Cult of Luminarie Organization in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Cult of Luminarie

Written by Douglysium


John de Luminarie interacts directly with his cult very frequently and very often. Despite this, the cult tends to have a very loose structure and John is rarely particularly strict about the cults structure and what most of its members are doing at any given time outside of a few specific rules. He does have representatives that relay information to him or act in his stead.     Similar to almost all the other divine cults, the firefly cult does have priests and high priests that work much the same way as those of other cults. Interestingly, unlike most other gods John does allow those who worship enemy gods to become priests but it is well known that they have many ways to keep track of them and watch them closely at seemingly all times. Many suspect that the reason John allows this is to try to obtain some sort of information or intercept any spies. However, one cannot become a high priest or official champion of the cult if they worship an enemy god. However, other than that there is little division between ordinary members, priests, high priests, and champions. All members are typically treated equally. Doing something like talking smack to your superior or even JL himself has a low chance of getting you in trouble. The cult’s priests are well known for typically using magic in the form of lightning, fire, wind, sound, and light(as well as illusions). This is to say they tend to be adept with fire mana, wind mana, and life magic. When Eleteros was made god of lightning they embraced the use of lightning mana for the duration of his ascension. Each priest and high priest has a symbolic match or torch somewhere on their person. Each person in the cult is issued a card id. Which is usually just used as a form of verification when entering certain areas or to show off that they are part of the cult. Their magic is typically identifiable by the fact that it tends to fall under several vague categories. First, is magic that involves burning some sort of object or substance for a particular effect. The second is magic that involves warping, distorting, reflecting or storing light via reflective or transparent objects such as glass or gemstones. This magic is the one most often used to create illusions or bright lights, and of course there is magic that is used in tandem with luminescent objects such as light bulbs. There is also magic that is used on one’s own nervous system or the nervous system of others as well as using nerve cells themselves for some sort of spell. Often used to boost one’s own attribute or confound opponents. Additionally, there are spells based around one’s own body heat, typically increasing it or using it for something along with spells that use things like wiring. The use of magical technology or magic in tandem with technology is not an uncommon sight within the cult. Of course, these are only the types of magic that tend to interest the people in the cult and since these are not official categories they are not enforced and there are plenty of people who prefer to use magic using other means.     The cult is vaguely broken up into 8 “rays” or “prisms” with each one typically focusing on specific roles within the cult. Each ray is named after a color of the rainbow. These rays are usually very loose and a person can be a part of multiple rays or none of them(most people are not part of any particular ray). Usually high priests, priests, a representative, or JL himself are the ones who get the final say in whether someone is allowed to join a specific ray, even if basically anybody can join the cult at large. Each of these rays has 2 champions that act as representatives of each ray. One champion is a mortal one and the other a minor god. They report and keep JL up to date on any politics happening within the cult or the progress of any major projects. There is no standard uniform for each ray outside of a ring resembling a beetle of the corresponding color that most members wear. Each ray also has an island of Louisiana that has a focus on them and their work. Acting as something akin to their capital. Each of these islands were created artificially.     The red ray is one dedicated to becoming champions of particular physical events, like fighting, or sports. Despite the presence of plenty of warriors in this ray, the Cult of Fireflies has no standing army so this ray mostly concerns itself with creating champions of particular sports or events, such as boxing or dueling. Although, there are some who are part of this ray that serve in armies while following JL and hope to become legendary warriors. The current god champion of this ray is the god of dragonflies.     The orange ray is one dedicated to communications, publications, and pr. What it basically does is seek to increase the renown and popularity of JL and their cult as well as research and understand the cult’s relationship with the public and how the public views the cult. They are also the ones usually in charge of setting up and hosting events in order to make sure everything is in order and making sure that the cult can communicate with people both inside and outside it as effectively as possible. On top of that they write journals and documentations for the cult. This cult is also the one that usually keeps things like tv stations and radios running within the cult. They are also usually the ones in charge of overseeing things like alliances with other cults or gods. The current god champion of this ray is the god of cicadas.     The yellow ray concerns itself with the creation of pieces of physical pieces of art, such as paintings, drawings, photos, architecture, music, etc. Most seek to create the next big piece of art or even fad. They also oversee most of the art museums the cult runs. They, along with the blue ray, are the ones who usually oversee the construction of the cult’s architecture. Its current god champion is the god of spiders. A famous weaver of stories. Although… they are known to be odd and sometimes manipulative…     The green ray is all about cooking and becoming renowned in the culinary arts. Most of the food they make are sugary sweets as they are a favorite of JL. The current god champion of this ray is the god of bees.     The blue ray is focused on inventing new forms of technology or revolutionizing old technology to create famous inventions that can change the world. This ray also has a focus on things like engineers. This ray tries to be on the cutting edge of technology. They seem to be intrigued with the fusion of magic and machines. They work on most of the cult's architectural projects along with the orange ray. Their current god champion is the god of pigeons. A god heavily associated with machines, prosthetics, cities, drones, and technology in general.     The indigo ray is all about discovering new things. Whether that be discovering new places via travelers and explorers or discovering new materials, elements, or theories via science. This ray is also known to have a lot of astronomers who look for new planets, constellations, or formations to name after themselves. Unlike the blue ray they tend to have more of an emphasis on theories and travel. Their current god champion is the god of moths. “Like moths to a flame” as they always say. The violet ray is made up of actors, dancers, performers, musicians, and the like. Most of the cult’s traveling shows, plays, bands, and circuses are made up of people from this ray.   The violet ray is made up of actors, dancers, performers, musicians, and the like. Most of the cult’s traveling shows, plays, bands, and circuses are made up of people from this ray. Its current champion god is the god of crickets and it has a great part in spreading the cult's popularity via its various live shows and the like.     The unseen ray, sometimes referred to as the ultraviolet or infrared ray, is a mysterious ray made up of spies and thieves. Their rings are capable of changing colors to mimic any of the other rays, if they are wearing the ring at all anyway. For what purpose a god like JL would need spies or thieves for is usually unknown, well until they complete their missions at least. It is rarely known by most people what they are up to at any given time except for JL and apparently JL hand picks who is allowed to join this group, and they only answer to JL when handling matters concerning the ray. Their champions give reports and feedback to JL though. The current champion god of this ray is the god of bats.     The way each champion is selected is JL picks a pool of people for each ray who have caught his attention and then has the cult vote on each champion in a democratic election. The exception to this rule is the unseen ray, as JL simply picks those champions himself.


As expected with many places in the world the way the cult tends to use their magic is influenced heavily by their culture. As mentioned previously fire, wind, lightning, and life magic in the form of flashy and bombastic displays that confuse targets along with the occasional illusion to confound enemies are common types of magic learned and used. Especially because with a little bit of tweaking they can be used to create eye-catching performances, special effects, and the like. However, how they choose to even evoke or channel magic and its respective mana can be distinctive in its own right. One of the most simple and common methods used and taught by the cult is through the burning of specific objects and materials. The type of fire or electricity used to burn something as well as the material or object it is used on can be used to achieve different effects. Things like magical torches, lighters, lanterns, and lightbulbs are commonly used. A less simple but just as common way of using magic is through the use of wiring crafted from various metals. This wiring is often used to channel magical energy, electricity, and heat, and in some cases to produce a magnetic field of sorts. While some use this kind of wiring as purely external objects that are connected to or within particular objects, many have wiring crafted of special metal carved with specific runes and surgically implanted into their skin and artificially connected to their nervous system as a sort of magical circuit. A majority of cult members typically only get these wires implanted on specific body parts, such as a forearm, finger, eye, etc. However, some of the most passionate members of the cult will get wires implanted almost all over their bodies and much deeper than their skin. These circuits are relatively easy to spot as they can be seen embedded in a person’s skin and are usually a shiny golden copper color. They are used to aid in the transfer and gathering of electricity and heat when the caster is using a spell. Allowing one to generate electricity and heat much faster and stronger than normal. One can also transfer electricity or body heat from their body into the wires. This makes people with this implant somewhat resistant to electricity and heat but the circuits can quickly overload if one just pumps a bunch of energy into them haphazardly in an attempt to avoid being completely electrocuted or overheating. Notably, people with these wires can still be burned. These circuits can also be used to produce magnetic fields when electricity flows through them and some forms of technology are made to be used in tandem with these circuits. If these circuits are properly implanted into one’s eye it can allow them to see strong enough magnetic fields or the gathering of significant amounts of lightning mana. These circuits come with some downsides, however. First off if one attempts to use their circuits while submerged in water the circuits will short-circuit to a degree, with the shock being equal to the strength of the spell. The wiring is also magnetic in nature which means really strong magnets can interfere with them, and magnets will tend to be attracted to them if the user is actively using them. Plus, if the wiring ever breaks or becomes too damaged the effects can be disastrous and usually result in combustion and then fire. Not to mention that, like with all surgical transplants, there is always the chance that one’s body may reject the circuitry and use its immune system to attack it to disastrous effects. Because of this more people only get circuitry implanted into specific body parts and the surgical process is usually done slowly and over time to keep an eye out for any negative reactions. The fact that the circuits are typically located close to the surface of the body means they are usually relatively easy to remove if problems arrive. Objects and technology with the circuitry also tend to have a similar circuit-like patterns on at least part of their surface, making them easy to recognize Another common form of channeling magic relates to light through the use of reflective or transparent objects such as mirrors, gemstones, windows, and even things like camera lenses, glasses lenses, or computer screens. The effects can range anywhere from bending light in order to create illusions to concentrating light into a hot beam. It is not uncommon to see a member of the cult with some sort of hand mirror or pocket mirror inscribed with runes and gemstones to achieve some sort of magical effect. Quartz tends to be the most common and important crystal in the cult because of the fact that its Piezoelectric effect can make it very useful when using it in combination with lightning spells or mana. Some families pass mirrors down from family member to a family member and continue to add new pieces, gems, or runes in order to make it more beautiful, personalize it, and/or give the magical object new abilities or more power. Some may have things like magically infused glass eyes with a magical gemstone somewhere in them to function as a more impressive and exciting version, with some eyes functioning as actual working replacements. Warriors of this cult may use mirror-esque shields or armor and weapons that shine like that of a mirror embedded with jewels to use in combination with their spells. Many members also wear some sort of jewelry that at least has a slight magical interaction or function. Some more physically active members of the cult may use specific dances and movements to slightly alter the effects of certain spells when casting them. This type of spell casting tends to be more effective and common with wind and fire spells as it is much easier to affect their flow. Longer dances can have more different effects and this is even more true if multiple people are dancing properly as a synchronized group in combination with Aura Synchronization.     A less common, but no less popular, form of spell casting in this cult revolves around astronomy, stars, and the alignment and placement of objects and runes. It appears that certain celestial objects in the sky are magical. It is unknown what exactly determines what celestial object is or isn’t magical, but considering that certain materials are magical in nature, store mana, react positively or interact with magic it is not completely out of the realm of possibility for these bodies to be naturally occurring in some way. However, some believe the source of these magical bodies actually has something to do with the gods themselves and the stars they are associated with. This magic tends to be noticeably less common within the cult because it relies on the caster being very knowledgeable in regards to astronomy and the placement of celestial objects, and sometimes even geography, in order to calculate when and where to use certain spells or runes. When it comes to runes there are also the standard factors that apply to all runes, such as the intent of the rune, the type of magic funneled into it, interpretation of the rune’s meaning, etc. To compound the issue, weather can also interfere with the casting of this type of magic and sometimes certain spells or runes require the caster to also be at a very specific time and place. So even if someone mastered this method of casting they might not even get that many chances to use it outside of basic ones. The cult has entire buildings and even blocks that are dedicated to invoking this type of magic by inscribing them with all kinds of runes and arranging them at specific places at specific heights for the ease of the caster. This magic can be used to get a leg up on someone by allowing one to cast a spell or use a rune that would normally do nothing. Some objects take advantage of this magic in order to gain magical qualities or affects during certain parts of the day or at certain locations.     There is no official doctrine within the cult in regard to what kind of magic you can and can't use outside of a few specific spells so it is not uncommon to see people using other kinds of magic. These also aren't official categories but rather common trends. Some spells commonly used by the cult may easily fall under multiple categories or none of them.     When the cult makes rune(s) they typically make them out of a special kind of ink. The exceptions to this tend to be when the rune(s) needs to be permanent, in which case they are usually carved into a hard durable surface, or when the rune(s) are meant to be hidden or discrete(in which case they will be made out of an invisible ink.     Making graffiti is known to be popular within the cult. It is not uncommon to see buildings or streets that have been tagged or had graffiti by cult members. Especially, if the building was very boring looking and not the temple of another god or something. Graffiti is present within the Temple of Luminarie.     Being adept with technology is also valued within the cult.

Public Agenda

To entertain and spread the popularity of John de Luminarie

Demography and Population

The cult is a relatively large cult due to all the effort JL puts into advertising himself as well as the fact that he is one of the most active gods when it comes to answering prayers, even if he doesn’t always do so in person, as sometimes the prayers will eventually be answered by some sort of representative or, in rare cases, JL blessing the person praying with his boon. Members of this cult are also likely to be members of the Cult of Life, Cult of Fire, Cult of Wind, Cult of Crickets, Cult of Cicadas, and several other minor gods that have joined JL’s cult. The cult having a massive emphasis on entertainment makes it very popular among kids and children. Many children like attending its shows and watching its movies.


The Cult of Fireflies can be found anywhere fireflies exist in the world, and a little bit outside of those areas(typically in the form of more nomadic groups like traveling entertainers). However, most of their power is concentrated in New Orleans(which is now an island), their patron god’s birthplace. The temple resides in the city of New Orleans.


The cult has no standing military but it does have warriors that may fight in its name and people tasked with defending important cargo or people. Warriors from this cult often fight in a flashy and disorienting manner, often with bright lights and/or sounds, that aim to confound their foes while also making a spectacle. They usually try to end fights in the quickest and flashiest way possible and it is not unheard of for them to make use of ambushes, traps, or tricks to show off their wit and/or intelligence. Many of the cult’s priests are known for using fire mana and wind mana, and were known for using lightning mana during Eleteros’ ascension as a god. Due to overlapping with the Cult of Life a noticeable number are known to be proficient with life magic.

Technological Level

Overall, they are around the same level of technology as the rest of Terra, if slightly higher. They embrace trying to create new cutting-edge technology more than many other cults do and certain parts of the cult are known to wield experimental technology very often. Certain parts of the cult, such as its blue ray, tend to have magic infused technology that is more advanced than the rest of the cult.


The cult is known for being very lax about its religious practices outside of a handful of very specific rules. Although, they are known for having some level of reverence for the stars and planets in the night sky.     They have a celebration reminiscent of Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. It is probably descended from or evolved from the celebration long ago as even the previous firefly god and their cult celebrated it. The celebration is known as the Party of Lights and involves things like parades, cakes, etc.


The use of pesticides is banned within the cult as even natural pesticides can kill or harm fireflies and damage their population. The cult also bans pesticides in areas it has enough influence in.

Agriculture & Industry

The cult relies mostly on its entertainment industry in order to make most of its revenue. It also has a decent export of sea food due to its capital being located on an island.

Cosmological Views

The Cult believes that fame and popularity can have massive effects on the soul and that after someone dies one’s spirit cannot die or whither away as long as someone remembers who you are. Once everyone forgets about someone their spirit will fade away and enter some sort of cycle.     Both astronomy and astrology are very popular subjects in the cult and many believe that the arrangement of the stars and planets can increase or decrease the chances of certain events occurring in a butterfly effect-like fashion. Some also believe that if someone dies after becoming famous enough or performing a great enough deed they will be reborn as one or more stars instead of being reincarnated to immortalize them in the sky. Stargazing and looking for planets in the night sky is a popular pastime in the cult and the cult is known to be very active at night. Once a week at 12:00am on Wednesdays they will turn off all their lights to drink in the full beauty of the night sky.     Most of them sleep with some form of a night light if the stars are not visible.

"May the spotlight shine upon me."/"May the spotlight shine upon you."

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Cult of Fireflies, Cult of Lightning Bugs, John de Luminarie’s cult
The Temple of Luminarie
Like many cults surrounding the gods, John’s cult will accept any currency but they are particularly favorable to coins and notes depicting their god, John de Luminarie. The coins are a silvery moon color with a golden firefly on the center of one side and a golden star on the other side.
Major Exports
Movies, videos, art pieces, music, etc.
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages


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