12th of Latfal, 1561 - Known Pirate Operations in Numidius | World Anvil

12th of Latfal, 1561 - Known Pirate Operations

The following is a list of known pirates, pirate vessels, and privateers operating in Edora.

Maha'kans of the Teralic Ocean and Agaman Bay

  • The Shorsh à Cotto
    Likely the most prominent mahak'an syndicate, its members are known to launch coordinated raids.
  • The Mobsã'awea
    An Agam'an mother barge repurposed for piracy. Since it is too big for shallow waters, it usually serves as a forward ship for various mahak'an raids and exploits. It is captained by Kupen Varban

Pirates of the Western Ocean

Kavirian pirates of Lake Kadia

  • Sævarfreki
    Roughly translating to "The Lake is the Wolf's" in Kaviric, this group is lead by Bjor Unnulfsson and consists of three vessels. The Sævarfreki is unconventional in the sense that its members are devout worshippers of Eyre; they are regarded as Wolfmen, though due to their piracy some have made calls to regard them as seperate entities, arguing that their inclusion tarnishes the name of other wolfmen by assoscation.
  • Saalistaja
    Ubrikian privateers that sail lake kadia under the command of Järvi Hyökkääjä, the predators mostly targeting Saltisian ships. Their activity has drastically diminished following the The Reformation of the Aderian Admiralty and the maiden voyages of HHSV Grandeur and HHSV Percival of the Vicinas Cardinal Fleet, both of whom were a resounding success for The Aderian Admirality and a crushing blow to piracy in the area.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Only primary vessels appear on this list. Additionally, Due to the illegal and somwhat covert nature of piracy, this list is far from being comprehensive and is less likely to be accurate and up to date than most articles.

Last update: 8th of Midspri 1572.


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