Alex Redbrand Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Alex Redbrand

Alex Redbrand

Alex Redbrand, a male human, is the founding member of the Redbrand Ruffians.   He is the oldest of the three siblings that made up the core of the group; Eliza Redbrand is the middle sister, and Seth Redbrand-Deceased was the younger brother.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Previously wore the Redbrand Ruffians cloak with a red R stitched into it, but he no longer wore the cloak after learning that Glasstaff used it to monitor him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Redbrand Ruffians were organized by Alex in Phandalin in 1490. Alex made an agreement with Harbin Wester; if Harbin found a way to be elected townmaster of Phandalin, Alex would hire a group of mercenaries to serve as the town's defense forces (primarily to protect the town from the Many Arrows Tribe of orcs). The agreement benefited Harbin because he would have protection, and it benefited Alex because he would get to do whatever he wanted in town without any consequences.   In 1492, a wizard named Glasstaff arrived in Phandalin with several bugbears and took over the Redbrands by force. Glasstaff's real name was Iarno Albrek, but the Redbrands only knew him by his pseudonym. Alex knew that Glasstaff was sent by someone known as the Black Spider, and Glasstaff ordered the Redbrands to scare away adventurers and intimidate the locals. Glasstaff preferred not to speak with all of the Redbrands, so he mostly spoke with Alex.

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

Alex founded the Redbrand Ruffians.

Failures & Embarrassments

Alex was forced to flee Phandalin with Eliza Redbrand and two other members after the rest of the Redbrand Ruffians were wiped out in several battles against Conor McGregor, Herb Stoner, Gwenlinn, Rayphlárd and Sildar Hallwinter.


Contacts & Relations

Former Bosses: Iarno Albrek-Deceased, Black Spider (Alex never met him, but he knew that the Black Spider sent Glasstaff to Phandalin)   Former Ally: Harbin Wester   Former Colleague: Mosk   Complicated: Halia Thornton

Family Ties

Aligned Organization

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