Forager Profession in Korth A1 | World Anvil
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Foragers spent their time focusing on one thing. Collecting consumable plant life. A lot of the early foragers worked in trusted groups. Sharing their knowledge amongst themselves. Testing what was safe by consuming very small amounts first, and noting the affects. Once an item was proven to be safe to consume, this knowledge was shared.   Some foragers specialized in harvesting mushrooms, learning as much about each variant as they could. Early on in history it was learned that the Giant Brown Mushroom was safe to consume. This was a staple for many foragers as once one was found, it could provide a lot of food for them. Whether they gorged themselves with these giant mushrooms, or brought them back to their community. Another sought after mushroom was Barkwood Mushrooms, as it was learned that the sap from these mushrooms (Barkwood Sap) could be turned into Barkwood Grog, a kind of beverage with effects similar to alcohol. This was a very valuable find, and a forager with the knowledge to consistently bring these goods home to a community, quickly made a lot of friends. Golden Mushrooms was a particular find that was quite rare, but once again, people loved these things for the effects they caused. Anytime Greenspec Mushrooms were found, it was a treat as it was a wonderful way to spice up a meal.   There are dangers of course, some of the dangerous mushrooms, kept the average person away from just picking up any mushroom. Being all to easy to mistake a Common White Mushroom with a White Veiled Mushroom and have a all to interesting night, if you are lucky. The Double Black Mushrooms also being a very dangerous mushroom, leaving some of the early foragers with Cap Rott. Although it was not a common mushroom for people to attempt to eat, due to it's appearance alone. There were some that tried...   Sticky mushrooms, and flathead mushrooms are others that were collected and hunted by foragers for their many use cases.



Although there are no qualifications to be a forager, one has to be relatively brave, with good memory. Unless you have the guidance of someone else who has tried their luck with the different mushroom types, it is all too easy to fall greatly ill due to miss-identifying a mushroom. Some communities demand foragers to consume their own findings before presenting them back to the group.

Career Progression

There are basic foragers who simply know that certain types of things exist, and go look for them. With more Knowledge, foragers can make notes of certain common areas for mushrooms. Advanced foragers may even make attempts at growing their own, and experimenting with cultivation.

Payment & Reimbursement

Communities value foragers greatly as they are so vital to survival. A good group of foragers can consistently keep a community well fed, and in good spirits. This often means foragers have quite nice living arrangements made for them to have a comfortable place to come home to.

Other Benefits

Since communities rely so heavily on foragers, they are often given a comfortable home, and it is maintained by those in the community.



A good knife and bag or basket is really all a forager needs. For some of the bigger Giant Brown Mushroom additional help carrying the findings is nice to have. Sticky Mushrooms prove challenging to harvest due to their sticky, and fragile nature, usually a solid container is used for these.


If the forager is working with a community, the community will likely provide the forager with rations for the day. Or supplies for a overnight trip. Depending on the nature of the trip, an assistant or two may be sent with the forager.

Dangers & Hazards

Hazards, like with so many other professions on Korth are plentiful. From needing to learn the different types of plants and mushrooms, either from trusting the knowledge of others, or learning it yourself. Other dangers include attack from others, and the general traveling nature of the job.
Alternative Names
gatherer, harvester, hunter

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