Zaranta Tower Building / Landmark in P'Ache | World Anvil

Zaranta Tower

Purpose / Function

Zaranta Tower was built before The Vell became a settlement, when it was three independent villages.   Originally it was created by the peoples of Zaranta as a watch tower, to act as a form of defence against the elements and animals who threatened the safety of the village.   When it became part of a larger settlement, the tower was moved, stone by stone, into a space equidistant from all three villages, and was used as a neutral place for conversations and story-sharing while the larger settlement of The Vell began to take shape.   In more recent times it is still a place for conversation, and is also where the Ruler for the settlement keeps an office and Junior Rulers can be called upon to help settle disputes where necessary. Stories are still shared here, but it tends to only be for special occasions.


Originally a wood dwelling, it was reconstructed out of red stone from the nearby Milam Mountains long before it was moved to become the centre of The Vell.


The red stone towers over the rest of the buildings in The Vell. It is hexagonal in shape, with trellises of green and blue leaves growing up the sides. There are four floors and a spiral staircase on the north corner allows visitors to travel up and down.   Each floor has several large rooms, with slightly arched ceilings. The entryway on the ground floor contains carvings telling the story of the tower from its inception to becoming the centre of the community.
Alternative Names
The Watch Tower
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank

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