provider and plenty in many regions, particularly in northern Asia, Europe, and North America.


Ferventi has very strong ties to the Festival of Life, as a god of fathers and sons, being associated with the holiday in its fertility rituals. He is also a god often given offerings on Father's Day, which has become synonymous with worshiping him (as Ferventi the Father) over the centuries.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The guardianship of the forests, domain as the leader of the hunt, protection of huntsmen and woodsmen, and symbol of fathers and brothers in arms.   Ferventi is known as a god to grant a great deal of wisdom and advice when raising children in general, despite being more associated with raising one's sons into proper, sufficient men who will in turn protect their own families.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a powerful frame and stands tall, towering over most humanoids with ease and able to look many monsters and bestial races eye to eye. Ferventi's hair also changes color with the seasons, although only slightly, becoming a more bright blonde in the summer months, and a slightly darker more ashy blonde in the middle of winter, the rest of the year being more in the middle. His Divine Paint also changes with the seasons, being worn more spread in summer, and more minimally in winter when not hunting or at war.

Body Features

Ferventi appears as a middle aged man, most often of Native American decent with ashy blond hair and a fit but aging body. Over the centuries he has been becoming thinner, but no so much that he looks ill. He is rather tanned as well, and often keeps his face scruffy but never growing a full beard. When he does not take on his typical appearance when in mortal form, Ferventi will usually appear with the face and body of one of his sons, such as Odii or Amos Vulapin, or much more rarely, as a younger version of himself that is not often remembered.

Facial Features

Two scars are over his right eye from his battle with the god of Badgers, only displayed in his mortal form from his upper forehead to lower cheek. The wolf god's eyes are rather unique even among the gods as well, being almost entirely gold, with his irises slightly brighter in color by his own personal choice on how to appear in mortal form.

Identifying Characteristics

Ferventi possesses thick red and black war paint around his eyes, that which has become common among soldiers and mercenaries. In mortal form he also retains his fangs, giving him a strongly intimidating appearance. The wolf god is also known for a necklace and headdress made of fox pelts, mainly the tails, as an honor to his adoptive mother, a fox god from the long past now only known through his tales of her.

Apparel & Accessories

The god of wolves is not one known for his modern tastes, favoring simply made clothing of furs, leather, and hide. Although he cannot be killed by the cold, he sets an example to his followers and children, donning heavier and cold resistant clothing during the winter and harsh weather. In the summer, he will generally only wear his mantle and a kilt with minor armoring, such as bracers or gloves.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

The god of wolves has had one of the longest reigns of any minor god, even competing with the reign of some of the majors, aside from Shia and Mora. He is considered by far one of the most powerful gods to have ever existed aside from life and death as well, with a massive, powerful, and stable following.

Failures & Embarrassments

Centuries ago, Ferventi had taken Cryce, the god of Rabbits, as a mate. Cryce was killed by the god of badgers, and sent him into a rage lasting centuries, Ferventi destroyed and killed anyone who stood in his way until he finally killed the god of badgers. Multiple regions were destroyed and are permanently uninhabitable due to his rage, and Ferventi has remarked that he "went overboard".

Mental Trauma

Even after centuries, Ferventi still mourns Cryce, the late God of Rabbits and his failure to protect his mate. It is said that wolves howl at the moon to take part in mourning the loss of one so important to their kind, all influenced by his sorrow.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

For a god often seen as so powerful and untouchable as others, many of his likes and hobbies are quite well known, and Ferventi is rather down to earth in his interests. He enjoys many handcrafted things such as weaving, sewing, and tannery even if incapable or low skilled in it himself, showing great appreciation to those who can create things with their own hands. It is well known he has some ability in wood carving and whittling, with small figures similar to those he can make himself being common offerings to him.   As expected of a god associated with violence and war, Ferventi is quite fond of fighting and sports associated with it. He also loves challenges, mental or physical and will never turn away from a competition if it means being able to test his limits. Those confidant enough to attempt to challenge him are a great source of amusement as well and often those that impress him with their ability, or potential for it, are given great favors.


Family Ties

Ferventi is the father of the modern werewolf race- All living werewolves today are descended from him at least distantly. As all werewolves are his blood relatives, all count as his heirs should he be killed unexpectedly.   He is also known for taking on a great many mates and sexual partners, Chezira his current and primary mate, however he has also had ongoing relationships with Hikaru, the current god of Foxes, Yung Pagoni, an interest in the Coyote God, and the most historically known, the God of Rabbits Cryce was his past and primary mate. Although he will declare often numerous people to be his mates, Ferventi makes it well known he will take on other partners as well. The notion of someone being his mate simply means they are more important to him, and his primary mate the most of all.

Religious Views

Unlike many minor gods, Ferventi holds little to no personal bias to any other god, including the major gods. Although his friendship with Fire God Vega is well known, he does not revere the god of fire in a religious sense.

Social Aptitude

Egoistical and prideful are what most come to mind when dealing with the Wolf God, however these qualities are earned. Ferventi is known for being highly aggressive when within his own territory, and incredibly defensive of his worshipers, but when in the realm of other gods or nations is calm and collected. He highly values those with the drive to stand up to the gods, within reason, and grant them incredible power if impressed. With a strong love for the energy and confidence of mortals, he often is known to take them under his wing and train them far beyond what most gods are willing to and granting those who show the 'proper' drive to protect others incredible strength to do so.


Ferventi is known to ooze confidence that can be infectious and he will always stand his ground when pressured. He takes up the space he feels he deserves and is not afraid at all to challenge others who try to take that from him, at the same time respecting the space of those who do not issue a challenge to him first. He stands tall and holds his head high, known to also make direct eye contact with dragons.


He like all gods, can be understood regardless of one's native language. Ferventi is heard by mortals with little accent or a slight combination of many that gives no solid indication of where he may be from. Generally, he is level voiced, if loud, and speaks quite clearly and easy to be understood. Although he like Yung has quite a deep voice as well, due to how loud and clearly he speaks, it is not hard to understand him or miss him from even a large gathering.   When angered, the wolf god frequently makes his frustration known and rarely will hold his tongue from letting god or mortal alike know exactly where they have crossed a line. His insults and threats often include specifics of the violence he is capable of and has done in the past, meant to instill fear to get others to get back into line quickly, and not dare cross it again.


Ferventi, God of Wolves

Fling (Trivial)

Towards Hira / Hyira


Hira / Hyira

Fling (Trivial)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Little is known about their relationship, only that it was brief and roughly 28 to 30 years ago. Hira has multiple children by Ferventi, Ryoten being one of them. It's assumed by many that it was just a brief summer romance.

Satari, God of Oxpeckers

Not Enemy

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves


Ferventi, God of Wolves

Not Enemy

Towards Satari, God of Oxpeckers



Towards Ferventi, neutral. She views the god as arrogant and too likely to be focused on a hunt and distrusts the god’s penchant for violence. She also views him as likely to do something emotional and do something uncontrollable. The Battle of the Moon’s Rage felt more like a vindication than a tragedy to her, though she won’t speak of it. She is, however, open with her praise of him stepping down to recover. She has no personal grudges against Ferventi and will not go out of her way to hurt him, and their paths rarely ever cross.

Sobki, God of Crocodiles

distant ally

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves


Ferventi, God of Wolves

distant ally

Towards Sobki, God of Crocodiles


Relationship Reasoning

Like Olrath to Ferventi, Sobki is also an ally of the wolf due to their aspects surrounding parenthood and as protectors of children. Unlike Olrath, however, the pair are much more distant and have a great many of differing ideals, and as such, do not coordinate together very often.


Foster Mother (Vital)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Foster Son (Vital)

Towards Kizu




Kizu adopted Ferventi when he was young, taking him under her wing out of respect for his parents, whom she was a close ally of. It is their relationship that is the reason Ferventi has remained close to all fox gods since. He speaks highly of her, even now that she has returned, but makes it clear she has always been and always will be full of tricks and motives shrouded in mystery.

Robeulalie, Goddess of Cicadas

Fan (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Robeulalie, Goddess of Cicadas



Relationship Reasoning

His combat prowess and status as the most powerful of the minor gods along with his storied history has led to Robeulalie seeing him as one of the most metal of all the minor gods, along with Ludovic, Robert, and John.

Wolfmother Akinra

daughter (Vital)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves


Ferventi, God of Wolves

father (Important)

Towards Wolfmother Akinra



Akinra was, until recently, one of the eldest still living children of Ferventi on account of her potentially being one of his heirs, and was granted semi-immortality. Akinra though incredibly highly of her father, and he in turn greatly respected her, granting her incredible responsibility over his cult, war parties, and the safety of his other children, many of which, were her full siblings. For many years, she led his cult as the high priest, only retiring from the position to focus on her own family. Many of her siblings were raised among her own children.

Shared Secrets

Ferventi, following her death, has revealed that he and Akinra had actually spoken about the prospects of her being his heir, sharing that she was the only one he believed would not start a bloody conflict with his other children if she was not chosen.

"Umbra", God of Giant Squid

Enemy / Rival (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Enemy / Rival (Trivial)

Towards "Umbra", God of Giant Squid



Relationship Reasoning

Umbra still holds a grudge against Fervanti for stopping its plans of bringing the world into eternal night. Fervanti is also one of the few minor gods that can hold their own against an Umbra that is at the zenith of its strength despite lacking an association or divine domain having to do with light(but Fervanti is notably proficient with fire mana). Fervanti can also beat Umbra quite easily in a direct fight if it is not at full strength. Members of the Pack of Fervanti must remain extra vigilant at night when in certain areas, especially during the long nights of winter, lest the more violent/aggressive followers or creatures of Umbra rear their ugly heads. However, these forces may overlook them if they pay proper respect. The cults of these two gods frequently come to blows. Umbra usually avoids fighting Fervanti directly unless it is at peak strength. However, even then Fervanti can usually just drag the fight out until he can win the fight. Fervanti is also extremely proficient with fire mana, so he can usually drive Umbra off. Some see the two gods as some sort of counterpart. With one being a hunter of the lands and the other being a hunter of the seas.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods actually get along with Fervanti quite well, much to the surprise of some. While Ana and Nancy may sometimes see the wolf god as barbaric he has some level of respect for them as the gods are proficient at weaving and sewing as well as just being generally adept with their hands. It should also be known that spiders are just as much of a hunter as wolves are and they are both long lived gods with a stable and large following(but Fervanti is ever so slightly older due to being a generation removed). This gives them both an incredible sense of wisdom and patience and they will sometimes best their foes or get what they want by simply waiting for the right time to strike. Like other gods, Fervanti holds little to no bias towards Ana and her sister even when he gets caught up in their schemes for better or worse. While a mortal first gazing upon Fervanti may see him as opposites or conflicting entities with Ana and Nancy’s robotic and calculating nature along with their emotional detachment and Fervanti’s more emotional, aggressive, and wild behavior they actually hold more similarities than differences. Their respective cults tend to be on amicable terms because of this and often engage in trade.

Ana, God of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Important)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult.

Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs

Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Important)

Towards Sir Morien, Goddess of Dogs



Relationship Reasoning

She has a great respect for his wisdom and fighting prowess. While she finds the fact that he is technically her grandfather weird to think about she rarely ponders that fact. Many members of the Cult of Dogs may also pray to Fervanti due to his domains of war and combat.

John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Friendly Rival / Ally (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



Relationship Reasoning

Both gods have a notorious love of challenges and rarely shy away from them, if ever(be they physical or mental), and they often test their limits. John at one point managed to gain the favor of the wolf god when he was a mortal after challenging the wolf god and subsequently impressing him even though Jl ended up losing. JL would later attempt to challenge him after ascending to godhood only to lose again, but still impressing Fervanti yet again.

Ryoma, God of Tuna

Inverse (Vital)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Inverse (Important)

Towards Ryoma, God of Tuna



Relationship Reasoning

Ferventi and Ryoma are as different as they come, but have a relatively neutral relationship to one another personally. Their ideologies do not align often and they often disagree, but the majority of the time are able to come to an understanding of the other's point of view. As a god of peace, Ryoma could not perform his duties to mortals without the god of war, as much as he despises the act, and even as one of the most powerful minor gods, Ferventi is known to utilize his skills to end wars he is involved with to rest.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Ryoma and Ferventi are both quite well known for their capabilities with mortal weapons, a trait they both share and known to be one of the few points of commonality between them.

Shared Secrets

Between both gods, they hold their respective duties in high regard, despite their ideological differences. Without war, there cannot be peace, and without peace, there cannot be times of war.

Henra, God of Vultures

Scavenger (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Hunter (Trivial)

Towards Henra, God of Vultures




(alleged) Son (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Father (Trivial)

Towards Ryoten




Ryoten is supposedly one of Ferventi's many children from one of his many affairs. Though Ryoten did not grow up among Ferventi's pack nor with any of Ferventi's more well known children for most of his life, Ryoten sought him out anyway, later becoming a fully fledged member of the pack and integrated himself into their lifestyle. Ryoten's insistence at seeking out his father himself by tracking him and the pack's movements deeply impressed the wolf god, and as such, named him one of his true children despite a lack of solid proof that biologically, he actually is.   Ferventi assisted in Ryoten adopting his son, Orion, and is thought to have played a huge role in assisting Ryoten through his few stints with the law. Most notably, when Ryoten was falsely charged with kidnapping and neglect when he rescued Orion from Dreamer's Disease, Ryoten had the help of one of the Coyote God's lawyers- thought by many to have been a direct move by Ferventi.   On all of Ferventi's holidays, Ryoten is known to travel to the main sect of the pack to spend time with his father and update him on his family, even asking for the wolf god to give his partner a blessing when they were pregnant with his daughter, Myrena. After Myrena was born, Ferventi visited Ryoten and his partner personally, to congratulate them and also give a blessing to the newborn.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ryoten almost exclusively calls Ferventi 'dad' or 'pops' quite casually, much to Ferventi's amusement. In turn, Ferventi has adopted many of Ryoten's siblings' nicknames for him, such as 'Little hound', 'Black hound', and runt.

Shared Secrets

Ferventi has done many favors for Ryoten, and secretly harbors him as one of his most favored children, due to that Ryoten embodies most of the god's aspects aside from associations with war and violence. This fact is not known to Ryoten himself, and Ferventi has told a scant few, the secret mainly being known to other gods. Shia and Mora themselves are aware of this, and have suggested that Ferventi make the demigod his heir, though Ferventi has refused, citing that Ryoten appears to enjoy a more humble life.


pest (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

rival (Trivial)

Towards Ludovic




It may seem odd for such a relatively unknown god as Ludovic to claim a rivalry with one of the most powerful in the pantheon, but the two's dislike for one another is rather clear from the start. Ludovic holds little respect for Ferventi, claiming his long reign has made him soft and to 'work for nothing', while Ferventi considers the polecat god to be nothing but a young upstart testing his limits, who will eventually grow bored.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ferventi often calls Ludovic a godling, child, and a 'long rat'. Ludovic's common name is also a result of Ferventi having great difficulty, or at least, pretending to, in properly pronouncing his true name, Maol-Domhnuich.   Ludovic in turn often refers to Ferventi as an old man, a hound, gramps, and other assorted jabs about his age or jokes about dogs.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Perhaps their immense dislike of one another is a result of the two being so similar. Both share aspects of being gods of carnivores and are particularly powerful in the north, with both also having religious ties to Shia and Mora. Both gods also have very strong bonds with rabbit gods- Ferventi's most loved mate, Cryce, having been one, and rabbits being an important prey species to polecats.   They also both have steady relationships with Mą’ii, The Coyote God, both being their lovers and having children with them, although the coyote seems to favor Ludovic in a more romantic aspect.

Ferventi, God of Wolves

Lover (Important)

Towards Mą’ii, the Coyote God



Mą’ii, the Coyote God

Lover (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves




Ferventi is among Ma'ii's numerous lovers, and the same for Ma'ii to Ferventi as well. They are neither the most important to one another, but also have a shared understanding that neither is also easily forgotten. Ma'ii has borne a child by Ferventi as well, their daughter Haskala.


son (Vital)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

father (Important)

Towards Odii




As on of Ferventi's sons, the wolf god cares deeply for Odii, however he is not Ferventi's heir. Despite this, the two have a good relationship, and Odii often acts as one of the leaders of the Pack of Ferventi.

Caden Rigby


Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves


Ferventi, God of Wolves


Towards Caden Rigby


Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes




Hikaru and Ferventi are friends and allies to one another, often working in tandem with one another's cults. They have a shared infatuation with one another that has been many years in the making, and are known to have a sexual relationship.

Relationship Reasoning

As Ferventi was raised by a past fox god, the two have a shared reverence for one another.

Shared Secrets

Ferventi is the father of Hikaru's heir, Aurora Vulapin.


mate (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves


Ferventi, God of Wolves

mate (Important)

Towards Chezira



As Ferventi's mate, Chezra is the mother to many of Ferventi's children and heirs. Although not his only partner, she is considered the most important of them.

Ferventi, God of Wolves


Towards Shia, the God of Death


Shia, the God of Death


Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Much like the god of life, Ferventi also seeks to hunt and kill Shia, the god of death to prove himself the best of all gods of hunting.

Ferventi, God of Wolves


Towards Mora, The God of Life


Mora, The God of Life


Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi has long since been hunting the god of life, seeing Mora as an elusive prize and the ultimate kill to prove his boasts and pride.

Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Olrath




Ally (Trivial)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves




Ferventi and Olrath are both ancient gods, of similar age. They are perhaps the last of their generation of gods still alive today. Both have a high degree of respect for one another and are known to frequently crack jokes about each other's age and vast amount of children, both by blood and not. Although allies, neither god has ever had reason to call upon each other for aid up until the War of the Moon, both being comfortable in their status as powerful gods.   Their allegiance stems from many shared ideals between the two gods and their respective cults, and both share many holidays and aspects, such as holidays surrounding parenthood and family.

Wealth & Financial state

He does not retain wealth or economic status, instead living off the land and usually in divine form. Instead, Ferventi directs all wealth to his followers and priests to be distributed at their discretion. Ferventi also sees no use for complicated technology, passing off any he receives to his followers to handle. Instead, Ferventi values the land and prosperity of it that is considered his territory to be his greatest and most valuable possessions, but not something that he himself is alone to hoard and should be used, respected, and uplifted by all who follow him.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Savior of Wolves, Father of Werewolves, Guardian of Soldiers and Men of War, Ferventi the Father, Ferventi the Hunter, Ferventi the Soldier
Land of Gods
Current Residence
Land of Gods
Ashy blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'4 (mortal form)
Quotes & Catchphrases
A particular quote from Ferventi directed at his children has become incredibly famous, regarding his hunt on Shia, the God of Death:  
...Fear not, my children. If we lose, we have only lost to death itself. If we win, then we will have killed all that we fear.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Like all gods, Ferventi can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker. It is unknown what languages he has learned, if any at all.

Articles under Ferventi, God of Wolves


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