
The traveling scholar.

"A winter child, one that was born to the indoors. One whose mother told him stories while he fell asleep. A child born with that curiosity was sure to grow up to be a great scholar."

A Childhood of Curiosity

Takalia was born in a cold and windy winter season. From a young age he always showed great interest in learning about nature, people, and stories. This lead to his parents putting in great effort to ensure he could learn to read and to write. His father could read but neither of his parents were able to write and they sought a better life - "a more important life" as his parents said - for him.   At the age of ten, he was sent to the big city of Ghilai to recieve a formal education. When Takalia turned fifteen he set off to Darapur to attend Jamaira to further his academic pursuits.

Travels in Grara

When he completed his studies at Jamaira in the Summer of 41 EX, he set off to his homeland where he intended to write a comprehensive guide to the people and places that he had heard about as a child. After many years of travel - and many challenges - he had filled his notebook several times over and began to clean it up for it's final revision and addition to the library at Jamaira. The completed copy was placed in its proper location on the first of Autumn in 54 EX.   Two years later he would return to Darapur at the request of an acquaintance he met during his time as a student. Vacancia had just completed her greatest invention - the printing press - and wanted to give more people a chance to learn about Grara and the travels of her friend. While a delay in Takalia's travel and the writing of the foreword by the creator of the printing press prevented Travels in Grara from being the first document to be mass produced, it was still the first book to be made using the technology.


Takalia is just shy of 170 centimeters tall and stocky for his height. He has eyes green as the plains of his homeland and hair as windswept as the grasses of those plains. An unshaven face indicates the life of a traveler and is not a popular choice among scholars but he keeps it anyway. Hats are not a piece of clothing he favours but his trusty cloak is never left behind - even as it accumulates more and more patches.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Folk Stories of Grara

A series of books written and published by Takalia that - while still successful - were far less popular than his magnum opus Travels in Grara.
Folk Stories of Grara, Volume I
Document | Aug 30, 2023

Takalia's lesser-known work.

Date of Birth
24 Winter 23 EX
Year of Birth
23 43 Years old


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Dec 17, 2021 03:19 by Dimitris Havlidis

Beautiful work! Thank you so much for sharing and best of luck with Worldember!

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