Glointhal Settlement in Gothenya | World Anvil
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"The Last Bastion of Eastern Light"

On the continent of Golthien, east of Barovia and but one hundred miles from Varistane, sits Glointhal, City of Light, the land's lone settlement dedicated to peace. Its brave populace stands in open defiance of the Lentokki throne. Glointhal's fearsome, yet noble minotaur army is all that protects them from assured annihilation at the hands of the God Kings.   A garrison city, not unlike Narfell, Glointhal is self-sufficient, with the outskirts of the city devoted to maintaining farmland (carefully cultivated in the blasted lands scoured by the Lentokki) and producing enough crops for the city to limit its need for trade.   For items it cannot produce, Golthein accepts trade shipments from Charport, yet its people must remain constantly vigilant, for this is the primary manner in which the Lentokki have been able to sabotage the city. From poisons to magical explosives, the God Kings have attempted multiple means to bring down the few that oppose them on their home turf.  
Knight of Glointhal


The city-state is run as a Militocracy, and as such is led by rank. The current leader is Fox Captain Hersh Lanfield (human, male). Lanfield heads up a committee of generals including the heads of both the Elven and Minotaur armies.


The city is built around a center Keep, The Iron Guard, which is designed to hold fast against a prolonged siege, and has the ability to house most of the city's army.

Guilds and Factions

The "Iron Arms" is the city's citizen army, while the minotaurs comprise the faction known as the "Gold Tips," so named for the manner in which they adorn their horns with melted gold.


A continent long known simply as the ancestral home of the Lentokki, but upon its blasted landscape also lies the city- state of Glointhal, the "Domain of Perpetual Light." Glointhal, the last bastion of justice in the chaotic wastes.  
  Glointhal was originally a vassal-state to Lentokk, back when Lentokk was a benevolent nation (before the coming of the modern-day "Lentokki" blood mages). It was heavily forested, surrounded on it's northern and eastern sides by woods. It's primary population was (and largely still is) Solti and Kelti elves, but when the city-state seceded from Lentokk (because of the blood mages), it became a "melting pot" refuge for any citizen of Old Lentokk who stood against the new regime. That, plus its contingent of Wintaur minotaurs makes modern-day Glointhal rather diverse, if not cosmopolitan.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Light, The Domain of Perpetual Light
80,000 citizen soldiers plus 10,000 minotaur auxiliaries. Additionally, 20,000 non-combatants live within its borders.
Location under
Owning Organization

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