Bearer's House Building / Landmark in P'Ache | World Anvil

Bearer's House

Purpose / Function

The Bearer's House is where the Bearers work from and sometimes live too. It is also the home of all babies and children born within a settlement. It has four major sections, one for each of the intended uses of the House.  

Medical Rooms

The medical rooms are designed for both the preparations for the birth, checking on the pregnant party and delivering the baby. They are also used for treating other members of the settlement who need it, but their primary focus is pregnant people and new borns.


The nursery is designed for looking after and raising young children and babies. It is both a communal bedroom, eating area and playing place. There is space here for both the youngsters and the Raisers who look after them.

Sleeping Space

Once a child is able to sleep through the night without wetting the bed, they are moved into the Sleeping Space. They eat meals with the rest of the settlement and have their own space and some time to themselves to figure out who they are.

Learning Space

The learning space is effectively a school where children are taught about the ways of the Vellich. They learn to draw Vellich World View and how the Vellich Profession Paths work, as well as reading, writing, maths and other crucial subjects.
  The Bearers, Bringers, Gifters and Raisers who work here are responsible for all of these purposes.

Related Articles

Culture Vellich Profession Paths, Vellich World View, Bearers
Traditions Path Choosing
Locations Vellikka
Ranks Bearer, Bringer, Gifter, Raiser
Alternative Names
The House
House, Large
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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