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Castle of Angeleor

The castle of Angeleor, also known as Castle Angeleos is the home of House Angeleos. It is located in the centre of the city of Angeleor on an island in the river Vadion. A long stone bridge connects the castle island to both sides of the city, the poorer, dirtier north and the more grandious trading town in the south. In the early days of House Angeleos, the castle could only be accessed by a boat, but wooden bridges were soon built from the tip of the island to either shore for easier access.

These wooden bridges could be collapsed easily in case of an attack, making the castle much more difficult to access. Over time, a city started to grow on both shores, which was eventually fortified. After the fortification of the city, it was no longer necessary to collaps the bridges. A grand stone bridge was subsequently built to replace its wooden predecessors. It is nowadays known as the Riarcosbridge.

The castle's main gate is located on the eastern point of the island, where the bridge connects to the castle island. There is one smaller gate in the southern wall which is only accessible by water and mostly used for deliveries of merchandise to the castle by ship. There used to be such a gate in the northern wall when the castle was only reachable by boat, but it fell out of use and doesn't exist any more due to remodeling of the outer walls.

The castle itself is built around an oak tree in the middle of the main courtyard. Supposedly, the tree was planted when House Angeleos first took up residence on the island in a simple wooden keep, around which the castle grew. Today, the main keep of the castle is still in the same location as the original building, though it is a much grander structure now. It is now a large, multi-storied stone building.

Nowadays, the castle encompasses the entire island with barracks, stables, an armoury, a granary, a well, a forge and many other necessities, all surrounded by tall, fortified stone walls. If the castle were to be cut off from supply lines in the event of a siege, it could survive for quite a while without running out of supplies.

The keep itself has its main entrance on the second floor as a last line of defence against intruders. On the ground floor, the kitchens and servant quarters are located, prisoners are kept in the basement. The throne room and other rooms needed by a Lord or King for official purposes are found on the second floor where they are easily accessible for visitors. On the third floor, the private chambers of the ruling family as well as those of the Royal Guard as well as some guest rooms are located.

Under normal circumstances, the castle is populated by the members of House Angeleos, their staff and guard, the new recruits for the Eleonian Army and the part of the army that is stationed in Angeleor who do not live in or near the city. When cramming the barracks to absolute maximum capacity and setting up tents in the courtyard, it can house the entire army, which is around 35000 strong, for a short period of time.

Though it may be less large and impressive than other castles across Leanor, Castle Angeleos is still an impressive sight. It is widely considered near impregnable due to its location in the middle of the river, where enemies from any direction can be spotted easily. It is also seen as very beautiful with its elegant architecture and many towers. People visiting Angeleor for the first time often are astounded by the castle's size and beauty.

Alternative Names
Castle Angeleos
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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Jan 5, 2024 05:54 by Absinthe

My mind's eye conjures the image of Chateau de La Roche.

Jan 5, 2024 12:05

Hey, thanks for your comment! Chateau de La Roche is a beautiful castle that I did not know about until today. My mental image for this castle is quite different, more like Riverrun in Game of Thrones. I do have a castle that I think looks more like Chateau de La Roche, except that that one is built in a lake:

Jan 5, 2024 16:48 by Absinthe

You might also like Chateau Chenonceau.

Jan 15, 2024 03:00

I liked reading about how the castle was built on/around the existing geography.

Jan 16, 2024 12:17

Thank you for your like and comment! I also quite like this feature of the castle. ;)