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Forest of Dungol

A large forest which stretches the entire length of the subcontinent. It is actually made up out of several differnt types of forest. Ranging from coniferous forests in the north and West, to lush Jungles on the eastern part.      
The forest of Dungol is teeming with life. Every time I visited this location, something new seemed to have found its own corner in the Forest and now calls it their home.   -Mattrick Zaffenborgjo


The Forest of Dungol is quite a varied wooded area. Beginning at the north end of the Blubbermountains the trees are mostly coniferious. Following the Freedom River the forest slowly changes from conifers to deciduous and as the river gets wider the surrounding woodlands turn wetter and into something you would call a swamp.

Fauna & Flora

On account of the forest being made up out of several different types the flora and fauna throughout these woods changes from region to region. But some of the more prominent and woundrous things you could find are the Pinkberry Forests.

Natural Resources

All kinds of resources make their way out of the forest. From lumber for the airships, to special herbs for medicine.


  • Forest of Dungol
    Version 1.2
Alternative Name(s)
The Forest in the North, The Elfwoods, The Forest of Many
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species
Related Myths
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