Scholar's Sword Item in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Scholar's Sword

The Scholar's Sword is an elven sword made by Lida Rose Hawthorne for Julien Hawthorne between Y1057 and Y1070. It is universally considered the finest weapon ever made by Hawthorne Garage, and many call it the greatest sword Cape Hildegard has ever produced.  



Sir Julien Hawthorne was already a hero in his own right before the Scholar's Sword was forged for him, having slain the Froghemoth of Sona in Y1056 before returning to a hero's welcome in his hometown of Cape Hildegard. His younger sister Lida Rose had been running Hawthorne Garage for several decades at that point (having taken over after their parents' retirements in the 960s), but the establishment was still languishing in disgrace after the town had banished Stanford Hawthorne for his founding of the Order of the Banished Scholars. Upon his return, Julien publicly announced that he would be working with Lida Rose to create a legendary elven blade, capable of feats beyond those of even the works of Scalados's finest swordmakers. The name of the sword references Julien's academic track record as a valedictorian at both the University of Cypruvalu and the College of the Holy Mother.   Forging the Scholar's Sword took longer than the typical decade allotted for making an elven sword. Detractors of Hawthorne Garage speculated that it was due to a lack of skill on Lida Rose's part—or perhaps some level of corruption within the garage—but both Lida Rose and Julien have always insisted the longer incubation period is due to an unprecedented level of high craftsmanship for the weapon.  

Julien Hawthorne

After Lida Rose completed the blade in Y1070, Julien set forth to continue his travels as a knight while wielding the blade. Most notably, he used the sword to kill the Sisters of Sorrow, two Lich queens who bore the Eye and Hand of Vecna; this fulfilled the Prophecy of Vecna's Demise, which predicted that the Eye and Hand could only be destroyed by "brother's blade." (The Eye and Hand have not been seen since.) The Scholar's Sword is also said to have struck the killing blow against Ádanes, the ancient white Dragon that threatened the Citadel of the Wild in Y1084.   Sir Julien Hawthorne was chosen by the Cape Hildegard Council of Deans to lead the Y1099 expedition to the Cave of the Banished Scholars. He took the Scholar's Sword on his journey to the cave. Neither he nor the sword has been seen or heard from since.  

Blanche de la Force

  On 25 November Y1110, the Diviner Laetitia Arrowfern discovered a prophecy about the paladin Blanche de la Force, foretold to her as follows:  
She who would balance the scales of Osiris is worthy to wield the Scholar's Sword.
  After significant controversy, Blanche and her companions received all seven keys to the Cave of the Banished Scholars' sealed entrance on 7 December Y1110. Their entire party was slain by devils at the Battle of Snowfall's Eve but rescued by socialite Barbarina Blackhammer. Though Blackhammer died later that evening, the bodies of the party were found by the Cleric Lui and resurrected several days later. Blanche discovered the Scholar's Sword within the caves and used it to vanquish the dangers inside. She continues to wield the sword, and used it to aid in the destruction of Levistus in Cantonova on 6 January Y1111.  


The Scholar's Sword may only be wielded by Julien Hawthorne, or a paladin he himself would consider a worthy heir. (Unusually for a sword of elven make, Blanche is able to wield it with its full powers despite being Human.) While such a warrior wields it, their allies within 10 feet gain advantage on saving throws against all spells and magical effects. The speed of the swordbearer increases by 10 feet.   Once per day, the sword may be used to cast Revivify. If the swordbearer dies and this ability has not been used that day, the sword will automatically cast it on its owner, bringing them back to life before any other effects from their death take place (so long as their body remains intact and able to sustain life). Because of the instantaneous revival, the bearer only draws one card from the Death Tarot regardless of how many times they have died.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
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