Galfin Einar Heartstring's Story Timeline

Einar Heartstring's Story

  • 171 AHM

    Einar of the Frost Elves
    Life, Birth
  • 194 AHM

    17 Coolbreeze

    Battle of Snowpeak
    Military action

    A contingent of warriors affiliated with and hired by the Dharan Church marched on the nomadic frost elves and killed most of the species. The propaganda machine spun this as a victory as the frost elves were threatening eradication of man and a repeat of the Onyx Era. Years later, mostly thanks to a lone frost elf named Einar and the former Captain of the High Guard Nikolas Heartsting, the church's lies were exposed. It was a Dharan prophet who saw a frost elf bring down the entirety of the Church of Dhara. Their actions at what is now called the Genocide of Snowpeak led to the eventual destruction of the Church. Dhara is still worshipped but the militaristic powerhouse is no longer in control of Skygarde.   [In the beginning of time, elves ruled over man. They used the neanderthalic human as workers and labor. As millenia passed the humans began to become smarter and gained a sense of free will. In a time closer to today, the humans revolted against the elf overlords and sent them running to the ends of the realm. Humans then took over and enough time passed that the elves stayed hidden away and the humans populated Galfin. In current days, men were spread out as were the elves. Elves had come out of hiding and started to mix with the civilizations estalished. Things were looking up for the long hindered relationship between the two most populous races in Galfin. The Battle of Snowpeak changed this. As the fire elves came out from the mountains, as the wood elves came out of the forests, as the black sun elves empowered their way to comtrol of Dynastes, as the terra elves came out of their holes; Snowpeak happened. The frost elves were wiped out in a genocidal attack led by the Church of Dhara. The people of the religion were told that a prophey would be fulfilled and the frost elves would end destroy the world. People believed this but the soldiers that took part knew that that was not the case. The frost elves didn't even fight back, they were simple folk living in the snow, completely unprotected. Soldiers from all recruited races: man, giants, ogre and other took place in the battle. It was labelled the moment when man stepped too far. This event led all elves to be much more weary of the armies of man. It would take time for this fear to settle. Decades passed and the elves that alrready mixed with humans forgave them, some elves, such as the fire and wood elves became even more recluse, even to their elven bretheren. Yacobius Hrothgar and his comrades led the genocide. The 5 heroes of Snowpeak, greeted home with honors and medals were Sir Belaruus, Grergolf Oxsilk, Dru-Naz'Eet, Muggs and Yacobius Hrothgar. The Church of Dhara is the most widelt accepted relgion between the humans. Dhara was the messiah that led the men in their revolt of their elf overlords. Dhara died at the end of the revolution and ascended to godhood, becoming a martyr for man to continue controlling Galfin. With a militaristic way of living, passed down by the conventions of the great revolt, the Church started converting as many men as possible to their religion. There are currently amny provinces that the church has had such an impact on that they are considered mostly of the Dharan religion. They're are people who worship other gods but they are usually looked odd upon. The Great Plateau and Steelgale are the major provinces that are considered Dharan. The church declared war war on the frost elves because they were apparently the most violent and viotile of all the elves. After the Battle of Snowpeak, the other elves recieved the message that man was not to be trifled with.]

  • 195 AHM

    1 Rainfall

    Sir Nikolas Resigns From General

    Nikolas stayed in his home in Snowpeak to raise the boy. He would only leave years later when Einar could take care of himself and Nikolas was requested by Highking Orion to be Captain of the High Guard. This lasted a few years.

  • 204 AHM

    Gokstad Opened Up

    Einar was lost in the wild after his whole race retreated into the walls of the ice mountain. Einar was just a boy but was saved as Sir Nikolas Heartstring retreated his men after the elves surrendered. Nikolas raised the boy to try and make amends for what his allied armies did while he was peacekeeping. Nikolas raised him the best he could after the Genocide at Snowpeak. After 10 years the walls finally opened and Frost Elves found Einar.

  • 207 AHM

    4 Coolbreeze


    Attacked by Ceca Emir, beast defeated by Dominik Heartstring in hoods

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  • 208 AHM

    52 Glaciate

    The Corruption of the Dharan Church

    Penoir, Zane and Malstrom find Dominik. Reveals he is a Frost Elf and not the last. Dhara speaks to him about corruption in the church, orders are corrupted to change the future.

  • 209 AHM

    15 Rainfall

    The Berg Verki

    Dominik, Zane, Penoir and Malstrom can't make it back onto Lightning Island, stay in the Hold Dominik has a vision from Dhara, telling him that the Church can no longer trusted.

  • 209 AHM

    16 Rainfall

    The Snowpeak Genocide

    Dominik tells of Snowpeak Genocide, wants to find the generals and kill them.

  • 209 AHM

    36 Rainfall

    The Voyage East

    Penoir gets a boat from a fisherman, sail to east Galfin

  • 209 AHM

    51 Rainfall

    The Church's Manipulation

    Gang ventures into the Mooncrest Woods, locate Grimbind Manor. Penoir asks about Beruka. Dominik had a dream about the Church poisoning his wife so he would meet Charison

  • 209 AHM

    54 Rainfall

    Long Awaited Revenge

    Penoir knocks out Farwit while Zane Feerskar slays Bogdan, Oli blacks out

  • 210 AHM

    10 Newbloom


    Dominik sets off towards Nairgo.

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk

  • 210 AHM

    26 Aridheat

    The Conduit's Rise and Fall
    Religious event

    The Priests are defeated by the heroes and then they turn to Conduit Yacobius prays and the Conduit freaks out. Declares that he is God. Dominik realizes where he has seen Yacobius before, the genocide Jako and Boto unleash on the Conduit while others take cover. Find the old Pastor. Tells that Dominik is supposed to be the true son of Dhara, the church couldn't allow an elf be the harbinger of their religion. Conduit demanded the Snowpoint Genocide. Penoir flips out on the Pastor for his wife and son's death. The brave dwarf decides to end it. Penoir charges from behind and tackles the Conduit. Conduit blasts Penoir off of him as Dominik closes in. Conduit is stricken by the prophecised Frost Elf and lets the true Son of Dhara get too close Dominik Heartstring puts a ice spike through the Conduits heart. Ending the terror. Charison says goodbye to Penoir as he passes away. "Elf...cough...cough...I'm proud of what you've become..." Penoir's eyes closed with a smile on his face, he was at peace.

  • 210 AHM

    34 Aridheat

    A New God in Town

    Yacobius gets Saints Congress back into Skygarde. Skaar is the leader of the church as Skytracer is put back in charge. Elf-Human relations is eased due to Dominik.

  • 210 AHM

    37 Aridheat


    Dominik tells Yacobius that he will someday pay for his crimes. Sets of to find the other generals. Yacobius is content with this information

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  • 210 AHM

    42 Aridheat


    Dominik enters the Thoughtwar Swamp and kills a rampaging Swampstalker

  • 210 AHM

    43 Aridheat


    Dominik walks into a Gaijin hideout. Dhara warns him to stop because he needs a vessel. "I'm not your vessel, I am my own being." Dominik takes out a wrangler and a Swampshredder. Finds Muggs. Dominik kills Muggs after long-draw out battle

  • 210 AHM

    9 Coolbreeze


    Dominik makes his way to the Hold. Meets up with Malstrom on Teslite.

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  • 210 AHM

    10 Coolbreeze


    Daxo invites Dominik and Malstrom in, Fulcrum unimpressed.

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  • 210 AHM

    13 Coolbreeze

    The Hearthic Invasion
    Military action

    Armada of gargantuan ships is seen crossing the sea from the Bretharian Heartland   [Hearthic people rally together following Teyranus to take back the Galfin Mainland, also known as the Bretharian Heartland.]   Sons of Hearthen rally together following Lord Teyranus to take back the Galfin Mainland, also known as the Bretharian Heartland to the foreigners. They believe it is their ancestral homeland since before the Lumis Elves. They are devout followers of the Voidal Mother Danara.

  • 210 AHM

    22 Coolbreeze


    Boats dock at Teslite, decimate towers. Trineign wants to speak to Fulcrum Trineign kill Fulcrum in front of all, rhinos level the city.

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  • 210 AHM

    24 Coolbreeze


    Daxo, Malstrom and Dominik run to Orichland to see Makimoff standing over a dozen arctic guards The Hold, yetis, Malstrom , Dominik, Daxo and Grergolf defend city. Makimoff retreats. Post battle, while Orich congratulates the defenders, Dominik kills Grergolf. Everyone is shocked as Dominik leaves north.

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  • 210 AHM

    26 Coolbreeze


    Dominik finds Sir Nikolas, exchange difference of opinion, Dominik leaves

  • 210 AHM

    29 Coolbreeze


    Ronall follows Dominik back to entrance of Gokstad

  • 210 AHM

    33 Coolbreeze


    Ronnall, pikemen and brimstone giants attack Gokstad Tiberius captures ronnall while dominik and soldiers kill monsters.

  • 210 AHM

    34 Coolbreeze


    Dominik learns that ronnall would die for Teyranus, obliges him. Tiberius is worried. Illusion spell on Ronnall, Dominik kills a black sun elf instead

  • 210 AHM

    42 Coolbreeze


    Dominik goes out for Bellaruus

  • 210 AHM

    21 Glaciate


    Half of Aflan's boats sink in a freak ice storm.

  • 210 AHM

    35 Glaciate


    As Esabelle sits at her throne. Jericho brings Sir Bellaruus, Aflan and Ozymandias into her chambers. Dominik walks out and without a word, puts an ice spike through the Bellaruus' skull

  • 211 AHM

    10 Newbloom


    Dominik reaches Fallmerk. Given shelter by Tiwaanu.