Letters Between Fheralai and Velleen Item in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Letters Between Fheralai and Velleen

Velleen's Note to Fheralai

On 30 Tarsakh, Shinzon Greenshadow used a potion of invisibility to sneak into the back of the Lionshield Coster in Phandalin. He was able to navigate through the kobolds, go behind the counter in the front room, and look at a letter in Velleen Firecrow's handbag.

The letter, dated Tarsahk 30, read:

"Fheralai, nothing to report for now. Plan to influence the Barthen's Provisions shop assistant going well. Will report back with more later. - Velleen."

Shinzon then resealed the letter with candle wax and exited through the front door.

Fheralai's Letter to Velleen

On 1 Mirtul, Collateral Damage was leaving Phandalin when they were ambushed by Velleen Firecrow and her kobold assistants. Argus Skeel was also planning an ambush, and he joined the fight after it started with two swarms of bats and a reanimated Ander Sogard, the shop assistant from Barthen's Provisions.

After all of their enemies were defeated, the group found a letter from Fheralai to Velleen. The letter, dated 29 Tarsakh, read:


Yes, recruit the shop assistant. If he resists, sacrifice him.

Talos blessed us. A white dragon from the north scared away the caretakers of the tower on the Brontide Cliffs, and Moesko claimed it. The blue dragonborn caretakers escaped. They seem to have a connection to the tower. They've gone into hiding in Leilon, but if you see any blue dragonborn in Phandalin, don't let them escape. They must be killed.

Also, our elders at the Circle of Thunder spoke to representatives from the Many Arrows Tribe. The white dragon forced them away from Icespire Peak, and they're searching for a new home. If the orcs get desperate enough, they may attack Phandalin. Be ready.


Item type
Book / Document

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