Yaro Character in Kald | World Anvil


Yaro "Ruby" Mora

True name:


Personal History


When born, she was immediately disowned by her parents, who dropped her outside the city in the wasteland, leaving her to die. She survived due to a feral alsow who was cast out of society after an episode of violence. It was not a happy relationship, the alsow having raving fits and would harm young Yaro. Yet this was all she could hope for, there was at least someone who would care for her and bring her up.
The alsow was old and died before she was 8, so she moved back to the city of Zjdreulk and lived as a thief, despised by whoever saw her.

Thieves house

Yaro learned from the aging alsow, and would head into town to bring food home. She was still young, and was spotted many times, leading to some putting a bounty on her. One Natrai took this bounty, and followed her home to the alsow. The alsow tried to fend off the intruder but was slain. Rather than taking Yaro for the bounty, Natrai, seeing her potential, decided to take Yaro under her wing.
Natrai had lent her home to renegades and thieves, treating them and them treating each other as family. The would often perform joint raids, and aid those who became injured. No one understood why Natrai had grown affectionate towards Yaro, not even Yaro herself.
Natrai taught Yaro all she new: stealth, subterfuge, thievery, and honor. Natrai loved Yaro, a bond that grew so strong Natrai was the one to give Yaro her Ooll, Vixe. Life, though hard, was at relative peace. That was until one of her housemates pushed the law too far, causing a raid on her home, slaughtering Natrai and others on the spot. She left after this, a more-than-wanted criminal.

Solidarity & Unity

After her home was destroyed, she wandered east, a never ending battery of hate and disgust by all she met. Eventually she met someone who did not show her malice, but kindness. She found Ellis praying at a glowing shrine in the woods. She was curious about what he was doing, but stayed hidden. Something, later realized his nya, had let her guard down, enough to be noticed.
They soon became infatuated with each other, and soon she realized why he was so kind to her. He should not have existed, at least not in the way he did, he was not of her world. They found they were from separate dimensions, avatars of each other serving as the other’s world’s counterpart. The Ellis she held in her arms was a proxy, but their bond would not quit. They made it their mission for one to traverse planes for them to truly be united. In their search they eventually married, at least by title, giving Yaro a family name, Mora.
Ellis performed odd jobs to get money to see far-seers, while Yaro’s proxy would search out ways in Ellis’s world. Eventually they were lead to the great library, Koaga. They spent months combing through many many tombs, living as helpers to the building and it’s residents. Eventually they found it, the way for them to cross. It was the last story in a book of forgotten fairy tales, of a fox opening a door to get to a rabbit. Most would see it as a metaphor, but Yaro and Ellis saw it for what it was. By happenstance at the same time of their discovery, Yaro’s proxy had found a similar book with the exact same story and passage. But Yaro’s passage also had the author, and through more sleuthing discovered that the authors home was now a museum. They were led by Ellis’s world to the museum, but Yaro and Ellis’s proxy was lead atop a crystal tower in far-eastern Sornata, no intelligent life as far as the eye could see. In front of them was a Tuumon Kova. In both worlds, Yaro reached the door, opening it.
There she was, looking at Ellis for the first time. And by his side was… herself? She didn’t look like her, a colorful Humi draped in expensive garb. Yet she knew, she knew she was looking into her own eyes. She was frozen in awe and fear, what had they done, how was this possible. Before she could make a move, both Ellisse had reached out to touch the boundary, creating a burst of light that knocked her unconscious.
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Loss & Search

When she came to, the door was closed and there was no one in sight. Where had Ellis gone? Had it worked? What had transpired? Questions rushed through her head, eventually deciding that it had worked, but not in the way that they hoped. What was left of him was the ring he had given her as a sign of their marriage. She took it to the nearest far seer and, politely, threatened her to learn if Ellis was alive. He was, and she set off. Months go by as she traveled the land, getting closer and closer to him. She wouldn’t, couldn’t let another good thing in her life disappear.
She eventually did find him, attending a foreign school happily lazing about with strangers. Had he not been looking for her? She rushed at him in a rage, batting away the creatures who tried to stop her with ease. She demanded for him to tell her what was going on, but he cowered and claimed to know nothing. She looked deep into his eyes, there was a primal fear in them. She left, she had to find somewhere to collect herself. With the Murn she had “persuaded” a far-seer to give her, she went to Ellis a second time. This time he was traveling with a few of the Oo he had been with.
This time she tried a diplomatic approach, after beating away their best efforts to drive her off. She had learned that he had become amnesiac, and remember nothing from when he crossed. She held his hands and asked if he truly didn’t remember her. Sparks seemed to flicker in his eyes, then he embraced her, he had remembered.

The House

She made a home for herself, Ellis, and their new family. Her goal for so many seasons was just to find Ellis, but now it was to protect these strangers that accepted her for her. Currently she is the Kejsha of -\Waja, acting as the leader with Ellis as more of a figurehead. She doesn’t mind being a leader, and actually finds it more comfortable than she thought it should. Their “cause” that @tia A-Ro had put into Ellis’s head was almost just a passing thought to her. What was important was having something she could protect, people who did not see her as a monster but as an equal
It started off small, with just Ellis, Carrin, Hio, Kelnor, and Jorm, but soon others migrated to their home, strangers such as Vil and Tempa came along with amnesiac Ellis’s acquaintances as Itwi and Wariri. At first these new members cast her evil gazes, but after coming to terms with their structure and cause they mellowed to accept her.
As their membership grew, so did the size of their home. She lead construction of additions to the house, a grand hall, bedrooms of varying sizes, a foyer, and much more. While they didn’t have any carpenters or engineers she lead the building herself, but soon left it to those better equipped. Ellis would leave on missions of recruiting and rescuing those inside Raehyr while she stayed home and trained those willing in combat.
Everything was on the up and up until during one of Ellis’s raids he met with himself. They had not yet built a prison, so they kept the large Kohhas that had knocked Ellis out in the top of the library tower. Ellis woke and met with the stranger, both saying that the other was themselves. Yaro became even more confused when, after they touched, they had become one. This set a strain on their once jubilant relationship.
She grew close to Hio, who had helped her train those who wished to fight and would often go out hunting with him and his pack. After becoming close friends, She convinced Ealx to be her assistant. She created a whole system for the house, not necessarily appointing roles, but acknowledging Oo taking on those roles themselves.


Though she has trust issues, she is very personable and loves to be around, and converse with others. She is a natural leader and takes control of situations even if she was not called to do so.
She is very cut and dry with her decisions, only sly when she absolutely needs to be. She tries to hide her emotions most of the time, but will relax when around Ellis
She tends to stay clean with what she does, but she is not afraid to use dirty tactics. She appears abrasive to those who first meet her, and even to those who know her. She is willing to work with others, but will quickly cut off all ties if something goes south.

Current Motivation

Right now she despreatly wants to hold on to what she has. A house where others treat her with the same courtesy as any Rela or Oql. A husband, though flawed, loves her for who she is and despite what she is. Loss of either home or love would be crushing for her, another confirmation that the world hates her.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Ellis




Husband (Vital)

Towards Yaro



Nicknames & Petnames

Ellis' calls Yaro "Ruby" from her hair and scale color. Yaro calls Ellis "Atho" meaning 'close one' when in private.When among friends, she calls him "Iis". and in public, uses his regular name.

Relationship Reasoning

Ellis is the first one to show her open kindness when he knew about what she was. She quickly latches on to him and refuses to let go.

Shared Secrets

Each others true names. Each of them also know of the other's past. The truth of what the Tuumon Kova is.

Ø Rela of Keuh Drake & Oqmi Humi
Year of Birth
7935 ( 30 years old )
Biological Sex: Female
Favorite food: Pear (really any sweet fruit, but pears were the first fruit she stole on her own)
Don't you dare go out alone ever again! I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again.


Her body is an amalgamation of drake and humi anatomy. Her eyes are silver as a humi, but have silted pupils like a drake. She has hair as a south-eastern oqmi (frizzy) but is crimson rather than jet-black. Her umber kudu-like horns twist behind her head at full length, just budding with branches from her recent entrance to maturity. Her left horn is stunted, only half the length of her full right horn. At 2.13 meters, she stands atop keuh paws with ebony claws. Her over-all form is that of an oqmi, but her forearms and lower legs are that of a keuh. Ruby scales uniformly are patched over her body, scales line her forehead and cheeks, flowing down her shoulders, stopping then starting again to pad her hips and knees. Her face is half way between a dragon's and a humi. She has robust wings and a tail slightly longer than her legs. She has no spines down her back, but her back is covered in scales. Rebka's left horn is misshapen and stunted.
green-teal glassy and smoky spheres with cracks of glowing red.


She always has her body completely covered in something. Most of the time, it’s a cloak and Soakk mask. But she will use whatever is available to hide herself. When she has one, she prefers her haln to be bangles on her wrists. Most of her murn stolen while she lived in Zjdreulk.
To Yon with all of you. I'm a monster, I don't deserve any of this!


Nya: Any surface wound she licks will be immediately healed.
Mastered Ghoa: Flame control, momentary enhanced strength.
Unique Knowledge: The truth of what the Tuumon Kova is. She also knows very well how people behaving in reaction to certain actions.
Other: Proficient in stealth of her physical form, though she has trouble hiding her aura). Though she is not fromally trained, she has learned how to fight. Her native tongue is Lald Show Spoiler
and later learns to speak Thoos when reuniting with Ellis. She also knows Ellis's language from their time together, Agar.
It's usually best to just run away. But sometimes, you need to fight. And if you do, hold nothing back.
Ruled Locations


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