Ibrim Organization in Kalin | World Anvil


Ibrim is a peaceful city, and has had the least wide reaching events out of any Fallen City. It was one of the few cities where the Torva stepped down peacefully, and to this day has been ruled on the principle of “live and let live”. Freedoms are many in Ibrim. Wealth is often seen as the most important thing in the city, with the poor being seen as morally bankrupt and the rich as prestigious citizens.   The city was ruled by the richest man or woman in the city, called the “Merchant Prince/Princess”, with a new leader chosen every year unless that person is still the wealthiest.   In 756 2A, the city was essentially conquered by its neighbor Atresa after the ruling Merchant Princess invited Atresa in to maintain order during the chaotic Year of the Dragon. Atresa never really...left, and instead took Ibrim in as a protectorate state.   Ever since, the Fallen City has been an important part of the Empire Atresa has built, but some of its merchants have not forgotten the level of freedom they used to have, and how stricter Atresan laws have impinged them.

Demography and Population

The city used to be extensively split between rich and poor, and while that is still the case, a middle class has begun to grow due to increasing opportunities from both a nationalized military and improving middle class opportunities. Species wise it's about 75% human, 10% Olark, 5% halfling, 5% half-orc, 5% other.


Ibrim territory is mostly controlled by ancient territory. Ibrim territory is inherited from when the Torva stepped down as the leaders of the city, with no real attempts to grow that territory due to Ibrim's non-aggressive nature.


Ibrim used to mostly on mercenaries and rich merchants private military forces. There was a small main army that is funded by donations by more charitable rich lords, but it was mostly there to protect their interests.   When Atresa took over this dramatically changed. While a lot of lords still maintain their own small militaries, the primary protection and army of the city is now the professional Ibrimese Army, which has seen swelling enlistment over the years as many previously poor citizens of Ibrim have used it as a way to get out of poverty.


Ibrim does not set any religion, and while the majority worship The Mantle there is a higher amount of other religions due to Ibrim's libertarian nature.

Agriculture & Industry

Ibrim makes most of its money in banking, trading, and anything involved in those two. While Atresa may be the home of Guilds, Ibrim is their summer home. Many guilds have secondary or even primary halls in Ibrim. Additionally the rich around the world trust Ibrim's banks to protect their gold and investment. While Atresan laws and regulations have been implemented since they've taken control of the city, they've been careful to avoid implementing too many taxes and regulations to scare off business.


Ibrim has no public education. All education is privately given based on how much you can pay. There are pushes by Atresa to implement a more formalized education system, but they have yet to take root in the city.


Almost all infrastructure used to be privatized in Ibrim, including roads. This led to wildly inconsistent quality, as some guilds and nobles put a lot of effort into their infrastructure and some didn't. This has changed since Atresa took control of the city, and more formalized infrastructure has been put in place paid for by the new taxes placed by Atresa.
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Major Imports
Ibrim imports almost everything besides wood and iron, which it can actually harvest in its territory.
Legislative Body
The Merchant Princess used to technically rule and makes the rules of Ibrim. However in practice there were no strict laws in Ibrim beyond "don't murder or steal" and generally the rules enforced were those that the rich wanted to enforce.   When Atresa took control they went about enacting stricter laws. While they allowed the looser regulation on banks and guilds that made Ibrim a more profitable place to do business for those organizations, other laws such as income taxes, stricter criminal laws, and some consumer protections have been implemented. Much to the chagrin of some local merchants. These rules are implemented by local merchant lords chosen by the Prime Lords of Atresa.
Judicial Body
When Atresa took control they implemented a system of judges, originally chosen by the the leading general in the Fallen City. Now judges are chosen by the ruling merchant lords, who themselves are merely extensions of Atresan will.
Parent Organization