Zuul’Hy Freelands Geographic Location in Gokrenxia | World Anvil

Zuul’Hy Freelands (zoo͞′l-hī)

Take it from me, kid. Once you cross the border into the Freelands, don't stop. NEVER stop, until you get wherever you're going.
— Advice from a one-armed human trader
  Stretching Southeast from the Kynekin kingdom of Vath'azen on its West, to the Elven Kingdom of Lysander, the Zuul'Hy Freelands are a vast "free zone", that is, an area in which no single Kingdom is permitted to maintain a military presence, nor attempt to establish a foothold or claim of authority. Over the years, this freedom has created an inclusive, independent, rough-edged, and hardy spirited people, as well as a haven for those seeking to avoid any unnecessary scrutiny over their unscrupulous activities. Zuul'hy is a wild and lawless amalgam of diverse communities dotting the landscape, built from the wreckage of Elven cities from the First Age.  

Climate & Terrain

Zuul'Hy is generally consider a cool, temperate climate. Average temperatures fall around 52°F in the Northwest and increase to around ten degrees to 63°F as the land slopes upward to the Southeast. The majority of Northwestern Zuul'Hy is largely grassland, with very little rainfall, making it a particularly difficult area to settle. Precipitation increases as the elevation rises approaching the Stormbreak Mountains.


In the year 842 of the First Age, representatives of the Kynekin armies of Amari Wa'la and the Myndikin peoples convened at in a quaint lakeside village in East-central Gokrenxia known as Thee'nor. There, they signed a peace treaty that would become known as The Thee'nor Accord.   One of the major stipulations of The Accord was the creation of an expansive region of neutrality. The Kynekin armies would pull back to the West, the Elves, North and East. Humans would assume control of Rolighav to the Southwest, while the Dwarves would establish a Special Administrative Resource Zone to the South.


Folks who aren't trading or looking to escape their past transgressions most often come to Zuul'Hy for one reason: They want to see Thee'nor, and the fabled site where Batu Ch'luun signed the Thee'nor Accord, established the Kingdom of Vath'azen, and ended the First Age.
by Koragath via Wonderdraft

  • 8°00′N 22°00′E

  • Area
  • Ranked 2nd

  • Tallest Point
  • Mount Himmendost: 17,009 ft

  • Lowest Point
  • Lake Evigsmeer: 3,284 ft

  • Articles under Zuul’Hy Freelands

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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