Greylend Pact Document in Laminarum | World Anvil

Greylend Pact

The Greylend pact was an agreement reached by the orcs of Orovical, Ock Ivaran, Eldurgrund, and Árkastali. The pact included the legalization of the orc territory and a cease to all conflict, so long as the orcs stopped their raiding afronts to both Árkastali and the greater Eldurgrund territory.   The pact was direly needed after Árkastali successfully fended off against two attacks from the orcs, but had little in the way of offensive technology to dissuade the orcs from returning. The orcs begrudgingly agreed, under the condition that they could claim their territory as far east to the Eldurgrund and Northlend sea as they could.   Some other stipulations therein are as follows:
  • The orcish territory is not a formal "Lordship," and as such, they get no vote on the succession of the governor (this was added later, as the position was hereditary at the time).
  • During wartimes, the Eldurgrund military has the right to enter the territory without fear of harm.
  • Taxes and tariffs are treated as if Orovical and its lesser settlements were standard lordships.
  • Unlike most territories, the orcs are not required to accept the Ohfjuren as the authority over all things (this was agreed upon after the Silence).
  • Religious iconography native to Orovical may not be spread to surrounding territories, or any other location within the augury 
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