The Separation of Lynur and Ytoniel

How the Sun and Moon were separated in the sky

And so the bard sang of the Separation of Lyrianur and Ytoniel, leaving no eye dry, for his voice cracked with longing and bittersweet joy. In that moment, she knew that this man understood her plight far too well. What use is love when it would doom the world? Is an eternity of sorrow a worthy price to pay for the salvation of everyone who lived and whoever would live after?


In the beginning, there was no Fey and no mortal world. All dwelt together as kin on Ynys Awen, from where Lyrianur harped the world into being, Fae and mortal alike, both alike in beauty, strength, and agelessness. So Lynur met Ytoniel, most beauteous and most gentle of all the maidens that ever dwelt within the world. She fell in love with Lynur and Lynur with her, so she became the Song-Queen, and the light that shone from her face was of silver, while the love that radiated from Lynur was golden, and in their union, the light was given to the world.   But discord arose within the Song and Ytoniel was led astray, captured by the Night-King, who desired an eternal night to settle across the land. The light was lost to the world. Grieving, Lynur traveled the wide lands of the stars, until he came to the palace of the Night-King, in which Ytoniel was imprisoned in a cage of shadow, which spread across all the land until night reigned, with not a hint of light to give hope to the frightened down below. (It was in this time that the first strife between mortal and Fae arose, forever driving a wedge between the kindred, but that is another tale.   Heart-broken by the sight of his beloved and yet devastated by what he knew was happening in the world below, Lynur made an agreement with the Night-King. Lynur would cede half of all time to the Night-King for the land to dwell in darkness in exchange for Ytoniel's life. And so, night and day were established about the world.   Yet Lynur heard the fears and concerns of his mortal subjects, now trapped for half of their lives within the darkness of the Night-King. Taking counsel with Ytoniel, Lynur explained his plan, and the sacrifice they would both have to pay. Weeping for their losses, Lynur and Ytoniel strode to the opposite ends of the heavens and began their slow, courtly pace around them. In such a manner, light always shines upon the earth, even though Lynur and Ytoniel may never be together again, except on those rare days when they waver from their paths to meet in the fullness of their light. Yet ever the Night-King awaits for the bargain to broken, so he may claim both Ytoniel's life and all of time as his hall. For he was furious at the agreement reached between the two and how even in night's victory, Lynur maintained the glory and honor. So the heavenly meetings of Lynur and Ytoniel are brief and allow only for a short embrace, in which time the darkness lies upon the land, and they depart to march their paths once again.

Historical Basis

As a myth explaining the origin of the sun and moon, the existence of these two celestial objects is seen as evidence for the truth of the story. However, Navatean and Aelithi scholars find such arguments unconvincing, for they have their own explanations of the sun and moon.   The Fae are reluctant to discuss this incident and no mortal has heard their version, but what hints they say seem to imply that the story is, at least in the largest sense of the story, correct. However, they either refuse or are unable, to go further into detail, much to the chagrin of human scholars and Aelithi priests.


Everyone in the isles of Laeonesse hears the story and travelers have carried it further abroad to the mainland continents. It is considered part of the First Cycle learned by the bards and the druids as crucial of their understanding of the world and the Awen around them. For it is from the Song that Lynur sang that the Awen springs. In such a way, it is fundamental to the Laeonessai understanding of the universe around them and the manner in which reality functions.

Variations & Mutation

The Night-King plays only the smallest role in the rest of Laeonessai mythology, which has led some scholars to question whether he played any role in this tale at all, or if he was a later addition, through some ambitious storyteller. Instead, in many cases, he is replaced by a clan or local deity of the night. Some claim that these variations are translations of the Night-King, but most scholars remain unconvinced, seeing more of an influence of the Sais religion in this odd presence of the Night-King.

Cultural Reception

As part of the First Cycle, it is foundational to the Laeonessai conception of reality. It accurately explains the nature of the sun and moon, as well as the existence of the night, and illustrates the two great powers that exist within their reality. That of the Light, creator and most powerful, and the Dark, the embodiment of night that wishes to consume existence and subject it to its own misery. Laeonessai rituals are designed to create and remember Lynur and Ytoniel's sacrifice and their journeys. Mon Coimhead- Mount of the Watch is the most crucial place in this ritual, for it was from here that Lynur and Ytoniel made their final departure, and which they will someday reunite.   The Aelithi are highly skeptical of this myth, viewing the sun and moon as physical objects subject to the immaterial spirits that dwell within the larger structures. For them, the conception of the sun and moon as being persons is shockingly primitive and absurd. They reject it entirely and use it as evidence of their cultural superiority.   The Sais are baffled by the concept of Lynur and the sun as being a powerful deity capable of brokering an arrangement with the Night-King. For them, in their far northern lands, the sun is weak and visible for only a small portion of the year, with the depths of winter being plunged into months of endless night. The Night-King is the true power in their religion and they see the sun and moon as beings gifts from the Night-King, signs of his mercy upon them.

In Literature

The Laeonessai write nothing down, save the druids with their runes. In this case, the druids have carved this tale, in full, in runes, in the center of their circles, as part of the foundation of the world, and by writing it, they have ensured its permanent existence in memory and in the Awen of the world. The bards, however, have written many heroics, many songs, and many poems about the event. In a way, it is a rite of passage for a bard to prove their artistic merit. To elegant capture the spirit and details of this story is considered one of the greatest achievements of a bard.

In Art

Tapestries in royal halls quite frequently depict the story, serving as reminders during winter and as insulation to the stone walls. The greatest of these is said to be in the citadel of City of Aerlion, crafted by the Selkies that dwell in the waters along the isle, woven of sea-silver and glass.   The Aelithi are the primary sculptors in the isles and a few of their more daring artists have sought to capture the images of the tale, seeing it as nothing more than story. The druids do not approve of such things but they do not seek to stop or destroy the statues, seeing it rather as a peculiar aspect of these mainlanders' culture.
Date of First Recording
One Thousand and Four Hundredth year of the Fae
Date of Setting
Before the First Movement of the Song
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Jul 7, 2018 20:23 by Mint

The myth itself is interesting, but the details of its reception around the world really make the article! I like the fact that apparently the myth is true in some form as well.

Jul 7, 2018 21:58 by Kaleb Kramer

Thanks! Glad you think so. Yes, the reception begins laying the groundwork for events that will occur in the future of Laeonesse and might have been hinted at in some other recent articles. I don't remember if I finished those yet.

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 7, 2018 20:28 by SirElghinn

As with all things, most myths and legends are based around a semblance of truth. Well done, I thoroughly enjoyed the article!

Jul 7, 2018 21:59 by Kaleb Kramer

Glad you enjoyed it! It was quite a bit of fun to write!

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 7, 2018 20:40 by James L

Great work really building the myth and the language, a lovely article to read and think on further.

Jul 7, 2018 22:01 by Kaleb Kramer

Thank you! I appreciate it! Good to see you back around Laeonesse again! You have really good insights. Definitely makes me think about things further. Hope there's plenty here to contemplate, as C.S. Lewis said a myth was meant to do.

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 7, 2018 22:11 by James L

Many thanks!

Jul 7, 2018 22:24 by Kaleb Kramer

You're welcome!

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon