Rapid Gene Processing and Tissue Growth Technology / Science in Post-Human | World Anvil

Rapid Gene Processing and Tissue Growth

The Wright Method in Genetics

Developed and perfected by Frontier Century Corporation under the direction of Lord Alfred Ford Wright, this is a process in which new biological systems are developed to enhance or replace the present ones found within the genetic structure.  

How It Works

The process itself is one of the most highly guarded trade secrets in history, but non-corporate geneticists speculate it involves the use of programing an artificial form of DNA, called hachimoji DNA, to produce RNA instructions to the subject's body. The host body uses its own mechanisms to alter, grow, or discard tissues to whatever is programmed. Although genetic manipulation had been successfully used before, RGP&TG allows for a relatively rapid transformation of tissues, ranging from mere hours for simple changes to a few months for dramatic alterations. The hachimoji DNA is only a catalyst that makes the host body itself produce the intended outcome, so the body does not reject what it produces. Finally, the hachimoji DNA deteriorates naturally and completely, leaving no artificial residue (and helps preserve the process as a trade secret).  


Lord Wright initially insisted that his process was flawless. And the world believed him unconditionally at first. RGP&TG was eradicating so many diseases—like cancer, Parkinson's, cystic fibrosis, and multiple sclerosis—and regrowing lost limbs or replacing faulty hearts, livers, and kidneys that it was easy to believe it was flawless. But then, complications arose. At first, Frontier Century denied that there was anything wrong with their methods. But eventually, the genetic mutations were found and brought into the public's eye.   But despite the scandal and public outrage, Lord Wright defended his process, not as flawless, but necessary. “Evolution is a system of trial and error—usually resulting much more in error, which the hand of Nature dealt with accordingly. So we must be honest with the challenges of our task. Mistakes will be made. But from our mistakes, lessons will be learned…” he said in his book, Challenges Facing New Men. To Wright, these "Mutants" (as he himself first coined the phrase) were simply necessary collateral damage in the fight against disease, global environmental collapse, and evolution.   While the exact numbers are not known (or, at least, not publicly), the initial failure rate that produced Mutants was perhaps as high as 15% (three out of every twenty undergoing the procedure). What happened to these "mistakes" is also unknown. Not even Cyborg-friendly governments can withstand the considerable wealth and power Lord Wright has amassed to risk being ostracized from this powerful technology, no matter its imperfections. Frontier Century insists that it has vastly improved its process, screens its customers thoroughly for any incompatibility, and generously compensates those who were "adversely affected by minor, unforeseen circumstances". Frontier Century now claims the error rate is now well under 1% (some recent disclosures claim as low as 0.03%—just three in every 10,000).   But because RGP&TG is as carefully guarded as some countries guard their military intelligence, there is no way to confirm if improvements have been made. Patients (and their families—including any and all descendants in perpetuity) are now required to sign non-disclosure agreements and waivers for any future legal action. Patients are also kept in Frontier Century institutions until they are released. Critics have noted an increase in "accidental deaths" resulting from the process, but with so many H. sapiens facing desperate situations (like organ replacement, disease, and environmental degradation), millions of people still take their chances.  

Reversing Extinction

In the late Twentieth and early Twenty-first Century, environmentalists were unified in their objection to genetically enhanced technologies. Films, like "Jurassic Park" and epithets like "Franken-foods" were used to portray genetic manipulation as a thoroughly and unequivocally evil technology that should never be used. But thanks to the process of Rapid Gene Processing and Tissue Growth, many animals once completely extinct—from the dodo, blue whale and river porpoise to woolly mammoths and dinosaurs—have been re-created. Coral reefs have been reinforced to combat ocean pollution and acidification. Endangered species no longer need to be quarantined in dirty, exploitative zoos in hopes of maybe one day being a viable wild population. Needless to say, this has split the environmentalist community.   While those in favor of the recovery of virtually all species, critics maintain that RGP&TG gives corporations to continue polluting and hunting without consequence. After all, is the claim, there is no need to protect a blue whale any longer from Japanese fishing fleets if you can just grow one in the lab in a matter of months. Indeed, over a third of the countries bordering the world's oceans have ceased and even repealed laws against dumping sewage since the application of RGP&TG. Furthermore, the reintroduction of extinct species of plants and animals back into the wild wasn't the only product of RGP&TG. New species have been invented from the practical tot he fanciful, including unicorns and dragons, and now walk the earth. Even dinosaurs, once a natural part of the world, now are living in ecosystems no longer reflecting life hundreds of millions of years ago. What impact is all of this having? And if the "complications" and "mistakes" on humans has resulted in a new, incurable Mutant subspecies, what irreversible and unforeseen consequences loom due to the introduction of this technology? These days, there is no longer a unified environmentalist faction to address these concerns. And if most countries cannot stand up to Frontier Century Corporation, what chance do these diminished movements have?  

Food Security

Previous forms of genetic manipulation of crops often had mixed results and unforeseen consequences. But with Rapid Gene Processing and Tissue Growth, many of the environmental and consumer concerns were solved. This was due primarily because the technology used the host DNA to solve problems, like insect infestation, yield, growing period, water use, and vitamin deficiencies. Furthermore, RGP&TG was able to enhance any desired quality, like making potatoes taste like they had just come out of the deep fat fryer, but without the sugars and calories and with added vitamins and nutrients. Ears of corn could be planted and then harvested days later. Rice could be infused with every vitamin and mineral desired, plus require much less water and produce no added methane into the already bloated atmosphere. A grapes the size of a watermelon could ferment its own juices into wine. One memorable moment in history is when Lord Alfred raised one of these above his head and proudly proclaimed "Who needs Jesus anymore? Make your own water into wine!"   To combat global warming and environmental degradation in the mid-century, much of the world's population took up vegetarianism and veganism in order to minimize their impact as much as possible. But here, too, RGP&TG reversed that trend. Now it became unnecessary to grow an entire beef steer—you could grow yourself a steak without gristle or bone in a matter of days without killing an animal pumped up with antibiotics and it would deliver your heart medication too. Add an order of steamed fresh fry-potato with bio-butter and wash it all down with Jesus Juice™ brand wine and you'd be healthier than any Human vegan.   Critics complained that instead of food security, food actually became more of a guarded resource since the technology to produce this food was solely in the hands of one corporation—Frontier Century. After all, they bio-engineered their food to lack any reproductive capacity. And, like with the introduction of new species of plants and animals, the introduction of alien foods could have disastrous effects on the environment and human health as well. Frontier Century argued that they were helping humanity, which was desperately struggling to feed its ten billion people in the face of an increasingly hostile environment, and the corporation usually sold its foods in great quantities at low prices. However, the resulting glut also put millions of agricultural worker into unemployment. Even cheap food can't be bought with money you don't have.


The following are just a sample of the many applications (arbitrarily arranged according to Frontier Century Corporation literature).
  • Primary:
    • Human Organ Tissue Regrowth & Replacement
    • Disease Control and Eradication
  • Secondary:
    • Extinct Species Reintroduction
    • Endangered Species Reinforcement
    • Edible Plant and Animal Production (Food)
    • Lifestyle Adaptation (e.g. gills, fins, and/or flippers to citizens of oceanic communities)
  • Tertiary:
    • Cosmetic (e.g. bio-luminescent skin, body storage pockets, "youthful enhancements & accents", fur, etc.)
    • Military Applications (e.g. shell armor, spikes/horns/claws/teeth, sensory & performance enhancement, etc.)
    • Creative Animal Species Invention (e.g. dragons, unicorns, etc.)


Hachimoji DNA is manufactured as a catalyst to deliver a kind of biological programming of the desired outcome. It is injected into the customer/patient where it transmits RNA instructions to the host cells to alter, grow, or discard tissues. Most of the host body's own genetic mechanisms are used, but genes from non-human species may need to be introduced to combine with human DNA.   During the transformation, the host may require medical monitoring, especially additional calories, fluids, vitamins, minerals, medications, and other substances. Once the patient's body alters, grows, and/or discards the tissues and organs programmed (usually ranging from mere hours for simple changes to a few months for dramatic alterations), the hachimoji DNA naturally and completely deteriorates, leaving no artificial residue.
Developed and perfected by Frontier Century Corporation under the direction of Lord Alfred Ford Wright
Access & Availability
The technology itself is an extremely guarded trade secret. It is too complex to reverse-engineer.   The availability of its benefits, however, ranges depending on the complexity (and demand) of the result. Some fundamental and simple procedures (such as minor limb regrowth or gender reassignment) is often covered by some government medical care programs. Exotic procedures, like making your very own fire-breathing T-Rex, might cost a few billion credits.
The process is not compatible with Adaptive Bio-mechanical Down-Loading A.B.D.L.-based cybernetic technologies. In some instances, cybernetic implants will be rendered useless. In other instances, the RGP&TG will not take.


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