Psychics of MyndMagick™ Species in Post-Human | World Anvil

Psychics of MyndMagick™

The first thing to know about Psychics is that their existence is shrouded in mystery and, sometimes, secrecy. What we know about Psychics comes only from within one organization, MyndMagick™.   It is incredibly difficult to say what made Psychics, what they do, or what their motives are, and the best anyone can do is guess and whisper—and yet even these rumors may be controlled by MyndMagick™. Whether you choose to believe it or not, it is said that the reason the Singularity has not wiped out all life is because of the Psychics. Their abilities make no sense precisely because their abilities seem to fall outside the realm of physics. In other words, these people appear to be magic. It is an admission that frustrate even the most ardent materialist atheists and scientists. And since the Singularity is a machine that cannot operate outside logic and physics, it is vulnerable.   Psychics seem to be able to know the future and the conjecture is that all Psychics are linked to one another’s minds. That is why they can maintain such control. Any Psychic that would give away MyndMagick™ secrets would be discovered and taken care of before it happened. We think that these abilities are not universal among Psychics. It appears that they have various levels of abilities, and these are minor. The upper echelons are probably the ones with the greatest abilities.   Psychics are thus perhaps the most feared, then, of the post-Humans because it is impossible to know if, when, or how any manipulation is occurring. It is even incredibly difficult to know if all Psychics have a collective controlled conscious, or are just more socially organized and can exercise degrees of freedom and expression.   There seems to be a genetic component to Psychics as opposed to obtaining their powers. Psychic parents have a high probability of producing Psychic offspring, but the gene is recessive if that is indeed its cause.   Psychics hold some of the highest positions in the world, including many CEOs and political leaders. Yet we don’t know if the Psychics themselves have a leader. Despite jokes about a Psychic pope, it is suggested that their power structure is a kind of council—some body of equals—a collective will rather than the whims of a singular individual. And perhaps that is another reason why they are secretive and haven’t “taken over the world” yet. There is some balance of perspective, maybe.   If the Psychics have one weakness, it is what people call “Vampires”. With the same abilities, yet with monstrous appetites, they are able to resist MyndMagick™ control. This has led to a kind of covert war between the two, probably played out without most people’s knowledge. Some of our information comes from them, but because of their nature, this information is not widely trusted.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

1.4913 billion (15.3%) of the world's population is MyndMagick Psychic:
  • Asia: 899.3 million (21.2% of Asian population)
  • Africa: 308.5 million (8.4% of African population)
  • Europe: 111.6 million (16.9% of European population)
  • Latin & South America: 56.7 million (8.5% of Latin American population)
  • North America: 106.8 million (23.1% of North American population)
  • Oceania: 8.5 million (13.1% of Oceanian population) [includes independent ocean colonies]

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

While the fundamental genetics and DNA mechanisms are said to be the same for all H. s. animus, how individuals came to be that way vary. Within the H.s.a. community, there are two general types, depending on how they came to be Psychics: Natural-born (or Naturals) and Converts. According to MyndMagick™ (organization), there is no cultural difference between the two. They are alike in ability, rights, and status on a fundamental level within a meritocracy. Rumor has it, though, that some Naturals might look down on Converts. The following are character references to each.  

Natural Psychics

Toys break and skin sags with age, but magick is forever.
Before MyndMagick™ you were afraid. You could do things. Maybe see the future. Maybe move stuff with your mind. And you saw in the news what happened to people like you. But now, you aren't afraid anymore.  

Convert Psychics

Once I was blind, but now I see... Everything!
You were once just plain-old H.sapiens. A boring Human. But when MyndMagick™ offered a chance at a better, more rewarding life, you took it. They did their change on you. Welcome to the club.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

see also: Vegan Vampires
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens animus

Various Terms for H.sapiens animus
  • Psychics
  • Tellers
  • Employees
  • Scanners
  • Tee-Ems
  • Witches/Warlocks
  • Psheep


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