The Eirenic Crown Item in Mirateia | World Anvil

The Eirenic Crown


The symbolism behind the Eirenic Crown is what many believe makes the crown unique in Mirateia. The Eirenic Crown has managed to capture the symbolism of the Crienia people perfectly, it contains elements from both elves and humans and is seen as the perfect symbol for the union between the two ancient tribes that unified into what is now known as the Crienia. The symbolism is what makes it the perfect item for the heir to the throne to wear as it gives the added symbolism of hopes for the future of the Crienia and the Empire.   While no one have confirmed it, its believed that the two smaller diamonds represent the two tribes and the larger one in front represent the unification of the tribes into what would become the Crienia.  

Historical Context:

When the Dercian Republic fell in 62 I.C the second kingdom of Dercia found itself in dire need of symbols that the people could rally behind and while the population didn't support the Republic, the newly formed kingdom still needed to legitimize their existence and quickly symbols from the old kingdom were rediscovered and brought up to date and the symbols of the The Astalles dynasty were woven into the fabric of the kingdom and while enough documentation existed for the crowns of the king and queen existed, it was felt that the heir should have a symbol as well but after months of digging in the history books, no trace was found of something like that had existed in the old kingdom, so advisors to the new queen Aelia Caecilia Astalles advised that she created a whole new crown and it was her idea to use union between the two tribes in the making of the crown.  

Cultural Significance:

The people of the Empire of Dercia and in particular the Crienia people view the Eirenic Crown as the symbol of the Imperial heir and when the heir is wearing the crown they are given the authority of the Imperial throne, it is therefore mainly used during cultural celebrations. Some people have the opinion that the Eirenic Crown has more cultural significance than the crown of the Emperor since the Eirenic Crown contains the symbolism of the two ancient people that make up the Crienia.  

Ceremonial Use:

The crown is used during the ceremony where the heir to the throne is announced to the people of the Empire, likewise, the heir will also use it during state banquets, representing the Empire's dignity and grace. The crown is also in use during Imperial investitures when the heir confers honours, titles and awards to notable individuals or even if a legion has distinguished itself, like how the 9th Legion were given honours from both Empress Elenora Astalles and Emperor Zane Astalles with Zane using the crown as the heir to Elenora, during The Decade of 5 Emperors.   When Crown Princess Ira still lived in the palace, before moving to Nicia, she began to use the crown during meetings where she was representing the Emperor as she felt it gave her more authority to make important decisions.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Creation Date
64 I.C
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The Eirenic Crown is made of silver as the main part of the crown with gold elements as well as three large Diamonds

Cover image: by EvanBlairArt


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Dec 2, 2023 20:45 by Absinthe

I wonder if Ira is a goth girl like me?

Dec 2, 2023 21:03

Sadly I think she is more what people would call a tomboy :)

Dec 3, 2023 19:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love the symbolism behind the crown - or, at least, what it is believed the crown represents.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 3, 2023 22:26

Thank you :)

Jan 22, 2024 21:34 by Zannazook læ Gnom

I really like the way you talk about the symbolism as suppositions rather than facts, letting the mystery levitating.

Jan 22, 2024 22:45

Thank you :)