Nether Rocks Technology / Science in World of Naru | World Anvil

Nether Rocks

General Description

These intricate and strange rocks can be found on an abandoned shoreline on land a few miles north of Roth Island. Shrouded in mystery and superstition, they attract tourists and treasure hunters convinced they hold the key to vast riches or even grant supernatural powers.


There are 17 known nether rocks located on the island, all within a few hundred feet of each other and close to the coastline, while they are all different shapes and sizes they all share similar qualities. Every one of these rocks features complex and fascinating geometric patterns, they are made of an unknown blackened material that is extremely heavy and from time to time they glow an array of eerie bright magical energy.   Each stone has unique patterns with some resembling early forms of language or runic markings, the few symbols that can be made out are often translated or understood to reference travel, leading some researchers to believe they used to form part of a magical gateway.


First discovered in the early 700s by explorers from the mainland, these rocks have always been a source of legend and mystery. Many have attempted to move or activate these rocks in some way but so far nobody has been triumphant in these endeavours, only recently in the last century have there been stories of some of the smaller rocks successfully being moved minimal distances with powerful force magic.   There is a small team dedicated to the research of these rocks based on the island and they have compiled all the historical information they can find related to them. Outsiders and tourists are generally not welcomed to the island and actually quite often chased away by those looking to protect and study them.


Some of the larger stones have been known to surge magical energy, especially when interacted with by inexperienced mages, which has led to a handful of brutal deaths over the millennia. These stories exaggerated or not put off many from interacting with the stones thinking them to be cursed.

Common Legends

Aside from those believing them to be part of a magical gate, there are tales that suggest only giants can move the rocks, those who touch the rocks will be blessed with positive magical energy and another fable that alludes to them coming from another world or the outer planes.
A drawing of one of the smaller, simpler nether rocks
Painting of a magical energy surge


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