Gloompoint Building / Landmark in World of Naru | World Anvil


General Description

A boggy wasteland located in the southeast of The Aardragoon Islands where dark and deadly creatures roam. It is advised to keep clear of this area at all costs.

Terrain & Layout

The land is mostly flat apart from some small sections of hills further inland. The coastal areas both on land and in the water are heavily overgrown with expansive, thorny flora and thick sludges and oozes bubble, preventing safe access via ships. There are patches of debris from villages, walls and towers that existed long ago before the darkness took hold of the land but no intact structures remain.   The plant life here is withered and grey with colour seemingly drained from anything in the vicinity, even when the sun is shining brightly, a pasty version of life presents itself.


Some of the oozes in the sea have been known to melt the bottoms off of boats or even pull them down into the sludge, the thorny plants are very much active and ensnare those who get too close. Zombies and other undead creatures freely roam the areas in an unending search for flesh to consume although they seem to be bound to the borders of the darkness. There have been many sightings of ghouls and ghosts at night as well as wraiths, wights and spectres.   On some nights loud screams can be heard in distant villages far from Gloompoint and on a clear night, ethereal green and purple lights can be spotted dancing around the coastline.

History & Legends

Gloompoint has been in its current state for approximately 150 years, before this there were a handful of villages along the shoreline and some basic sea defences in their place but their names and records have been lost. It is widely thought that one of the old towers was inhabited by a mage that liked to dabble in necrotic magic which led to the whole area being overtaken with darkness.
Parent Location
The Aardragoon Islands


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