Some work is being done on global world styling in between work hours by Sierra. Some articles may have two tables of contents visible during this period.

Arshan Command Tier Ranks

Command Tier System

Written by Sierra Brown.
Artwork by Sierra Brown.


The full, current ranking structure of the Arshanov Federation's military.

The Arshanov Federation military's rank system is structured to reflect the tiered command system, where ranks are divided among command tiers instead of only being split into Enlisted/Officer. In the UASF, rank tiers represent command authority and responsibility, while individual ranks within those tiers represent seniority. The sole exception to this is the admiralty tier, which instead uses the second rank as a subtier of command level.

This ranking system takes some inspiration from the American military of old in terms of rank names. Each military branch, including the pseudo-military branches Zulusskiy, Kilo, and Ekho, follow the same ranking system.


The UASF's ranking structure, among other things, has been recently reworked by the Ambassador and State Directors, under the new design mantra of 'Simple Functionality', with the new system rolling out only a handful of years ago. The new system introduced command tiers to the ranking structure.


Uniform Insignia

UASF uniforms hold insignia and markings for both rank and tier. With the exception of combat uniforms, the left shoulder is color-coded based upon command tier. All uniforms also have a command insignia on the left collar, with a number of pips indicating command tier (One pip for tier 1, etc). Seniority ranks are denoted using stitched horizontal stripes. Each full stripe indicates a level of seniority, with a maximum of 4 stripes.


Promotions and Demotions

Promotions/demotions between tiers are indicative of a change of command, and falling lower in tiers is generally not seen as a negative thing - Personnel are commonly rotated in and out of command roles under a billeted system. Promotion and demotion of ranks within a tier, however, are more permanent and viewed as rewards (promotions) or punishments (demotions) for dedication, service, and overall length of service within the military. These merit-based ranks are typically carried over as personnel are shifted up and down tiers - I.e., a Foxtrot member holding the rank of 1-2 being promoted to tier 2 would typically be granted the rank of 3-2, instead of 3-1. This isn't always the case, however - Especially in terms of transfers between specializations such as a transfer from commanding an infantry platoon to running an armor unit.


Command Tier Structure

Modern Arshan ranks are divided into two main components, with an additional special category for top-level ‘Admiralty’ of a Squadron’s command structure. These two components, representing the Command Tier and Seniority of a given soldier, are represented textually as a pair of numbers separate by a dash, such as 1-2 for a Junior Sergeant. Ranks are also represented visually on uniforms by shoulder coloring, stripes on the upper arm, and a series of bar or pip insignia on the collar.

The command tier system has undergone several revisions since its initial introduction several years ago. These revisions include restructuring of the Admiralty ranks and the introduction of a Corporal tier. The Trizinov’s Military branch is also considering an additional seniority rank to separate personnel recognized as subject matter experts from personnel recognized for extraordinary skill and ability.

Rank Seniority

The seniority system in Arshan ranks is meant to represent training status, experience, level of expertise, and meritorious achievement. While seniority does not officially grant authority over lower levels, it's personnel with a higher seniority are typically viewed as mentors and experienced advisors by less experienced personnel, cadets, and recruits. Each seniority level is displayed with ranks as the second number, after the command tier. The name of the rank provided by the command tier is also adjusted by seniority level.


Seniority 0 Cadet

Recruits are personnel whom are in training and not considered ready for active service. This level is only used for trainees, cadets, and personnel following an 'officer internship' program prior to graduating the officer academy and entering higher level command tiers. Personnel of this level have their ranks prefixed with 'Cadet', and their uniforms hold no seniority stripe.


Seniority 1 Junior

Holding a single seniority stripe, and prefixing their ranks with 'Junior', most personnel hold this seniority level after completing the training requirements for their command tier and role. This can be considered the equivalent to the 'Private' rank in enlisted space, and the 'Ensign' rank in officer space of the modern age.


Seniority 2 Standard

Typically granted to personnel after a set period of time in service, level 2 serves as the last seniority level attainable through training and length of service alone. Personnel at seniority 2 hold 2 stripes, and have no suffix or prefix to their ranks. This is the most common seniority level among Arshan military personnel.


Seniority 3 Senior

Seniority 3 is awarded to personnel who not only hold extended experience in their field, but have also demonstrated a higher than average understanding of their duties. These ranks have 3 stripes, and are prefixed with 'Senior'. This is generally the lowest rank permitted to become an academy or basic training instructor.


Seniority 4 First Class

The least common and highest of the seniority levels, seniority 4 are subject matter experts. These personnel don't just have a higher understanding of their duties and doctrine, they typically helped write and revise the doctrine - Either directly or indirectly. These ranks holds 4 stripes, and are suffixed with 'First Class'.


Rank Command Tiers

Tier 0 Private

Rank Abbv Name
0-0 CPV Private, Cadet
0-1 JPV Private, Junior
0-2 PVT Private
0-3 SPV Private, Senior
0-4 PVF Private First Class
Arshan Rank Insignia - Private by Sierra Brown

Main article: Arshan Private

Tier 0 ranks typically hold no command responsibilities, but may sometimes be put in charge of small groups set on a specific task. As an example, a squad lead may assign a three man team to scout out an objective, and assign one of the tier 0 personnel under his command as the temporary leader of that team. Another example may be found in Tango, where multi-crewed craft will typically consider the pilot in command of personnel within the craft. These temporary team leaders are usually called 'Corporals', and this practice led to the recent introduction of Corporal as a rank at tier 1.


Tier 0 personnel's uniforms do not hold any special markings relating to command tier - The lack of marking implies their lack of a command role.


Tier 1 Corporal

Main article: Arshan Corporal

A recent amendment to the Command Tier system, Corporals are assigned to certain units requiring an additional level of command separation. Corporals are generally in command in individual fireteams in a larger squad, individual craft in a group of fighters, the commanders of multi-crewed vehicles and transports, or other specialty small groups.


Tier 1 personnel's uniforms have a cyan shoulder, but no pips or bars on their collars.

Rank Abbv Name
1-0 CCP Corporal, Cadet
1-1 JCP Corporal, Junior
1-2 CPL Corporal
1-3 SCP Corporal, Senior
1-4 CPF Corporal First Class
Arshan Rank Insignia - Corporal by Sierra Brown

Tier 2 Sergeant

Rank Abbv Name
2-0 SGR Sergeant Recruit
2-1 JSG Sergeant, Junior
2-2 SGT Sergeant
2-3 SSG Sergeant, Senior
2-4 SFC Sergeant First Class
Arshan Rank Insignia - Sergeant by Sierra Brown

Main article: Arshan Sergeant

At the second lowest level of personnel whom officially hold command, tier 2 personnel are placed in charge of individual teams ranging from six to twelve persons each. These command roles can be anything from a Fokstrot infantry squad leader, to a Delta divisional shift manager aboard a ship, to the flight lead of a Tango strike unit. Sergeants are responsible for coordinating the personnel under their command in accomplishing whatever task the team has been assigned by the personnel above them.


Insignias and uniform markings for Tier 2 personnel consist of the color green on the shoulder and a single pip insignia on the uniform's collar. Formal insignia conists of a single vertical bar pinned to the left collar.


Tier 3 Lieutenant

The third level of command personnel are in charge of commanding full units - A group of multiple teams working together toward a specific goal. Typically, units take the form of army platoons, decks/departments (I.e., Engineering Department or Cargo Deck) aboard a ship, station, or on a planetside base, or full aerospace wings. A tier 3 commander usually has six to twelve teams under his command and delegates orders to each team's commander, while receiving their own orders from tier 3 command and higher.


Tier 3 personnel uniforms use the color yellow, and an insignia with two horizontal pips or two vertical bars side by side.

Rank Abbv Name
3-0 LTR Lieutenant Recruit
3-1 JLT Lieutenant, Junior
3-2 LTT Lieutenant
3-3 SLT Lieutenant, Senior
3-4 LFC Lieutenant First Class
Arshan Rank Insignia - Lieutenant by Sierra Brown

Tier 4 Major

Rank Abbv Name
4-0 MJR Major Recruit
4-1 JMJ Major, Junior
4-2 MAJ Major
4-3 SMJ Major, Senior
4-4 MFC Major First MJass
Arshan Rank Insignia - Major by Sierra Brown

Tier four is where command structures start to differ between divisions and branches. In Delta, majors are the commanding officers of a specific ship or station. In Fokstrot, these personnel are in command of a full battalion of units or their own planet-side base. Tango typically does not hold tier 4 personnel in many situations, as deployed strike craft are typically under the command of Fokstrot or Delta commanders in their respective fields. However, a tier 4 Tango commander may exist as a liaison between Tango's strike wings and equivalent personnel from the other branches.


Command insignia for tier 4 personnel consist of three pips, with the shoulders of their non-combat uniforms being coloured orange. Formal insignia consists of three bars.


Tier 5 Colonel

In most of the UASF's branches, tier 5 personnel hold command positions of military districts. What a district embodies can vary, being anything from a general doctrine and deployment orders for a generalized, 'global' group (I.e., Fokstrot's general purpose armored battalion, Tiger), to the strategic commanders of a specific large-scale theatre of war (Such as the Solus front). The exact hierarchy at this level tends to be hazy.


In Delta, in a system that's far more clearly defined, tier 5 personnel are the leadership for full fleets.


Tier 5 personnel insignia have four pips or bars and red shoulders.

Rank Abbv Name
5-0 CLR Colonel Recruit
5-1 JCL Colonel, Junior
5-2 COL Colonel
5-3 SCL Colonel, Senior
5-4 CFC Colonel First Class
Arshan Rank Insignia - Colonel by Sierra Brown


Arshan Rank Insignia - Admiral by Sierra Brown

At the top level of the Arshan Chain of Command is the Squadron Admiralty. These personnel hold the highest authority and are responsible for the structure and command of an entire military branch, including divisional and regional command, or of the Arshan military as a whole. Admiral ranks follow the same designation scheme, but instead of seniority, admiralty level is represented by the second number and the stripes of an admiral’s uniform.

All personnel in this subset are generally referred to short-hand as just 'Admiral.' Uniforms for admirals have white markings and five pips.


Assistant Admiral 0 Stripes

The lowest rung of admirals. Typically these are secretaries, desk clerks, and gophers.

Junior Admiral 1 Stripe

The executive staff of a squadron’s admiralty, and most prominently seen rank among them. Wide variety of duties.

Senior Admiral 2 Stripes

The bridge between squadron command and the executive staff. Best comparable to the lieutenant and sergeants of various military divisions.

Divisional/Regional Admiral 3 Strips

Typically there are several of these, managing the various regional and divisional districts under a given squadron. In most cases, doctrine and strategic objectives start here.

Admiral Commander 4 Stripes

The highest commander of a given military branch or squadron.

Admiral Director 5 Stripes

Only one in the entire Arshan military. This is the Federation’s Admiral Director.

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Articles under Arshan Command Tier Ranks

Cover image: Sairis Helosi Portrait, Galaxies End Logo, & Arshan Emblem by NovaCandy & Sierra Brown


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Jun 27, 2018 23:32 by Xanthuss

Really impressive work; the depth of your detail is great!

Aug 7, 2018 09:21 by Sierra Brown

Thanks :D

Aug 7, 2018 04:48 by Gyrannon Valdagesh

Impressive article, did you use a Generic template and a bunch of Key Values to create this setup? Personally (just my opinion), I think there should be medals/insignias representing their seniority level/rank like: Number of stars, 0 stars being lowest, up to 4 stars representing highest. Or even Line marks, using same method as stars.   It would make it more obvious, cause right it seems you have to guess what their seniority is. overall 9.5/10

Aug 7, 2018 04:51 by Gyrannon Valdagesh

meant to edit & add, but also suggest adding a cover for the Arshan Military, something to represent them.

Aug 7, 2018 09:21 by Sierra Brown

I'd considered having insignia for seniority, but the Arshans have a design mantra for simple and functional. The arm stripes that are present on every uniform make seniority apparent from all directions - The command tier pip is just a holdover from older uniform styles that had proper insignia.

Aug 7, 2018 09:21 by Sierra Brown

Also this was originally written on a generic template, then transferred to the ranks template when that went live.

Aug 7, 2018 07:11 by Vertixico

Very detailed work and great use of the Rank-Template! Your CSS is as usual spot-on.
I like the visualization of the insignia, though Tier 1 seems to be a bit off design wise. Is that intentional?

Welcome to Ekozia!
Aug 7, 2018 08:37 by Sierra Brown

That's mostly because I actually haven't updated the images for the other tiers to include the formal insignia used on the service dress coat yet.,

Aug 8, 2018 06:46 by Tikal

The detail you add to this is insane as always. The rank PNG's are awesome as well, though I think I'd like a little contrast to make the whole medal/badge stand out.

Aug 9, 2018 18:03 by Sierra Brown

I'll toy around with the colors a bit