Akiz in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Akiz was a large town in central Vhakizla. Located in the Heartvein River basin, Akiz fell during the Night Wars and became a haunted ruin.  


Constructed at the center of the Heartvein River basin, Akiz was not ideally situated for a settlement of its size. The surrounding land was swampy and unsuited for construction. Nonetheless, during its heyday, Akiz was known for its beautiful architecture, wide avenues, crisscrossing waterways and abundant vegetation. Many tributaries of the Heartvein fed into the city and travel by canal boat was more common that cart or wagon.   Over the years, however, the city sank deeper and deeper into the swamp. By 67 2A, many of the buildings were collapsing or leaning on one another, creating a dangerous maze of unstable terrain for anyone who dared venture into the haunted city.  


First Age

Founded in 572 1A, Akiz began life as an ambitious yet artificial capital for Vhakizla. While construction would continue for centuries to come, the dragon never quite took to the attempted capital and preferred her lair high on Mount Zyraxes. The city nonetheless expanded and grew, despite the obvious geographical challenges.  

Night Wars

When Thanatos invaded Akiz in 1 2A, many of the Akizi fled into the surrounding wetlands in terror. Caught between the spread of the Spoils and the harsh swamp terrain, they rose as ghosts, spectres and shadows upon their deaths. These dead, unwilling to bend to either vampire or dracolich, gave the Ghostmire its name.  

Second Age

By the time of Vhakizla's return in 35 2A, Akiz was a fading memory, lost somewhere in the haunted Ghostmire.


Small Town
  Country: Vhakizla 
Authority: Necrotyranny
Founded: 572 2A
Demonym: Akizi

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