Garren Braelyn ('geɪɹen)

Garren Braelyn is an ancient Feloran hero with a past no one knows. His physical form is that of a Feloran Elf, for the most par, however due to his binding to Mhurren's Amulet, he instead. has a slightly spectral crystalline form.

Physical Description

Body Features

Strong and tall build

Facial Features

Sharp and angular

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garren does not remember his past, having been entombed in the lonely hold on Hiptar's Peak for thousands of years. He was recently free by Mhurren Larek, who was in possession of an Amulet of Binding.   What he does remember consists of only fragments, complete in thought and vision but devoid of context or meaning. The first memory is of laughter on a golden afternoon in an open field, with an overpowering feeling of levity and joy. He recalls training – he is proficient in the sword – and he remembers training in starkly different environments, with contrasting feelings.   Garren's strongest memory, the one with the clearest details to provide context of itself, and the one with the strongest feeling is also his most dreamlike. He recalls not who or where, but swearing to "the Gods" an oath of vengeance against foes he does not remember. What is clear to him is what happened afterwards: a wash of light, a wave of energy, and the feeling of somehow knowing that someone had heard his oath and blessed it.   Garren's last memory before the modern era was of panic and despair – and he has a feeling that he sacrificed himself in order for his God and others to get to safety.

Mental Trauma

Garren has a magically-induced block on his memory, due to the traumatic experience of the Getninian Cataclysm. There is further trauma, however, that remains unseen to his memory.

Ancient Feloran paladin bound to an amulet in the care of Mhurren Larek. Doesn't remember everything about his time, which is almost 8,000 years ago.

Character Location
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Lawful Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Slightly messy, greyish-white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
5' 8"