Sanctuary Settlement in Namarie | World Anvil
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The Sanctuary is the largest and most powerful barony in all of Kaechaek and stands as a beacon of all that Kaechaek stands for. Ruled by the Monarch of Kaechaek Emperor Honour, it commands the respect and obeisance of those who live under it's banner.   The Sanctuary is a heavily walled and well defended barony set into the side of a mountain and so made impenetrable against outer assault from all but the most terrifying and potent of threats.   The Sanctuary is a space of factions, citizens, farming and warriors that is watched and ruled over by Emperor Honour and his Honour Blades at all times.   Sanctuary was once a growing barony of warriors and miners, specifically favouring Dwarves and Drow amongst their ranks. However, though those mountain dwellers are still valued for the defence, growth and protection of Sanctuary. The barony has lost much of it's former killer instinct as Honour has continued to wish to support his nation politically and with wisdom rather than with the blade.


There is a varoety of races and creeds to be found in Sanctuary. However, of late, many other barony members have visited Sanctuary for protection and survival along with other nations reaching out to the city in the hope of receiving aid, political sway and support.


Ruled over by Honour and his Blades, who are, as a group both the protectors of Honour and his political advisors. Possessing both tactical acumen, intellect and skill with a blade.


Sanctuary has built itself up into a space of progress and technology over time. Specifically with their work with black powder from Peridot  and the Skyships they have studied. They also have built such a strong relationship with Vallea and so they utilise their crafting skill and blacksmiths for a variety of creations, including their invention of Gunblades. A form of fighting that Emperor Honour has since mastered before teaching a chosen few who trickle the knowledge down to their students. It has been incorporated into Kaechaek culture so quickyl and seemlessly that many individuals from Sanctuary see it as an achievement and acknowledgement of their skill when they are given their own gunblade (in the same way a samurai would receive their own blade when they were deemed worthy of it).

Guilds and Factions

The Black-Bloods have a base in Sanctuary though they often don't use it.    The Honour Blades are held in high regard here.    Other factions from across Namarie may on occassion use Sanctuary as a jumping off point, provided they are allowed access into the city.


Honour was raised in the mountains of Kaechaek with the Drow and Dwarves within where he aspired to rise to a position of Baron and find a way for the mountain people of Kaechaek to be acknowledged and respected by the rest of the nation.    When he came of age, Honour killed the former Drow baroness and established himself as the new ruler of Sanctuary.    After that led a series of blood-stained years in which many other baronies were forced to submit to Sanctuary until Honour was such a feared force that he was not ignored when he challenged the former monarch of Kaechaek... decapitating him in the combat.    Since then, Sanctuary has been built up to a point of deep respect and envy in Kaechaek whilst their origins have not been forgotten... giving the Drow and Dwarves unmatched levels of respect.


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