Tribe of Goth Urah Organization in Laminarum | World Anvil

Tribe of Goth Urah

The Tribe of Goth Urah is the organization of orcs under the Chieftain of Orovical. They own portions of land around Eldurgrund and unofficially control Uni Orvac Outpost, down south. This tribe has a marked disdain for the Hellstrom Governy, but this has been the case for every family that has controlled Eldurgrund in the past. The tribe reinforces ideas of rejecting outside help (particularly from non-orc groups) but they have unsteady yet positive relations with dwarves in the area, as both groups are gifted craftsmen.   The group seeks redemption and revelation via visions of the past, and as such obey the word of the Irz Ikar in Az Athur to the west of Orovical. Goth Urah was unveiled by the visions of the Harridan, and he is one of the three semi-formal deities connected to the past of the orcs. He is the warrior god and middle brother of the three deities.


The Tribe of Goth Urah was no more than a roving band of raiders all along the Eldurgrund Sea for decades. Dispersed and lacking a central identity, they had little reason to promote the growth of a greater civilization, resulting in infighting. Those that were at the top of the different gangs would travel to the established civilizations, raiding the civilians of their crops and livestock.    The most powerful group arose under the legendary figure known as "Bogz Kazadan," who managed to control the territory between the Eldurgrund Sea and The Northlend Sea. It was by his word that two attacks were launched against Árkastali and its surrounding territory.   Bogz failed both of these attacks, but he became problematic enough that the barony was willing to hear out the orcs terms. It was in this agreement, known as the Greylend Pact, that Bogz got what he wanted all along. The territory that they had already claimed would be independent by all measures aside from taxes and necessary travel for the military of Eldurgrund. Eldurgrund, nor any of its lordships, would be able to dispute their control nor launch attacks on their land (which prior, had been entirely legal).   From here, Orovical was erected and only months later, the Irz Ikar would receive visions of gods- links to the mysterious history of the orcs. The first would be Goth Urah, the middle sibling and great warrior.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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