Oonasa Ink Material in World of Naru | World Anvil

Oonasa Ink

General Information

The ink from the rather large oonasa squid is a rare and sought-after commodity. Even a single vial of liquid is enough to stain entire outfits worth of fabric with such a deep, dark black that it will likely never be removed. Those who are unfortunate enough to get this ink on their skin or fur will find it very challenging to remove.


It is not easy to track down an oonasa, they are incredibly quick creatures usually found in the shallows among the coral reefs. When they realize they have been spotted by another they consider a threat, a large black inky cloud covers the area as they make their escape deeper into the waters.   Two main methods for catching these creatures are to try and charm them into remaining still while extraction takes place or to trick them into fleeing directly into netted traps and then brought to the surface.   The first method is considered more humane as the squid suffers no distress or harm and is quite often released back into the wild. Those who hunt using traps likely end up with the squid suffering and oftentimes perishing from the ordeal.


On its own this ink can effectively stain a number of fabrics and materials, however, when mixed with some other substances can be used to make all kinds of materials such as paints and clay. These are often used to more effectively cover large areas and stain materials much more thoroughly and consistently.


One of the primary uses for oonasa ink is for dyed clothing, especially on the mainland where other black dyes are of much poorer quality.   In the The Aardragoon Islands and along some sections of the coastline it has a different use coloring the sails and sometimes the wood on ships used for piracy.
Harvested From
Oonasa Squid
Trade Value
5gp per vial
An explosion of ink


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