Aurora Tempus Character in Imperium Archives | World Anvil
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Aurora Tempus

Aurora Tempus (a.k.a. The Dark Moon)

A former officer of Dantus during his rein over the continent. She betrayed him and joined her new found friend Garamond to fight against the darkness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a Scion, she has two forms. Her human and beast form. Her human form had blonde hair which was usually short or put up. She would wear some blue leather breeches and a fancy purple blouse with a collar.   Her beast form is that of the mythical beast called a kitsune. As while her hair, her fur is blonde and her among of tails varies between accounts. She is rarely seen in this form if at all. In only a few accounts, they refer to her about her ability to transform, but the debate still stands if she even can.

Special abilities

Lunar Affinity.

Specialized Equipment

She has always been exceptional with her Celestial Magics. Her main tactics to defeat her targets was to use almost lifelike illusions to deviate them into her traps where she had the advantage. Other then this she was an experienced life witch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While most of her past was lost to time, her impact on The Legend of Pellama with her betrayal to The Embrace.   From what old texts have described, she was only Heir that had direct contact with Dantus due to her effectiveness and her disdain towards the other members. While the Firstborns of The Embrace hated her connection to their leader, yet didn't follow their religion. She was tasked with as an internal spy to hunt down possible traitors and rebels. Her skill was unquestionable and compared to other heirs, she incredibly effective. The name the Dark Moon was given to her by her complex illusion magics and the omen of seeing them.   It wasn't till she was tasked with eliminating two characters among The Union of Pellamulara, Garamond and Thyrador. She succeeded at capturing the two, but Garamond saw hope within in her when everyone else saw a cold killer. The two were about to be executed, but Garamond's kindness towards her had softened her heart. She freed the two and helped destroy a powerful stronghold in Dantus's empire. From then on, she worked together with Garamond as a friend instead of an enemy.   Sadly, little is known what happened after the war. From what we could gather, she stayed with Garamond till the end of his life. She of course lived on and then vanish from history. The only report found was a journal entry of Riss's describing his failure to convince her to stay and that she has goon venturing into The Dreamscape to save Garamond. It's unknown if she is still alive.

Gender Identity





She worked for The Embrace form it's founding until a year before Dantus's defeat.

Personality Characteristics


It's said she is determined to find a way to save her friend and she will go across all the realms of magic to find it.


She was always immaculate in all accounts describing her.


Family Ties

It's said she was always alone even before she joined The Embrace, but she treated Garamond as family once she betrayed Dantus.

Social Aptitude

It was always a battle to talk with her. She would point out flaws in your argument and ideas as if it was a debate. Accounts say she was like that to everyone but Garamond and Dantus. However to the Archive's surprised, she was very shy to people she respected, but very vocal to strangers.


Aurora Tempus

Traitorous Friend (Important)

Towards Dantus




Respected Leader (Important)

Towards Aurora Tempus




She was one of the first people to join the Embrace after Dantus's takeover. It wasn't long before she was at the top of the Heirs and this caught his eye. From then on, she was his go to agent for important missions.

Nicknames & Petnames

He declared her the Dark Moon for her lunar specialty and effectiveness.

Aurora Tempus

Good Friend (Vital)

Towards Garamond




Unbreakable Friend (Important)

Towards Aurora Tempus




They met with Aurora trying to kill him. He was able to persuade her to fight for hope and possibility then for despair and destruction. They have been friends ever since.

Nicknames & Petnames

He's joked her with the nickname of Tempest due to her 'storm' personality when they have been together. She never found it amusing.

Aurora Tempus

Required Ally (Trivial)

Towards Yenkisavias




Required Ally (Trivial)

Towards Aurora Tempus




Due to Aurora's background, she had made enemies with the Phoenix of Life. Even after she joined the Union, she still had a grudge against her.

Aurora Tempus

Capable Solider (Important)

Towards Barcinturattan




Old Ally (Trivial)

Towards Aurora Tempus




Barcinturattan had need of the Embrace multiple times. Occasionally she had to work with him before she joined the Union. After her betrayal they never spoke again, but it's suggested that they have no hard feelings.


Wary Ally (Trivial)

Towards Aurora Tempus



Aurora Tempus

Distrusted Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Amenophis




During Riss's rescue, Aurora was still working for the Embrace. The two briefly met and a large battle between the masters of lunar magicks. This created a huge divide between the two which would never mend even after her change in allegiance change which made him wary even more.

An impressive person who got caught up in the wrong things. If she didn't betray the Scion of Despair then who knows what the future would look like.
— Archivist Renna
by eofa
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
150 U 3616 Years old
Blonde hair in a bun
128 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Even as an illusionist I never knew how distorted my reality was...
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Related Plots
Ruled Locations

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Cover image: by eofa
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Sep 22, 2018 16:04

Hey, I really like some of the animations of the characters you've made!

Sep 22, 2018 16:07

Thanks! They take me awhile to make, but they really stand out when done.

Sep 22, 2018 16:14

They do stand out. I'm pretty sure you're the first person on this site that I've seen make them.

Sep 22, 2018 16:33

Well thanks! I haven't seen anybody else do this either.