Mymiddle_earth The Third Age of Middle Earth Timeline

The Third Age of Middle Earth

This is the timeline for the Third Age of Middle Earth. A time where Elves, Men, and Dwarves all lived and worked in Middle Earth.

  • 1000 T.A.


    Arrival of the Istari
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Wizards appeared, and began working with Men, Dwarves, and Elves to stand against the Shadow.

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  • 1050 T.A.

    A Shadow Comes to Greenwood the Great
    Population Migration / Travel

    Greenwood the Great suddenly has a shadow descend on it's southern end, this is followed by a migration of Orcs and Spiders.

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  • 1980 T.A.

    Arrival of Durin's Bain in Khazad-Dum
    Disaster / Destruction

    Digging ever deeper for Mithril the Dwarves released some ancient evil that led to the death of their King Dain and his successor Nain that year. Feeling they could not stand against what was doing this they abandoned Khazad-Dun.

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  • 1999 T.A.

    Founding of Erebor by Thrain I and his followers
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Dwarves that fled from the downfall of Khazad-Dun went several directions one of the larger groups found an old mining colony under the Lonely Mountain, and founded the new Dwarven Delving of Erebor.

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  • 2063 T.A.

    Gandalf Scouts Dol Guldur

    Gandalf, the Grey travels into the heart of Mirkwood, and discovers Dol Gulder, at his approach the Shadow flees east.

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  • 2210 T.A.

    The Great Migration to the Grey Mountains
    Population Migration / Travel

    The young King Thorin I felt a desire for richer lands, and left Erebor travelling to the Grey Mountains to found a new Kingdom there. Erebor was left with only a few Dwarves remaining.

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  • 2460 T.A.

    The Return of the Shadow to Dol Guldur
    Political event

    After an absence of 400 years the shadow returns to Mirkwood.

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  • 2463 T.A.

    Founding of the White Council

    Sensing the growing darkness in Mirkwood the Lady Galadriel calls on Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Elrond and the King of the Wood Elves of Mirkwood to join her in combating this evil. All but the King of the Wood Elves joins.

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  • 2480 T.A.

    Orcs Increase in the Grey and Misty Mountains
    Population Migration / Travel

    In every stronghold and keep in the mountains the Orcs flock and soon all passage over these mountain ranges is blocked.

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  • 2510 T.A.

    Migration of the Eotheod from the Northern Vales of Anduin to Calenardhon
    Population Migration / Travel

    Answering a summons for military aid from the Cirion the Steward of Gondolin, the Eotheod move from Northern Anduin to Calenardhon. Founding the Mark of Rohan.

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  • 2510 T.A.

    15 /4

    Battle of the Field of Celbrant
    Military action

    The forces of Gondor were trapped by the evil men and orcs, when the Eotheod came answering the call for assistance that had been sent to them by Cirion the Steward of Gondor. Their charge broke the forces of shadow, and gave the victory to Gondor.

  • 2570 T.A.

    2589 T.A.

    The Plague of Dragons in the Grey Mountains
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 2590 T.A.

    The Return to Erebor
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Dwarves having lost their halls in the Grey Mountains, Thror led his people back to Erebor.

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  • 2622 T.A.

    Dale Founded

    With the return of the Dwarves to Erebor the trade and activity of Erebor attracted the men living along the @RUNNING RIVER. Over time they trade camp they used became a permanent settlement, and was officially the City of Dale

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  • 2770 T.A.

    The Coming of Smaug
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Great Dragon, Smaug the Golden, came out of the Grey Mountains and entered and took control of Erebor. Sending the @DWARVES OF EREBOR and @MEN OF DALE to flee the area.

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  • 2793 T.A.

    2799 T.A.

    War of Dwarves and Orcs
    Military action

    The Dwarves declared war on the Orcs of the Misty Mountains.  Finally defeating them in the Battle of Azanulbizar in 2799

    Misty Mountains
    More reading
    Thrain II
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  • 2941 T.A.

    3 /12

    Death of Smaug
    Political event

    The Great Dragon Smaug was killed by Bard of Dale. Freeing Northern Wilderland from the beasts domination.

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  • 2941 T.A.

    4 /12

    Defeat of the Necromancer of Dol Gulder
    Military action

    The White Council defeated the Necromancer of Dol Gulder, Releasing Southern Wilderland from the Shadow.

  • 2941 T.A.

    22 /12

    Battle of Five Armies
    Military action

    Armies of Dwarves, Men, and Elves defeated armies of Orcs and Wolves bringing further peace to Wilderland.

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  • 2942 T.A.

    1 /2

    Dain of the Iron Hills Becomes King Under the Mountain
    Political event

    With the death of Smaug and the Dwarves re-entry into Erebor Dain of the Iron Hills became the King Under the Mountain following the death of Thorin Oakenshield at The Battle of Five Armies

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  • 2942 T.A.

    1 /3

    Kingdom of Dale Refounded
    Political event

    Bard lead many of the people from the destroyed Lake Town North to refound Dale.

  • 2943 T.A.

    1 /5

    New Laketown Founded
    Political event

    Some merchants returned to the Long Lake and built a new Laketown.

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  • 2946 T.A.

    1 /1

    King Bard's Call for Heroes
    Gathering / Conference

    King Bard of Dale calls for Heroes to come to his Kingdom to help explore, rebuild, and make the area safe.

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