Empyria Geographic Location in Evenea | World Anvil


Empyira is a nation that lies in western Eveynjar. It lies between the Heightless Divide to the North, the Dividing Ocean to the west, the Urrudean Sea to the South, and the Forest of Yll’we to the East. Empyria itself has multiple ecoregions, ranging from open plains to swamp to forest, making it a diverse habitat for man and beast to explore. As a nation, Empyria is almost strictly run by the Empirials, a human race descended from the Olmaeans. Once under the rule of a fair king, it now resides under the rule of an empire-building usurper. Here is a list of the regions:
Eastern & Western Empyrean Peninsula: The Eastern Empyrean Peninsula is a part of a large portion of Empyria that includes the capital, Heraria. Most of this part of Empyria is covered in open plains, open woodland, and Savannahs. The Western Empyrean Peninsula is a sliver of land that spans from the Peaks of the Heightless Divide to the Strait of Carassius, named after the first Empirial to land on Eveynjar. Dominated by Savannah and Grassland, its main use is for farmland and vineyards. 
Amorim Plain: Though not all plains, the Amorim Plain boasts a wider variety of species and biomes than any other region of Empyria. From the Conifer Forests to the North to the Geyser Fields of the south, and swamps to the southwest, it is also the largest region within Empyria.
Thicket of Yalathannil: The Thicket of Yalathannil is Empyria’s attempt to expand their imperial domain into Yllithr. What Empyria found was a thick jungle and malaria-infested land that are almost impossible to keep to themselves. Very few Empirials live here, though the Beast Races and Elves do just fine. 
The Isles of the Ancients: The Isles of the Ancients are a collection of Islands found in the center of the Urrudean Sea. Due to the seafaring nature of the Empirials, it has been under their control for generations. Now it is home to a dynasty in exil, the Barrisius Dynasty.

Localized Phenomena

Empyria is one of the few regions in Eveynjar that has fairly mild weather and no magical phenomena, making it one of the more populated nations of Eveynjar.

Fauna & Flora

The Flora and Fauna of Empyria are represented by species associated with species associate with Europe during the Cenozoic era, as well as mythical and elementally-attuned. These include prehistoric genera such as Deinotherium, saber-toothed cats, Cave Hyenas, Dire Wolves (jackal relative), Chalicotherium, Gastornis, Champsosaurus, Xiphiorhynchus, and more; mythical creatures such as the Bicorn, Calydonian Boar, Aethon, Stymphalian Bird, Basilisks, Tarasque (traditional one, not d&d), Griffins, Cockatrices, and Karkinos to name a few; and plants such as Olive Oil, Salt-leaf, Elfdock, Elderberries, Mustard, Empyrial Orris, etc.

Natural Resources

Empyria is a leading producer of Grape wines, olive oil, soft cheeses, and wool. It also exploits natural deposites of ebony, elementine, and other valuable metals.
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