Aeillan Timeline

The timeline of events specific to the Aeillan region, and particularly of the Aeillan civilization and its sphere of influence.

Before the Yulan-Tai

... to -1 EY

A period of time before the Yulan-Tai rose to prominence. There are no written records of this period, and very little archaeological evidence.

  • -5087 BEY

    Getnian Cataclysm
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A celestial disaster on a scale unseen since by most of the living races, the Getninian cataclysm is the term given to a series of natural disasters, magical events, and other, unexplained happenings that plunged the Kingdom of Felora and other elder societies into thousand-year dark ages. The event sealed off he world from it's material echoes, making travel to the Planes of Twilight and Shadow almost impossible.

  • -1301 BEY

    -1101 BEY

    Yulani City-States begin to arise
    Population Migration / Travel

    The oldest known Yulani cities are believed to have arisen in this time, predominantly along the south central coast of the Aeillan region.

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  • -741 BEY

    Foundation of the Yulan-Tai Empire

    The Empire of the Yulan-Tai is founded with the relatively peaceful unification of the Empire under a now unknown ruler.

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Yulani Era

1 EY - 1499 EY

An Era dominated by the Yulan-Tai Civilization, punctuated by the first evidence of permanent Yulan-Tai settlement, and the dissolution of the Yuan-Ti Empire.

  • -740 EY

    Foundation of the Yulan-Tai Empire

    The Empire of the Yulan-Tai is founded with the relatively peaceful unification of the Empire under a now unknown ruler.

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  • -143 EY

    Yulani Exploration of the Ilos Vale
    Discovery, Exploration

    Sailors of the Yulan-Tai civilization sail up the Ilos up to the Falls of Orestes. This first expedition would be followed by the establishment of colonies, marking the beginning of Yulan-Tai colonization of the area.

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  • -110 EY

    57 EY

    Yulani First Expansion
    Military action

    The armies and explorers of the Yulan-Tai expand steadily throughout the rest of the Aeillan region, as well as seizing Qadish as a tributary state. This marks the first of the great conquests of the Yulan-Tai Empire, and is marked by the steady appearance of new Yulani cultural sites and population centers in the archaeological record.

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  • -43 EY

    57 EY

    Procerine War
    Military action

    Over the course of a century, the Yulan-Tai Empire and a loose confederation of dwarves and gnomes living in northwestern Aeilla and the Odric mountains struggle for supremacy. Few large battles are recorded, though archaeological and written evidence indicates that the dwarves and gnomes were forced to leave Aeilla.

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  • Year of the Star
    The Year of the Bright Star
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A major celestial event occurred when a slow moving, bright comet transited through the night skies, brightening them greatly and being seen in many local religions as a major celestial, beneficent, or apocalyptic event. The bright star's passage was associated with a dramatic flowering of magic after the fallout of the Great Cataclysm mentioned in the oldest records of the elder civilizations. Formally, along with the expulsion of the Dark Elves in the Feloran Calendar, marks the start of year 1 in many calendars.

  • 58 EY

    162 EY

    The Yulani Second Expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The second major expansionary phase of the Yulan-Tai Empire, taking place after the end of the Procerine War.

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  • 221 EY

    Establishment of the Suzerainties
    Political event

    The Six Tributary Kingdoms of the Yulan-Tai are established in Qadi (modern Qua'adar), Nimeara (modern Nimeara, Elleryca, and northern Gallaca), Naira (the modern Tyros Vale), Balatyi (the modern northern Ilos Vale), Yram (the modern northern Tyros Vale), Gyrdas (the modern coastal regions of Merida and Gallaca), under the suzerainty of Cetra (in the Yulan-Tai heartland of southern Aeilla).

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  • 250 EY

    260 EY

    First Contact between Humans and Elves
    Discovery, Exploration

    First contact with humans and elves, in the form of distant trade relations between the Yulan-Tai and Feloran Empires, begins around 250/260 LIE. Although various expeditions to the Northern Continent had previously revealed human settlements, none had resulted in continued relations.

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  • 662 EY

    700 EY

    The Ascendency of the Cult of Hessetal
    Cultural event

    The cult of Hessetal takes root amongst the population of the Yulan-Tai Empire, with the nobility adopting the cult heavily.

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  • 744 EY

    The Yuan-Ti Ascension
    Religious event

    The ruling classes of the Yulan-Tai, having been corrupted by Hessetal undergo a most grisly transformation into the Yuan-Ti. This process required the sacrifice of thousands of slaves, and heralded the last expansionary period of the Yulan-Tai Empire.

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  • 757 EY

    762 EY

    The Fall of the Yuan-Ti

    After the Yuan-Ti had lost most of their Army in the War of Frozen scales, an alliance of their slaves and clients overthrow the Yulan-Tai Empire, killing most of the Yuan-Ti, with the survivors going into hiding.

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Forging Era

1 EF - 488 EF

The first era after the fall of the Yuan-Ti, where the people of Southwest Galisea forge their own future.

  • 2 EF

    The Necropolis Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unknown the cataclysm utterly devastates the city now known as Necropolis, killing off most of the population, and causing most of the survivors to flee. The cataclysm also devastates most of the surrounding area, leaving a broad tract of desolate wasteland.

  • 145 EF

    The Ascendance
    Religious event

    The Ecclesiarch Homoros, first proclaims the godhood of a number of minor religious figures in ancient Spartharoi folklore. These figures go on to become, the first gods of the newly founded Pandroi faith, Io, Sion, Gaio, Rauranos, Cielon, Tymnaros.

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  • 288 EF

    Establishment of the Ilosi Republic.
    Political event

    The poleis of Apepsos, Tymros, Symros, Carnak, Iconia, and Sisophonia agree to unify their political structures under the banner of Apepsos, forming the Ilosi Republic.

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  • 394 EF

    396 EF

    First Huri War
    Military action

    Over the course of a couple of years, the an Ilosi Republican army seizes control of Inner Huria, and drives the Huri peoples out of the region, establishing a permanent military presence in Inner Huria, and in Huria proper.

    Inner Huria
  • 450 EF

    455 EF

    The Hadar Pirate War
    Military action

    A several year conflict between the Ilosi Republic and a pirate confederacy operating out of Qua'adar. The conflict ended with the complete annihilation of the pirates and the sacking and burning of the city of Al-Qadish.

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  • 456 EF

    Formation of the Aeillan Empire
    Political event

    After a coup by famous Ilosi general M. Argentius Aquilarius, the Ilosi Republic is overthrown, and a new Imperial order is set up under as Argentius Aquilarius the first citizen, and primus inter parum of the new order. Though the era would not formally change until later, the establishment of the Empire marked the last chapter of the Forging Era in southwest Galisea.

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Aeillan Era

1 EA - 516 EA

During the Aeillan Era, much of Southwest Galisea was dominated by the Aeillan Empire either directly or indirectly.

  • 56 EA

    Conquest of the Western Reaches
    Military action

    The Aeillan Empire under Empress Gaia Hadriana Aquila conquers the lands west of the River Spartharii up to the foothills of the west Odric Mountains.

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  • 252 EA

    The Foundation of the Kingdom of Gallaca

    As the Aeillan Empire retreats from the Gallacan region, the Aeillan State forms the Kingdom of Gallaca as a client state. The Gallacan State gains its independence shortly after the end of the Feloran Invasions.

    More reading
    The Kingdom of Gallaca
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  • 321 EA

    371 EA

    The Fifty Years of Crisis

    A long time period of political instability and crisis occurs. Centralized authority breaks down, the economy weakens dramatically, and Emperors are frequently replaced and assassinated by their nominally loyal bodyguards. A Palace coup by Hadriana Rauros ends the crisis.

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  • 373 EA

    Foundation of the Exarchate System
    Political event

    The Aeillan Empire decentralizes its authority through the creation of 10 Exarchates each ruled by a military-governor known as an Exarch. These Exarchates proved vital in the defense of the Aeillan Empire during the Feloran invasions.

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  • 498 EA

    The Drowning of Antiokus
    Disaster / Destruction

    A group of Aeillan War Mages in an attempt to destroy the Feloran Invasion at its source use an ancient magical ritual to sink much of the city of Antiokus, the center of the Feloran power in the region, into the sea. Tens of thousands are killed, and the Felorans, unable to supply their forces are made to retreat from Aeilla.

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  • 505 EA

    509 EA

    The Scouring of Aeilla
    Military action

    After Feloran withdrawal from Galisea, military forces under Alexios III Rauros purge Elven influence. Elves are forced to convert to Pandroi or be executed. Thousands of elves and half-elves are killed in the genocidal purge.

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  • 514 EA

    517 EA

    The Aeillan Succession War
    Military action

    After Alexios III Rauros dies without an heir, the Exarchs of the Empire fight to claim the throne of the Empire. After three years and the deaths of several Exarchs, the war ends inconclusively as the Aeillan civilization breaks up mostly along the lines of the old Exarchates.

    More reading
    Aeillan Succession War
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Reforging Era

1 ER -

After the Dissolution of the Aeillan Empire, the region of Southwest Galisea, including the Aeillan successor states has a chance to change their fates, and the region progresses into a new era.

  • 99 ER

    103 ER

    The First Aeillan Reunification War
    Military action

    The Nikean Exarchate, under the rulership of Cassia II Brutus attempts to reunify the Aeillan Empire under her dynasty. An alliance between Apepsos, Spathos, and Korentis defeats the Nikeans, preventing the reunification of the Empire.

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  • 138 ER

    The Independence of Salmis

    The Cantons of the Salemesian reach declare their independence from the Exarchate shortly after the loss of the northern Spartharii watershed to Spathos, and the deaths of many Salemesians in that conflict.

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  • 161 ER

    Treaty of Entarragon
    Political event

    King Sempad Artashad II and Queen Fransisca Alfens sign a treaty resolving several disputes between their Kingdoms.

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  • 171 ER

    The breakup of Korentis

    The Thibaian Divinity League leaves the Exarchate of Korentis, permanently cutting Korentis and Antiokus from the River Tyros.

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  • 233 ER

    25 Douleía

    Rauraranid Restoration
    Political event

    Citing a distant connection to the former Emperors of the Aeillan Empire, Alexios V Rauraranos stages a palace coup against the ruling dynasty. After seizing power, Alexios embarks on a much more expansionist policy against Apepsos' neighbors.

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  • 299 ER

    12 Génnisi

    The Julian Crisis

    After the death of Marcia Licania Julianus without a direct heir, the Exarchate of Nikea is plunged into a brief but violent civil war between the three families. At its conclusion the Prostrokoi under Basil Prostrokos taking power.

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  • 384 ER

    386 ER

    The Second Aeillan Reunification War

    A large group of merchants and peasants revolt against the Exarchs in an attempt to establish a unified, stable Aeillan Republic. Though unsuccessful in their aims, liberated slaves who had joined in the revolt successfully carve out the Syroi Confederacy.

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  • 468 ER

    The Komesos Coup

    Half-Gallacan mercenary captain, Filipe Komesos de Isabeledo uses an alliance mercenary bands to seize power in Troinae, overthrowing the established order, and installing himself as the Philosopher King.

  • 482 ER

    Establishment of the Nikean Republic
    Political event

    Following a failed coup attempt after the revelation of the previous Exarch's death, the reigning Exarchessa, along with loyal followers reforms the nation into a Republic, specifically to destroy the bases of power used by the nobles who had plotted the coup.

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  • 483 ER

    7 Génnisi

    The Emergence of Mysteria

    An island appears off the coast of Antiokos, with a ruin and a small population of Yuan-Ti living on it. The community grows to several hundred over the course of several months.

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  • 485 ER

    The Campaigns of Bolverk
    Military: War

    Bolverk 'Stormborn' unifies a large number of this people and creates a horde nearly 60,000 strong, and in a lightning campaign devastates large sections of Nimeara, Elleryca. His hordedefeats an entire legion of Cyrenic soldiers, as well as a sizable Terruk warband. He is only stopped at the Great Wall due to the actions of a band of adventurers.

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