Vhakizla in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Vhakizla was a small tyranny in southern Sapphros. Named for Vhakizla the Valiant, it was one of the few tyrannies to survive the Night Wars that ravaged southern Sapphros – after a fashion for, in 35 2A, Vhakizla the Victorious became Ondûn's first necrotyranny.  


Vhakizla was centered around the Heartvein River, which flowed from the mountain springs in the southern Sphinxes, particularly Mount Zyraxes, all the way east to empty into the Draconic Ocean. For much of its history, Vhakizla was exceptionally fertile, its lowlands rich with farms and vineyards. The Heartvein Basin was a wide marshland in central Vhakizla, fed by the river's many tributaries. To the north spanned the Ancestor Hills, where the ancient humans buried their dead, presided over by the imposing and rumor-haunted Baromont.   Following the coming of Thanatos, Vhakizla was thoroughly spoiled. Its soil was tainted, its plants all died, the Heartvein stopped flowing and went stagnant. Haunted by the ghosts of those slain in the Night Wars, the river's basin transformed into the Ghostmire. Fell mists settled over the land – all beneath a sunless sky.   Vhakizla had three major cities of note:  
  • Akiz: Constructed in the fogbound Ghostmire, Akiz was once Vhakizla's most gorgeous city but, following the Night Wars, it became little more than a haunted ruin.
  • Izla: Hugging the banks of the Heartvein, Izla was the nation's largest population center. During Vhakizla's second reign, it was home to the most anti-draconic sentiment.
  • Vhak: High on the slopes of Mount Zyraxes, the capital city of Vhak was a fortified stronghold, known for its waterfalls and its imposing citadels.



First Age

The southernmost tyranny, Vhakizla was founded in 369 1A by anti-draconic dissidents seeking to escape the Zahakarosh's influence. Relying on the interposing Labyrinth Sand to keep them isolated, the people of Vhakizla struggled to defend their borders from desert raiders and other threats. A pro-draconic faction arose in 546 1A and eventually took power, leading to the adoption of a dracoqueen of their own. Named for the fledgling nation, Vhakizla the Valiant quickly defended the borders of her nation and proved a more effective deterrent against further aggression.  

Night Wars

Due to its proximity to Thanatos, Vhakizla was among the first tyrannies invaded by the undead armies, Thanatos making landfall in 899 2A. Even with the help of their patron dragon, however, the tyranny's legions were soon overwhelmed by the ceaseless waves of dead. After a year of fighting, Vhakizla fled into the Sphinxes in 2 2A, abandoning her nation to its ghastly fate.   In 2A, with the rise of Caliphar II, Vhakizla transformed from a tyranny into a necrostate.  

Second Age

Caliphar II, the vampire wretch and new lord of Vhakizla, ruled unchallenged for three decades. While many Vhakizlans fled in droves, those that remained were quickly swayed under the vampire's power.   However, in 35 2A, Vhakizla inexplicably returned as a dracolich. Leveraging a complete control over the nation's undead legions, she drove Caliphar II into hiding and resumed control of her tyranny. Ever since, this skeletal undead dragon has ruled in her ancient seat over a nation of both living and dead.   By 67 2A, the Sixfold Faith openly opposed Vhakizla's reign and sent a pair of ships – the Pious Strength and the Pious Wisdom – to blockade the mouth of the Heartvein River, in a misguided attempt to prevent Thanatos from resupplying her.  


The Menagerie

  • Vhakizla: The Wyrm Returned was the company's first contract in the campaign, summoning them south to defend her against both enemies within and without. (Chapter 1) Upon arriving, they were confronted with the Pious blockade at the mouth of the Heartvein. (Chapter 2) Allying with Zelene Silvers and her Silver Saber, the mercenaries broke the blockade and opened up trade to flow back into Vhakizla. (Chapter 3) After meeting the dracolich at her palace in the Fangs, the company began to hunt for both Caliphar II and to squash the Sanguine rebels in Izla. (Chapter 57.
Name: Vhakizla
Capital: Vhak
Government: Necrotyranny
Languages: Draconic, Thanasian, Common
Demographics: Isolated (82% undead, 12% human, 6% other)
Demonym: Vhakizlan

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