Galfin Ug-Col'Ek's Story Timeline

Ug-Col'Ek's Story

  • 207 AHM

    8 Rainfall

    011: Brute Ogre Massacre

    Ug-Col'Ek marched his Blade army to eradicate the albino Ogres living in the village of Barakek. He believed them to be an abomination on the image of the great Ogre Dwi'Thek.   UgColEk takes over final area of swamp. All Thoughtwar owned by one tribe; The Blades   Chapter 11 The blade ogres are a ferocious race that use both brain and brawn to defeat their enemies. Long before the age of elves, it is written that the foulspawn ruled all of Galfin with their vile ways. The foulspawn races consists of the powerful ogres, the conniving goblins and the deceitful orcs and they all descend from the filthy god known as Foulrot. In current times, most of the foulspawn have been pushed back by man and elf alike. Blade ogres have their home in the Vargen Swamp; a large province of mainland Galfin where monsters dwell, and where only the natives can manoeuvre through the hungry swamplands. The leader of all blade ogres is Ug-Col'Ek; the mightiest warrior of the entire race. Two years after Ug-Col'Ek became leader of the blades, he set out to take over the entirety of the swamp. He planned to destroy the brute ogre race. The brute ogres were the close cousins of the blades. The blade ogres had green skin and had the build of a very fit human, the brutes were monsters in their own right. The light-brown skinned cousins stood many heads taller than a man, the muscles they have grow so large that most brutes have a hunched hulking posture. After Ug-Col'Ek started his campaign, the swamp became a warzone. Petty quarrels caused random attacks from the brutes on the women and children of the blade ogres. Ug-Col'Ek decided that he would end this was once and for all. Without the consent of the elders, the blade warlord took his best warriors and planned to strike at the heart of the brute resistance, their largest village known as Barakek.   The small army set out towards Barakek. Accompanying Ug-Col'Ek was the witch doctor Yaz-Ga'Mu, the huntress Vay'Mek-Mu and the monstrous ogre who rivals the brutes in size; known only as the Blade Master. Along with these powerful ogre heroes there were also many blade underlings who would follow their warlord to their deaths. The battalion set off through the sticky terrain of the Vargen Swampland. Night was creeping in fast and even the mighty blades knew not to tred through the swamp at night, for many dangers lurk beneath the green sludge of Vargen. The thirty or so ogres began breaking trees to build some crude walls around the campfire Yaz-Ga'Mu had conjured using dark magic. Five blades stood watch while the other rested. The mighty warlord was in the first watch, Ug-Col'Ek stood as still as a mountain. He could see the torchlights flickering from Barakek, it was almost time to strike. The darkness enveloped him, he could not see it but he could feel the porous ground causing water to seep between his muddy toes. Suddenly, screaming could be heard from across the blade camp, Ug-Col'Ek rushed over to stop the screams so their position would not be given away. The warlord nimbly sprinted; hurdling over the walls. He reached the source of the scream, on the ground lay a lifeless blade ogre body and next to him was the other ogre with an enormous leech engulfing his entire head.   "Silence! You will give away our position!" Ug-Col'Ek could not silence the terrified ogre.   "Get it off, get it off of me!" The guard could barely be heard from inside the leech's maw.   The mighty warlord unsheathed his warsaw; a strong wooden board with jagged teeth covering the outside.   "I don't have time for this." Ug-Col'Ek quickly swung his warsaw, decapitating the guard with one swift strike. The leech landed on the saturated ground. The creature swallowed the guards heads, it then started squirming at the leader of the blades. Ug-Col'Ek raised his warsaw above his head and readied himself for the attack. The creature launched at the powerful ogre, the leech then lit up bright blue and exploded in a magnificent display of electricity. Ug-Col'Ek, who’s face was now covered in leech guts, turned with an eyebrow raised to look at the source of the energy blast. Yaz-Ga'Mu stood there, his hands were still sparking with the signature light blue of Thunder Fen Magic; a force unique to the blade ogres. The witch doctor had an enormous smirk on his face, Ug-Col'Ek angrily walked up the the mage. The mighty warlord said nothing to the witch doctor. Ug-Col'Ek outstretched his arm, the witch doctor did the same. Both ogres gripped eachother forearms and stood there for a moment in a sign of gratitude. Finally the mighty warlord spoke to his friend.   "If you ever steal my kill again, I will end you." A rare event happened when Ug-Col'Ek actually smiled, showing his yellowing teeth.   "I wouldn't have it any other way." Yaz-Ga'Mu nodded understandingly towards his leader. Ug-Col'Ek returned to his post, the witch e="S_8958_6_3460665546_3460665546">doctor took the post of the two deceased ogres.   Daylight pierced the cover of night and the army was already on the move. Ug-Col'Ek, Vay-Mek'Mu and the Blade Master led the troops while nearing Barakek. Ug-Col'Ek noticed a group of brute ogres guarding the entrance of Barakek, awaiting the blades. These brutes were clearly highly important to the town by how they were garbed. The eldest stepped forward, confronting Ug-Col'Ek.   "If you leave this place now, peace will still be an option. You were the one that started this pointless war, you can be the one that ends it. Do not be the cause of more of our kind's deaths. It will only make your people resent you more. Besides, we out-number you twenty to one. You will be slaughtered. Our scouts saw your petty army of ten soldiers coming miles away, all of our remaining brute warriors have gathered here in our sacred village to ensure you fall. What will it be Ug-Col'Ek? You either leave now or suffer a massacre." The elder backed up with the rest of his kind, awaiting the blade ogre's answer.   "Strange, I thought there was more of us." Ug-Col'Ek looked around confused. "The blade ogres will not suffer a massacre today or any other day, although we intend to deliver one grand massacre on this great occasion." The warlord drew his warsaw. Suddenly, an arrow flew from the top of a hut, the brute archer struck Ug-Col'Ek right in the chest, narrowly missing his heart. An instant afterwards, the archer exploded into a rain of lighting bolts, Yaz-Ga'Mu and his Thunder Fen Mages started the attack from Barakek's blind side. Ug-Col'Ek subtly nodded towards the Blade Master. The large hulk of a ogre single handedly sliced the entire welcoming party to pieces. The blades continued their raid, killing every brute; including women and children. The raid continued until all of the brutes had fallen. A few lucky ogres escaped but nightfall would soon take care of them. The eldest of the welcoming party was clinging to life, his legs broken by the Blade Master. Ug-Col'Ek went over and knelled beside the elder.   "Do you think me merciful?" The warlord questioned. The elder was too exhausted to crawl.   "Yes! please, great Ug-Col'Ek, I beg you to spare my life." The elder was whimpering while Ug-Col'Ek rested his warsaw on the old ogre's shoulder. The bloodied warlord sat for a moment, pondering his next move.   "You see, I am merciful." Ug-Col'Ek sheathed his warsaw.   "Oh thank you! You are a..." The elder got cut off by the merciful ogre.   "I grant you a warrior's death." Ug-Col'Ek ripped the arrow from his own chest and stabbed the elder in the neck, killing him instantly.   The blades finished off Barakek by burning every hut to the ground. Finally the blade ogres were undoubtedly the most powerful race in the entire Vargen Swamps.

    Additional timelines
  • 207 AHM

    16 Rainfall


    UgColEk is seen killing reborn Ogres, misunderstanding who he killed, Ugcolek is banished from Thoughtwar Swamps

  • 207 AHM

    22 Rainfall


    UgcolEk wander into the Charmsand Desert, attacked by Cloaks. Kabarskii offers to heal him if he can accompany UgcolEk

  • 207 AHM

    23 Rainfall


    Ugcolek kills a Camel Theif and eats the camel, Kabarskii reveals true self and attack as a Mad Genie

  • 207 AHM

    27 Rainfall


    Ugcolek find Ruins of Hierarch, challenged by puny Anubane, Anubane is Lycanthrope. Ugcolek kills Anubane and takes over Hierarch, gain support of Charmsand Cloaks

  • 207 AHM

    32 Rainfall


    The Genie returns and discusses the necromancers with UgcolEk, Ugcolek then has Charmsand Cloaks lock Genie away as source of information

  • 207 AHM

    35 Rainfall


    UgcolEk convinces The Blade to join him again, he now has armies in Charmsand and Thoughtwar

  • 207 AHM

    42 Rainfall


    UgColEk places small armies all over Thoughtwar Swamp and Charmsand Desert, habitants of the Great Plateau are worried.

  • 207 AHM

    51 Rainfall


    the Charmsand Cloaks warn UgcolEk of the camp of adventurers, UgcolEk send the Blade Master to kill Charison, Paari, Penoir and Gizomo

  • 207 AHM

    53 Rainfall


    UgcolEk sends his Charmsand Cloaks into Skygarde to send a message to King Skytracer

  • 207 AHM

    6 Newbloom


    Yacobius and Stephanio enter the Charmsand. Yacobius battle Blade Master and Stephanio battles a gang of Thunder Fen Mages

  • 207 AHM

    10 Newbloom


    UgColEk agrees to council with Yacobius, both want to stop Kronimane. UgColEk recognizes Stephanio's face from one of his old history books

  • 207 AHM

    13 Newbloom


    Charmsands warn UgcolEk of Army approaching, Yacobius wants to talk to Charison

  • 207 AHM

    17 Newbloom

    A Greater Evil
    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius convinces Charison to join fight against Kronimane. Charison's army hates Ogres because of Gizomo

  • 207 AHM

    24 Newbloom

    Fall of Kronimane
    Life, Death

    Kronimane activates the guardian Statuelurks, Finds Relic of Guiltloss (every life taken gains taker power) Charison and UgcolEk's army arrive to fight Statuelurk, King Skytracer's dead army reborn and joined army starts to lose   Snakeroot tells Charison that Jaggedforge was a Statuelurk. Charison knows magic won't defeat the Statuelurks   Penoir arrives with Mine Dwarves, Swarm attack the Statuelurks   Arrive on scene to witness the carnage ensuing, Kronimane announces that he gains power for ever life he has taken and that he cannot die until all reborn have also died   Kronimane kills all common soldiers, even his own Necromancers   Malstrom tells Kronimane of the Jungle Warrior's death. No reborn left. Boto readies himself   Boto and Kronimane start to battle, Boto starts to lose, Charison and Malstrom help Boto   Boto Silverstaff weakened Kronimane the Necromancer enough that the unstable court jester Stephanie was able to kill the dark wizard with his knife.   Stephanio gets final stab in the back, Skytracer see that Stephanio is with Yacobius, he is incredibly furious   The Charmsand Cloaks think Stephanio is a hero and give the Relic of Guiltloss to Stephanio. Stephanio regains memories of killing   Boto tries mind wipe spell again, Stephanio is too powerful, Boto's mind is wiped instead   UgcolEk convinces Stephanio that the Cloaks gave him the Relic as a gift from the reigning Tombking, Stephanio agrees to stand down

  • 207 AHM

    26 Newbloom


    Stephanio questions his motives, His memories are returning but his sense of morals learned from Yacobius remains

    Additional timelines
  • 207 AHM

    49 Newbloom


    Stephanio demands the Hierarch from UgcolEk, UgcolEK agrees out of fear

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  • 207 AHM

    48 Aridheat


    UgColEk gain the support of the swamp dwelling Gaijin to replace lost Cloaks, Controls all of Thoughtwar and all its inhabitants

  • 207 AHM

    35 Coolbreeze


    UgcolEk starts building an enormous castle in the depths of the Thoughtwar Swamp

  • 207 AHM

    34 Glaciate


    Stephanio seeks shelter at the Thoughtwar stronghold

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  • 208 AHM

    29 Coolbreeze


    Razaal attacks the Stronghold, Gaijin and Thunder Fen Mages guard lookouts. Razaal kills Blade Master, breaks back

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  • 208 AHM

    34 Coolbreeze


    The Ogre War continues, Thoughtwar being destroyed

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  • 208 AHM

    41 Coolbreeze


    UgColEk kills Razaal and claims all of thoughtwar as his Blade Stronghold

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  • 208 AHM

    5 Firstfrost


    Prince Fortcrusher meets with Ugcolek and Stephanio (Thoughtwar and Charmsand) to talk about undead swarm

  • 208 AHM

    11 Firstfrost


    Skygarde King, Stronghold Warlord, Charmsand Tombking join armies

  • 208 AHM

    16 Firstfrost


    Charison allows army through to avoid conflict, undead repressed, Scorn unimpressed

  • 208 AHM

    21 Firstfrost


    United Dominion, Fortcrusher leads all armies

  • 208 AHM

    23 Firstfrost


    Leaders of United Dominion join in Skygarde, Undead swarm protects Skygarde, Thoughtwar and Charmsand

  • 208 AHM

    30 Firstfrost


    Fortcrusher leads the Night and UgcolEk's armies into the Great Plateau, worried of the elf uprising.

  • 208 AHM

    35 Firstfrost

    Terrormaw's Rampage

    Battle ensues on Great Plateau, Terrorfist defeats Lifebringers, Donni battles Terrorfist, Viumu kills Stephanio Boto and Donni defeat Terrorfist, Undead dissapear, UgColEk retreats, Baboa Skaar and other monks return to rebuild Saint's Congress. Skytracer leaves Fortcrusher for death, reclaims throne, Yacobius captain again

  • 208 AHM

    48 Firstfrost


    Bogdan send Damien to threaten UgColEk, Damien is killed, Bogdan thinks he is the only Grimbind left.

    Additional timelines
  • 208 AHM

    2 Glaciate


    UgColEk prays to Foulrot for more power, Foulrot inform the leaderless goblins to join the Stronghold

  • 208 AHM

    18 Glaciate


    UgColEk speaks to all "Children of Foulrot" through new magic powers. All swamp creatures listen to him.

  • 208 AHM

    40 Glaciate


    Ug ColEk weds Vay'Mek-Mu, his childhood friend

  • 209 AHM

    4 Coolbreeze


    UgColEk is warned of the Conduit by Foulrot

  • 209 AHM

    34 Firstfrost


    Some ogres get attacked by swarmlings.

  • 209 AHM

    6 Glaciate


    VaymekMu and UgColEk find worship Exodect. Bug god killed by Foulrot in legends UgColEk army fights Juc Karon, a dark elf possessed by Exodect. UgColEk is wounded but kills the Black sun elf

  • 210 AHM

    3 Aridheat


    Foulrot tells UgColEk to end the Conduits terror. Destroying the Church's leader

  • 210 AHM

    14 Aridheat


    UgColEk, Ogres Gaijin and Goblins march towards Skygarde, destroying villages in their way.

  • 210 AHM

    24 Aridheat


    UgColEk is stood up at Skygarde walls.

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk