Opening Seance

A Nashikh Ritual for the Kids

Arkengrath shows us a way to live forever. Mother shows us a way to never be alone.

— Nashikh principle


The Arkonian Order is a strange theocracy. What was meant to be an ideal to use necromancy for immortality became a religion. With religions come sects and the Nashikh are one that emphasize the use of necromancy to commune and coordinate with spirits whether for aid, guidance, or even combat.

Because introducing necromancy to the young can be overwhelming, the Nashikh Knights and Overseers thought up a brilliant idea. They designed a specialized seance to give their youth a taste of what being in the presence of spirits is like.


Coming of Age

Because various races like vren and tieflings mature at different rates, it is up to the parent or guardian to decide when their child is ready, preferably the human equivalent of youth, around the ages of 15-18. At this age, it is believed their minds are capable enough to glimpse what awaits them with their spirit companions.


A trained medium is optimal for this first communing, as an inexperienced one could accidentally attract unwanted or hostile spirits. Trained Nashikh advise the most silent room in an area is perfect. Once selected, draw a protective circle around where the participants will sit using salt, ashes of a dead warrior, silver shavings, or any other esoteric wards. The final piece is to charge the spirits around you and ensure they are active by calling to personal spirits attached to the Nashikh medium already or calling to someone whose soul hasn’t been escorted to Etherius. Once the spirit has given a sign, it is time to begin.


Floating next to the ward was an apple. Elthik’s stomach grumbled. He hadn’t eaten since the morning so he reached for it. The irritable thing floated just an inch away before he grabbed ahold of it. But something cold also gripped his hand. It’s when Elthik looked down to see his hand outstretched from the wards. His eyes looked up to see a ghostly face grimace with delight as he got pulled into an unwanted dance.

The medium at the table begins by calling out to the spirits, preferably the ones already tied to the medium already. The key of this phase is to coax the dead into revealing themselves, getting them to explain why they appear for their host, and what it is they could do for the participants. The medium then prompts the youth at the table to think about what they want of the spirit, whether for guidance or merely see what they’re capable of.

Nashikh advise to never aggravate spirits. Doing so will either have them never return or seek ways to disrupt your life. That is why respectively asking for input or requests are optimal as those don’t irritate them.


Once the medium believes things are satisfactory, the participants are asked to speak in unison. They are to thank the spirits for appearing and asking them rest for the energy they spend to interact with the living can be taxing on the dead. Once no signs are given for a while, it is safe to clean up.

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