Genetics in 2100 C.E. in Post-Human | World Anvil

Genetics in 2100 C.E.

An Essay on DNA Among the Human Subspecies

Species and Subspecies: The Biological Species Concept

  The Biological Species Concept—also known as the reproductive or isolation concept in biology—defines a species as:
groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations, which are reproductively isolated from other such groups
.   It is on this basis that the Homo sapiens of 2100 C.E. are considered as subspecies instead of entirely new species of Human. All of the subspecies have the ability to procreate with one another and produce viable offspring which is also capable of continued reproduction.   But this begs the question: "What makes these groups new subspecies instead of just technologically altered H. sapiens?" The answer comes when we examine the chromosomal patterns of each subspecies. This paper goes into further detail as to what is happening at the genetic level.  

The Genetics of the Subspecies

  1. "Pure" Humans
  2. Cyborgs
  3. Adepts
  4. Psychics
  5. Zombies
  6. Mutants
  7. Vampires
  8. The Chimera Myth
  9. Why Technological Evolution?
  Detailed genetic analysis of each subspecies' chromosomes is clear. The DNA has been subtly altered in consistent ways that are clearly distinct from one another, yet without the effect of rendering offspring sterile.   It should be stressed that what categorizes a human as a particular subspecies is that being's DNA. Replacing an arm with a cybernetic limb or installing a wetware data drive in the brain does not automatically make that person H. sapiens mechanica. Likewise, a heart or kidney transplant grown using Rapid Gene Processing and Tissue Growth does not change one into H. sapiens novum. And not all who work for MyndMagick™ are H. sapiens animus. In fact, one could have a cybernetic implant, an RGP&TP heart, do data entry for MyndMagick™ and possess completely unaltered H. sapiens sapiens DNA. Unless a test is done, one should never assume the subspecies of any particular human.  

"Pure" Humans: H. sapiens sapiens

  Tens of thousands of years B.P. around the time of the last Glacial Maximum, there existed perhaps as many as six different subspecies of Humans, the most well-known of them (other than our own) was H. sapiens neanderthalensis, known as the Neanderthals. Yet by the Holocene epoch, whether by extinction or admixture (interbreeding), the only remaining "extant humans" were H. s. sapiens.   Despite attempts in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries at classifying H. s. sapiens into different subspecies based on the pseudoscience of "race" the H. s. sapiens genome is only disrupted by a few minor haplogroup variations. In simpler terms, looking at a blind DNA sample, it is almost impossible to distinguish with certainty the ethnic, national, or cultural identity of the donor. [note: some would argue that the mitochondrial DNA used in the early 21st Century by amateur genealogists to determine ethnicity does indicate variations. However, the opposite turns out to be true—that such research proved a multiplicity of DNA sources regardless of ethnic and geological origin.] In biological terms H. s. sapiens produce only H. s. sapiens offspring without any genetic variation. i.e. Humans are Humans.   Well into the 2060s, this remained the common conception. Technology had begun to tinker with Human DNA for nearly a century by then, but the common scientific consensus was that it was still Human DNA. Biomechanical implants and artificial limbs were seen as tools no different from eyeglasses, hearing aids, and artificial limbs. However, when maverick geneticists, such as Lord Alfred Ford Wright, began to alter the human genome itself and challenged the ethics of the biomedical establishment, the medical community took a hard look at what it meant to be Homo sapiens sapiens. At what point was a person no longer of the same subspecies, species, or even genus to be considered a Human? Debate lasted for decades, and even the criteria and biological classification system themselves were put under the most ardent scrutiny since Charles Darwin.   Those who had embraced increasingly advanced biomechanical technology argued that they were still H. sapiens sapiens, and where champions of the argument that the concept of Human subspecies was erroneous. Lord Wright, however, passionately argued that his "New Men" were a giant leap forward in the evolution of genus Homo, even claiming at times to be an entirely new (and superior) species.   It wasn't until the appearance of the Technological Singularity that all Homo sapiens faced an existential crisis unlike any before in history. For the first time, something possessed intelligence that was not only inhuman, it was not even DNA-based life. This caused the debate to broaden from the realm of intellectuals, lawyers, philosophers and theologians to the entire population of Earth. They looked at one another, but they did not see one Human family. They did not see similarity. They saw difference.   Great commissions were called on regional, national, and international levels. But it was the Great Ecumenical Council of 2078 that declared the other subspecies had split away from the parent H. s. sapiens species. The Council defined the parameters of each subspecies (at the time—later subspecies would be added and defined by later council meetings). And for H. s. sapiens, that meant that no more than a scant 15% of key genetic markers they had deemed "essentially and undeniably the domain of the Original and Pure Human Being as created by God Almighty, respective of these Holy Traditions gathered in one Spirit" [sic] could be altered.   When an actual analysis and census of all of the subspecies was finally concluded among the Earth's nine billion plus inhabitants, it was revealed that the "Pure Humans" as the Council defined H. s. sapiens had diminished to an alarming minority of all the Humans (now at 11.9% in 2100 C.E.). Whether the initial Council regretted its strict definitions is unknown, but the result was that those identified as "Pure Human" became more fanatic and insistent that they alone had the right to "inherit the Earth and have dominion over it." [sic]   It is ironic that, like the H. s. neanderthalensis they had replaced at the last major shift in global climate, now H. s. sapiens finds itself facing a similar fate.   [top]  

Cyborgs: H. sapiens mechanica

  Even after the advent of Singularity, Cyborg scientists, politicians, and lawmakers insisted that the splitting of Humans into subspecies was unfounded pseudoscience. They admitted that Human DNA was indeed being integrated and manipulated by the use of nanites capable of rearranging genetic material. But, the reasoning was, this wasn't a permanent change. The basic genetic code was still intact. Even when it was proved that nanites could be transmitted from pregnant mothers to their fetuses, the denial of an entirely new subspecies among Cyborgs continued.   But when the Zero Virus was released near the end of 2080 C.E. and exclusively affected millions of Cyborgs worldwide, it was finally acknowledged that there was a possibility of a H. sapiens mechanica.   Studies had been done prior to 2080 on the effects of nanotechnology on Human DNA. After the Zero Virus, these studies were examined in greater detail, and so was the trail of suppression and denial by those who opposed such categorization for various reasons. Finally, the dissent abated. The studies over time showed that, in fact, decades of closer integration between Human and machine had started to affect Human genetics. Genetic artifacts dubbed "receptors", "DNA handles" and "plugs" had mutated to be more accepting of technological machines into a kind of symbiotic relationship on the genetic level. In some instances, infants once thought to be sick with some unknown diseases and deficiencies were revealed to be dependent on specifically designed nanites to make them wholly functional.   [top]  

Adepts: H. sapiens novum

  From the beginning of Lord Alfred Ford Wright's bold declarations regarding "New Men" the assertion had been that Adepts were a new species or subspecies of human being*. Scientists, not to mention Lord Wright's political opponents, disagreed. Yes, it was true that Lord Wright's methods were producing results never before seen in genetics, but the naysayers maintained that splicing on, say, a fish tail was no different than putting on a pair of bioweave flippers.   But when Cyborg DNA was looked at more carefully and found to be truly different, the same scrutiny was applied to Adepts. It was confirmed that, indeed, Adept DNA also showed enough subtle variations beyond simple haplogroups to be deemed a distinct and unique variation of the H. sapiens genome. Like Cyborgs, Adept DNA has become more malleable, genetically speaking, and accepts Lord Wright's rapid sequencing techniques more readily than if the same techniques were used on other subspecies by an incredible 47%.   In contrast to Cyborgs, however, who show extensions and handles, Adept DNA is described as "scarred, gouged, and frayed" much to the objection of the New Geneticists. Cyborgs have come to rely on their technology to live up to their full potential, whereas Adepts are more like blank slates. Perhaps another reason for the "scarred" look of Adept DNA is that many Adepts change their genome several times in life, often taking on the latest in bio-fashion.   [top]  

Psychics: H. sapiens animus

  Pure Humans, Cyborgs, and Adepts were at the forefront of the debate about the Human subspecies, but some scientists have claimed that the first real mutations to branch the Human race may have been hidden in the subtle rise of the Psychics of MyndMagick™).   So much of MyndMagick™ is shrouded in mystery, and this would include its history. However, between the advent of Singularity and the revelation of Outcasts, more information is leaking out.   The organization known as MyndMagick™ incorporated in 2052 and has done remarkably well, growing deep into the global economy and controlling much of it. In 2078, the organization made contact with Singularity, and subsequently offered its services in combating it, revealing that the psionic abilities of its members were capable of beating Singularity's inability to operate outside of logic, mathematics, and physics. Leaked information from the Vampire faction confirmed Psychic ability spanning back decades. The evidence mounts, and the speculation is that Psychics may have become H. sapiens animus somewhere in the 2040s or perhaps even as early as the 2030s.   Psychics, like most Cyborgs and many Adepts, don't appear out of the ordinary. And MyndMagick™ was able to make it appear that way until it could no longer be denied, thanks to Vampire revelations. In the blink of an eye, H. s. sapiens turned out not to be a third of the world's population, but split into three: 11.9% Human, 15.3% Psychic, and 5.6% Vampire.   The DNA of a Psychic is quite different than most of the other Humans, leading some to claim Psychics a new species altogether—maybe even a new genus. But a Psychic is fully capable of having offspring with any other Human. Thus, per the Biological Species Concept, which has become the primary legal basis, Psychics are considered a subspecies.   Mutations or manipulation (or both) have activated Human DNA long thought to be "junk" or "dormant". This has unlocked abilities that are still not fully known, or at least confirmed. Time manipulation, psychokinetics, thought and feeling transmission and reception, sensory manipulations (i.e. illusions), memory manipulation, and biological manipulations are at least among the abilities of various Psychics. But the long guarded secrets of MyndMagick™ is tough to crack. Our scientists have so many questions, but the legal juggernaut of the MyndMagick™ corporation maintains these to be trade secrets.   [top]  

Zombies: H. sapiens inanis

  Zombies are the direct result of the first widespread malicious bio-code that fundamentally rewrote and destroyed the underlying matrix of several fundamental nanites used to regulate primary functions in Cyborgs (Augments). Prior to the release of the so-called "Zero Virus" incidents like this were relegated to isolated laboratory accidents. Regular push updates from biotech companies to upgrade system bugs were common, and any difficulties were minor annoyances at worst. Despite repeated warnings to the industry, however, the Zero Virus was unprecedented and catastrophic. Millions of Cyborg nanite matrices were affected. The immediate symptoms ranged from erratic behavior to psychotic acts of violence. The nanites took over brain function and irrevocably altered human DNA, in some cases destroying the very "hooks" and "plugs" Cyborg technology had come to rely upon to work.   At this time, there is no known cure for what became known as zombification. Laboratory results indicate that the DNA is damaged down to the genetic level. It is unthinkable, but any reproduction between a Zombie and another human has a very likely chance of producing another Zombie. Worse yet, Zombies still in the wild carry their malicious nanites infected with the Zero Virus, and should those nanites infect any other human through any bodily fluid (such as saliva, blood, tissue, etc.) the nanites will immediately attack the victim's brain cells to alter their DNA and create another Zombie.   The cliche moniker "Zombie" is childish, yet horrifyingly accurate.   [top]  

Mutants: H. sapiens mutata

  The term "Mutant" and the biological definitions and subspecies designation is perhaps the most controversial of all of the subspecies of human being. In many ways, it is a catch-all term. The genetic codes are messy and tend to describe more of who and what they are not rather than describe who they are.   Evolutionary scientists still agree that the primary driver of "normal" biological evolution in species. One theory that gained credibility in the early 21st Century was that genetic mutations are actually very common, yet are often so small and benign that they are not widely noticed. In the popular culture, a mutation was imagined to be a radical departure from the species norm, often depicted in cartoonish ways (for example, a fish jumping out of the cooling pond, nuclear reactor in the background, having three or more eyes). But the theory states that in reality, the numerous variations, defects, or alterations in our DNA don't normally prove to create new species or even subspecies. They are actually quite normal and mundane.   In normal situations, that is the case. But as the environment changed and new pressures related to climate, food shortages, pollution, radiation, and overpopulation increased, so did the number and severity of genetic mutations. This has lead scientists to give more credence to the theory that new species and subspecies only naturally depart from their parent species in times of crisis and extreme environmental pressures or changes such as from natural disasters, sudden geographic isolation, famines, and invasive species predation leading to destabilizing population shifts. The key word here, however, is "naturally".   The so-called Climate Denial of the early 21st Century stalled political response to anthropogenic climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions, putting further strain on vast ecological systems. This was so effectively denied, especially by the largest emitters of carbon and other environmental pollutants in the name of economics and corporate profit, that the denial grew from stalling political action to removing regulatory oversight, and even on to reversing previous protections affecting air and water quality.   The collapse of the global food network, unprecedented overcrowding, pollution, microplastic ingestion, disease, and nuclear and electromagnetic radiation are blamed for the sudden rise of the "natural" mutations of Earth's humans, animals and plants. In the mid-Twenty First Century, large numbers of infants were born with severe malformaties. Grain production made great shifts pole-ward devastating former breadbasket economies, but before new areas of grain production could be established to compensate in places like Siberia and Canada, new diseases arose in those areas. These diseases and an increased use of pesticides impacted plants, animals, and people alike. Energy consumption prompted more fracking, resulting in increased water pollution as well as the accelerated burning of fossil fuels resulting in increases in air pollution and further carbon emission. But it also prompted more use of nuclear reactors, and due to decreased regulation, accidents as well as semi-legal dumping of spent fuel rods around the world caused even more genetic mutation in all forms of life (for example, nuclear radiation is blamed for the Blue Pox and Cattle Flu ). An as several southern glaciers in Greenland surprised the world with their sudden collapse, new diseases also appeared, thought to have been trapped viruses and bacteria from millions of years ago, now unleashed into a new warmer world.   Mutants come from two parentages: the first were H. s. sapiens as a result of these devastating environmental changes. They continue to persist among the poorest Human regions on the planet where pollution and garbage accumulation persist. But the second parentage comes from H. s. novum. One of the most successful responses to the global environmental catastrophes was the perfection of new genetically enhanced and altered organisms. Instead of solving problems, Wright's New Geneticists invented species of plant, animal, and human to withstand these changes. New crops needing little water and no pesticide were more resilient and produced amazing yields. Animals on the brink of extinction were "buffed up" and even extinct species were recreated to either be released into the wild or, as in the case with some revived prehistoric creatures, put in zoological attractions. New lungs, hearts, and kidneys were grown first as transplants, then directly altered to repair themselves as renewed human tissue.   But, for some reason, a percent of humans exposed to New Genetics rejected the rapid gene therapies. Horrible results, once a product of a slow and mostly benign or manageable evolutionary mutation process, exploded across the globe. In most cases, the rapid gene splicing techniques were nearly impossible to detect in patients before the process was applied. And many whose therapies seemed successful at first, suddenly and inexplicably turned catastrophic. Within a decade, these "mistakes", as they were called, numbered millions.   The debate among factions as to the existence of Mutants as a separate subspecies is contentious. New Men Adept scientists insist that Mutants are a separate subspecies distinct from H. s. novum and H. s. sapiens. Now it is known that certain formerly ignored markers on the fifth, sixth, twelfth, and (debated) male Y-chromosome indicate that the New Genetics will result in rejection of the therapy. Adepts insist that these mutations result in a new subspecies. Other genetic researchers, especially Psychics, debate this, saying that the inability to accept rapid gene sequencing as the definition of whether Mutants are a new subspecies altogether is ridiculous logic. Psychics are fond of quoting from their "Little Red Book" that "The only difference between a flower and a weed is your perception." However, Adepts counter that the same characteristics of other subspecies—Cyborg Augment DNA "handle" and "plugs", Adept DNA "gouges"/"genetic troughs" or "frays"/"genetic splice adaptations", and Psychic "dormant"/"junk" DNA—can also be applied to Mutants. Their DNA is different, thus they are a different subspecies.   While the scientific debate rages on, the cultural impacts are undeniable. Despite the science, Mutants are treated as a separate subspecies, often with great prejudice and disenfranchisement. It is no wonder that Mutants worldwide felt liberated by the Outcast Movement and make up its most visible and energetic ranks. They may be the face rejected by the New Men, but they are the face of the Outcast Movement. Without them, the movement's legitimacy would be nonexistent.   [top]  

Vampires: H. sapiens tenebris

  Given the extremely clandestine activities of Vampires, we know least about their DNA. Some specimens provided by MyndMagick™ and even a little data obtained through the Singularity reveal that Vampire DNA is similar to that of the Psychics. However, MyndMagick™ insists that Vampires are a distinct subspecies, prompting counter-accusations from Adepts that their classification is no different from their insistance that Mutants are also a subspecies.   It is unknown if the Vampires arose at the same time as the Psychics or after them as a further mutation. Given that we don't even know much about Psychic DNA, it is currently impossible to tell. All indication is that whatever mutation caused the Psychics further developed into Vampires. Therefore, the speculation is that Vampires exhibit the same capabilities as Psychics, but also seem to have developed an additional trait along with a horrible defect. Vampires are able to block, modify, and alter Psychic MyndKast™ rendering their identity as Vampires impossible to detect by psychic means alone. However, along with this ability comes a price. It seems that, according to MyndMagick™, there is a deficiency in Vampire psychic energy which causes them to siphon this off of other species. Thus, instead of the old Twentieth Century silent film image of a caped Bela Lugosi sucking blood, the Vampire on the eve of the Twenty-Second Century sucks "mind" (whatever that is).   [top]  

The Myth Regarding Chimeras

  All of this raises the question: If it is true that these are truly different subspecies of Homo sapiens rather than distinct species, why are there not even more subspecies when two parents belonging to different subspecies interbreed? What happens if, for example, an Adept father and a Cyborg mother have a child? Isn't that child half-Adept and half-Cyborg (a "Chimera" as is the popular but derisive term)?   This is why the "Pure Human" subspecies is all in one gene pool. If a Human from Africa and a Human from Australia have a child, that child would possess chromosomes from both parents that express themselves according to a combination of dominant traits. However, the chromosomal makeup of our theoretical Adept/Cyborg child would instead form its genetic matrix to one or the other subspecies markers.   For all of the advancements in genetic manipulation, there is still a lot that we do not know about it. Within the first few cell divisions of a Human zygote after fertilization, the resulting infant takes on either the DNA structure of the mother or father. Statistically, it is a coin toss. Cutting edge geneticists can influence traits, sex, and other aspects of gene expression, but it is unknown why a zygote "chooses" one subspecies pattern. Once chosen, that child's DNA (with rare exceptions) will remain of the same subspecies.   [top]  

Why Technological Evolution?

  Beneath the question of subspecies lies yet another question: Is it really evolution if it is technologically induced? Evolution, after all, is based on Darwin's theory of natural selection. Technology, however, takes the "natural" part out of the system. So is this really evolution if the Human species now actively selects its own future over the course of months instead of millennia? And why are human beings choosing this transition in the first place?   The answer to the first part is still being debated today. There may never be an answer, and by the time that there is, it may be a moot point anyway.   The answer to the second is complicated and depends on which subspecies is examined for motive. For the Cyborgs, it started as a steady progression of the integration of information and mechanical devices, and biological interface grew into a unity. At the same time as the line between mechanical and biological blurred, so did the technology also become miniaturized to the nanoscopic level with machines now smaller than cells and able to be more efficient at administering medicine, tissue and DNA repair, and the like. At this point, the integration, though somewhat artificial, is now necessary.   For the Adepts, their motivation was a mixture of curiosity to see just what could be accomplished and as a response to the failures and deficiencies of Cyborg technology. For Psychics, it was a necessity to advance their ability and their philosophy. And for those collectively called Outcasts, they simply had no choice but were the results of multiple failures.   But another reason for technological evolution, voluntary or involuntary, mechanical, genetic or mental, perhaps the greatest underlying impetus was the strain of human technology on the ecosystem and the human population reaching a proportion beyond the carrying capacity of the planet. Cyborgs and Adepts have to use their means to survive. Sea level rise has made is necessary to colonize the oceans, and who better to do that than the New Men with their new gills and fins? Air quality from forest fires and smog has made it necessary for Cyborgs to use lung-scrubbers. Genetic advances have replaced extinct species, fortified threatened ones, and created new forms of plant life able to feed the planet and produce more oxygen to combat the rise of carbon dioxide emissions. Psychics are capable of subverting and defeating the Singularity and are able to coordinate instantaneously and with greater efficiency than the mess that the Internet became. Without technology, humans would not be able to colonize the Moon or Mars (and there are eyes on Venus or the Jovian Moons) or repair the effects of cosmic radiation of those space hotels and cities in orbit.   And yet, there are those who question if all of this is truly "wise" for H. sapiens. We are now more dependent than ever on our technology. Will it ever collapse? Instead of fixing our problems, like over-consumption, ecological damage, global climate change, sea level rise, biodiversity depletion, food scarcity, human rights, etc. we as a species have simply invented ways to cope.   [top]


Author's Notes

This is the central premise of our Post-Human Earth.   Yes, this and other articles will deliberately remain a work in progress until this world project is complete.   As always, thank you for reading. Comments and plot hole repair is welcome. Happy Worldbuilding! :D

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Apr 5, 2021 11:37 by Kato the Unknown

Now I am curious about how you define subspecies, and of how h.s.x came to exist. It’s a very debated subject. When Linnaeus invented taxonomy, classifying biological traits, I think, if I remember right that his idea for what constituted a subspecies was a variation in a phenotype seen in overlapping or close populations and really don’t mean much. They still have the same number of paired chromosomes and can produce offspring. All dna is really is the variation of the makeup of the 4 bases of every gene (at, cg) and where they land and in what configuration during meiosis or is it mitosis, I always forget. You mentioned chromosomal changes but as long as the species has the same number of chromosomes, they can reproduce. But there’s some evidence that the number of chromosomes that piggybacked in our common ancestors reduced our chromosome number. I think they have 24 pairs compared to our 23 pairs.   I was arguing with other anthropology students before DNA of H.S.N. was finally extracted from fossil remains and then the rather anti-climatic genome project was completed that proved me right. H.S.N. was absorbed by his smaller brained hominid cousins and so in a very real sense are still alive today. Most western people have HSN dna in their genetic make-up as I’m sure you are aware. Phenotypes like the amount of melanonin in ones skin is probably a selected trait. It’s a genetic trait that’s visible and it’s these phenotypes that I think most people use when they think of a subspecies. And it’s rather easy to think of h.S.n. as a subspecies because of the large number of phenotype variations. But I don’t think of natives of Africa, China, etc as subspecies so I guess it really is subjective. So I guess it would make sense to use genetic drift for your subspecies.   I’m curious. I’ve often speculated on mutations in RNA. If some code in RNA goes wonky, the instructions for certain features getting the message to turn on such and such genetic trait at a fairly typical time in the life of a species could get delayed, sped up, or even deleted. I wonder....westernised nations are seeing a delay in the puberty of males but just the opposite in girls. Is it from the chemicals we have polluted the planet with? Perhaps. But the fascinating thing is how it *appears* that alleles from the X chromosome of mom and the y from dad are both affected but in profoundly different ways. It’s just a thought. I would love to see that explored in a dystopian future world. Anyway , I’ve gone on quite a tangent but believe me when I say that’s a compliment because your genetics scenario excited me. I love it! Ooh, I’ve just had a thought. If the biological imperative to keep our genes in the gene pool was ever interrupted, what would happen? I’m sure that is so hardwired into us that it’s not a matter of one gene mutating, it would have to be many a multi-loci effect or something that affected the code in RNA that affects puberty. What if the change in the code for puberty to begin puberty in the genes on the Y chromosome became so profound that males lost the biological imperative to spread his genes far and wide? I wonder what would happen. Hmmmm.

Autauga is My World
Apr 5, 2021 23:54 by Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

Phwew! A lot to unpack here. I may not get to all of them, so ping me again if you want to pursue the points of the discussion...a very intelligent one, I might add...that I may not have touched.   So...this is how the sausage for Post-Human gets made: it started out with thematic speculation rather than scientific, so there is a fair amount of handwavium and applied phlebotinum injected liberally throughout. I wanted to explore a few key themes. One is the tension between natural processes, like evolution, and technology. In the face of natural disaster, would humanity decide to take control of all natural processes? Use a literary super-collider to smash that into a second theme--societal tendencies to divide human beings into groups, often resulting in "us vs. them". In most of history, those divides have been religious, societal, economic, "racial", sexual, and even phenotype, as you correctly point out. What are the consequences when human beings can be formed to our very will? Will that solve problems, or create new ones? And the most ominous question: Do "human rights" apply to those arbitrary, artificial consequences?   So, that gets to your question: How is "subspecies" defined in Post-Human? I can answer biologically the easiest. Trying to walk a very, very narrow line between biological evolution and the pseudo-science of eugenics, I'm starting off using a kind of classical definition of "species" in which two entities are of the same species if they can have offspring which themselves can also generate offspring (e.g. the donkey-horse "mule" is unable to sire offspring). I acknowledge that not everyone agrees that this is what defines a species.   Now, when I get to the literary thematics, your question of "What exactly is a human subspecies anyway?" is really kind of the big question. In the year 2100, the suggestion is that the average consumer has the ability to chose their very being. How does discrimination look when large sections of people can change what they are? Does racism or sexism still exist if a black man can use technology to change his skin color, sex or any other phenotype to whatever they want? But why stop there? How much of a human exists when they can graft on octopus limbs, bat ears, an elephant's trunk and...oh, throw a crab claw in there on top? Likewise, if 90% of me is replaced by metal and silicon, am I still human? And how does the bio-chimera now look at the cyborg? Do the arbitrary laws of social discrimination remain even if racism, sexism, and ablism are so blurred that it's no longer clear? Or do they just shift into new forms?   After kicking these around a bit, I want the reader to even question if "species" and "subspecies" are still valid, or--given how much control can now be had over these biological processes--are they just another arbitrary box we all seem to put each other into? Does our discrimination outlast our biology and form the societies to come?   But another complexity to the issue is the illusion of control. In this world, there are "mistakes": vampires and mutants and zombies (oh, my!). By claiming these are no longer human beings, but are now "subspecies" is that just a way to justify our discrimination? In the Post-Human world, geneticists and cyberneticists are convinced (and the corporate advertisers will insist) that their products are the right ones to save humanity. They look at the scars upon our DNA from all of the grafting and nanotechnology and declare thus "Here is a New Man!"   It's not a new concept. From antiquity, philosophers and theologians believed that women were literally biologically different creatures--almost like a different animal. Nazi German scientists spent a lot of time and money to scientifically prove that Jews were genetically different from their "pure" race. To this day, there are people with doctorate degrees who still believe in eugenics or the cultural superiority of the "evolved" human.   So, here's where the phlebotinum comes in a bit. I wanted to avoid too much messiness while absorbing the reader with the paradox of choice and getting pigeon-holed. So, I used computer game mechanics to "force" what pigeon-hole they might favor. And then I used a kind of handwavium to proclaim that there are no hybrids--no cyborgs with genetic limbs grafted on too. So, another answer to the question "what is a subspecies" is "whatever function that category needs to fill." I started out with cyborgs like tanks: big power, but not agile. Adepts were more adaptable. I needed something to balance the unimaginable power of an artificial intelligence, so what's better to combat technology than physics-defying magic? Moving on to the "mistakes" -- the dark side of each: Mutants are dark Adepts, Zombies are dark Cyborgs, and Vampires are dark Psychics. The scientific rationale got added to justify these categories afterwards. At that point, I, the author or player (this seems the most easily adapted into a kind of RPG) put on my 22nd Century corporate hat, get up on my soap box and say, "Well, clearly, Bob, these are all subspecies. I mean, just look at their DNA! It's ***science***!!!" (A blurred, multicolored picture of some odd helix flashes by...)

Apr 6, 2021 05:21 by Kato the Unknown

I hadn't had any sleep in two days when I read your article so some of what I said might have been irrelavent. Now I haven;t had sleep in three days and it would be remiss of me to post something intelligen. My basic contention is that you're right. We make something into a subspecies based on subjective thought, There are people hard at work to try to change this as it feeds right into the racism that is as rampant today as ever. What I really want to know though is if this is a game? If you finish it and want a trial run, please invite me to be a member of the MyndMagic..

Autauga is My World
Apr 9, 2021 00:56 by Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

I'm very sorry to hear that you haven't had much sleep. I know what that's like sometimes. Sorry for my own reply, I get a little carried away sometimes. You are also right concerning H.s.n. It's been really intriguing seeing the news about Neanderthals, Denisovans and other "cousins". I'll leave a comment about the game aspect in one of your comments below. :)

Apr 5, 2021 11:49 by Kato the Unknown

PS, Yes. Absolutely. To the question , ‘ If technology creates a subspecies as defined by Linnaeus in the 1700s is it still evolution? We have witnessed it. The white moths in Britain whose habitat was white chimneys in London would produce a mutated offspring once in a while that was dark brown. They were easy to see, thus easier for birds and other predators to see them so they rarely lived long enough to reproduce. Until industrial action, the use of coal became so frequent that the chimneys of London turned black with the smoke. In a very short time, the white moth became the brown moth as the white ones became visible to predators and the brown ones lived long enough to reproduce. Which is very very cool. I mean industrialization was an advancement of technology that changed a species as we watched.

Autauga is My World
Apr 6, 2021 05:23 by Kato the Unknown

I could be a test player. I love the way you included a Genetics section. That was so brave of you.

Autauga is My World
Apr 9, 2021 01:11 by Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

Brave? Oh, gosh! Flattery!!! :D Of all my writings, this one feels like it's got the most potential to be a game (since it was game mechanics that inspired this world in the first place.) However, I'm more of a writer and worldbuilder than a game designer, so I don't know enough about mechanics to have a playable game yet. I've got a lot of ideas, though. Maybe we should make you a character.

Apr 9, 2021 10:15 by Kato the Unknown

Was that flattery? I do love this setting and the game potential. I know absolutely nothing about game mechanics. I'm in a server that creates RPGs and they use some sort of formula that I can't recall the name of at the moment. Hah, it's been a long day. I'm just a writer. I am only now discovering the attraction of world building though to what purpose, I'm not sure. My mind is all over the place but I really would like to be a test player if you make this into a game. I got the idea somewhere that that was a plan. But I was reading your Everyall(sp?) series the other night and decided that it was your intention to make *that* into a game. But then I couldn't even begin to imagine how you would go about it. I've never experienced VR technology but I really loved the idea of the sort of nefarious corporation who is going to take advantage of the player's typical reluctance to read instructions or warnings before beginning anything and keep them in there permanently. But then I wondered if you had started the game sitting at your computer, someone from that game's creators would be responsible for keeping your body alive. Or imagine if a family member or roommate or whatever, walked in and saw you laying unconscious and connected to your VR equipment, tried to get your attention because it was your turn to walk the dog and in frustration gave up. A couple of hours pass, and the person returns and finds you in the same position and checks to make sure you have a pulse. They confirm your body is living and keep coming back to check on you. If I found someone like that who didn't wake after probably a short period of time, I would be calling 911. That story conjured up all kinds of speculations about how things will unfold in that world. It's very imaginative. I've gotten the foreshadowing that tells me you are going to somehow be involved in a war between mortals and gods (duh---the gems for the religion thing). I really am babbling now. I had my very first therapy session of my existence today. It was quite interesting. I felt lucky because the person made me feel very comfortable. And I could hear the popping of cartoon light bulbs coming on over my head during the entire thing and wondered to myself, 'Why hadn't I ever thought of that before?' So immediately I decided to write about my first ever therapy session because it was so interesting. Instead the thing turned into an incredibly cynical overly long diatribe about Trump, 2020, etc. Oh! I just realized, in that ranting raving article, I stole the idea from something you wrote somewhere and named the Corporate state America's new Superhero. It's strange how easily I went from this sort of self exploration state of thinking into a really snarky political rant. Now I'm afraid I've forgotten all the stuff that caused light bulbs to go off over my head during my first ever therapy session. And Now, I'm sure this response has convinced you I'm a certified lunatic with a talent for tangential raving. Haha.   Oh I had forgotten you can actually make a paragraph. I am still figuring out how to use the site's tools and make what you are trying to do appear the way you imagine it. Everytime I think I've figured something out, I accidentally create some strange anomaly. One of my articles, for example, though ostensibly part of a world that has a style chosen, just chose it's own style that is completely different and the font is enormous, the background blindingly white and for the life of me I see no way to change the font, etc. I can usually pick up just enough of a program's code to figure out how to get myself into trouble but I don't know anything about the codes used here. I don't know CSS styling but I might be able to figure some of that out. But some codes are easier to figure out how to use than others. I like the thing that Avrae uses. I know nothing about coding, programming, etc., but I have figured out how to create epic battle maps on Discord chat for a PBP I was running at the time. I'm very slow but I am reluctant to give up when it comes to Avrae because magical things happen when you least expect it. But here, I'm just not used to World Anvil and haven't invested enough time exploring how to make things happen because i just want to write. Plus there are way too many ideas swimming around in my brain. Add to that my inability to make myself read directions for building something before trying it out in spite of the number of times after getting to the last screw on that folding crafts table I discover I built the entire thing backwards.   Since I'm clearly feeling chatty and it's 5 AM and your are a captive audience that's not aware you are, I will now apologize and google schizophrenia or something.....Hah.. I'm kidding. Really.

Autauga is My World
Apr 9, 2021 10:36 by Kato the Unknown

P.S. I feel an equal amount of love and frustration for World Anvil's website. I am inspired to make worlds that are for my own amusement. I'm going to create a world that for using articles/prose or whatever to write down my dreams. I was going to go into some b.s. about how I thought it might help me establish some influences on my alien universe sleep cycle but the truth is that sometimes the dreams I have are so interesting that I think they could inspire me. I always think I will remember the dream but of course, I don't. I usually only remember a dream if I wake up in the middle of REM sleep. I woke myuself up laughing a day or so ago. I was in a sitcom episode I guess. I was riding in the backseat of the car with Suzie and Cheryl, two characters from Curb Your Enthusiasm. They were talking about their trip to Germany and I was listening to the conversation and caught innuendos but didn't know what they related to. I told them it was one country that was low on my bucket list or something inane. When we got to Suzie's house, she was yelling at Jeff, approaching him with her arms spread out, outraged that he had forgotten the gifts. I shouldn't have started telling you this dream because the next part of it is unerotically erotic. So we will skip that. Jeff had this blow up Christmas tree. Like an inflatable Christmas tree and like every good Jew, one must put up a Christmas tree, right? So he pushed the button and the tree popped up and had lights affixed to it so it needn't be decorated. When the top part unfolded, one of the lights was blindingly white like an interrogation light. Larry was shouting he was blind and Jeff was imperturbable but grinning and I started laughing really hard like it was the most hilarious thing ever. Which woke me up. And then today I awoke from such a dark dream that was directly related to a D&D campaign I had played in the night before. I wrote that in ibooks and it looks so nice and I am hoping I can figure out a way to import it to World Anvil in some fashion that will keep some of the styling. Again I apologize. This is what happens when the majority of your conversations are with a ten year old whose favorite thing is to tell you about SCPs and what each one does.

Autauga is My World
Apr 15, 2021 06:27 by Kato the Unknown

What I meant to say was, 'How does one make a character sheet?' And I made a vow to never write anything publicly after incurring such sleep debt.

Autauga is My World