The Kalth river basin Geographic Location in Evenea | World Anvil

The Kalth river basin (Kahlth)

The Kalth river basin is the largest watershed in all of Eveynjar. Located in the south-western region of the continent, it spans over the nations of Kalthinjar and Yandaijar. Through these two nations, its spans over three major ecosystems: Redwoods, Pine forest, and a dense jungle. Due to the vast amount of water seen here, the river basin brings life wherever it goes, and supports a variety of organisms unique to the region.

Fauna & Flora

The ecosystems this river spans vary greatly from one another, and are divided by massive waterfalls that make each region of this river basin distinct from one another. The Redwoods region of the Kalth river basin hosts an assortment of prehistoric beasts including Columbian Mammoths, Mastodons, American Lions, as well as more mythical or legendary beasts such as Thundrocs (Thunderbird Rocs), Thundriffons (Thunderbird Griffons), Redwood Wyverns, and Storm Drakes to name a few. The Pine Forest region boasts a similar diversity of creatures, including the Pleistocene Jaguar, Glyptodonts, Ground sloths, Terror Birds, Crocs, Ground Wyverns, Draconodonts, and Psittagriffons (Parrot Griffons). The Jungle boasts a similar diversity to the pine forest, but has many more river threats, including Purrusaurus (A giant caiman relative), Titanoboa, Basilisks, Luscas (giant freshwater octopi), and Megapiranha.

Natural Resources

Due to its great size, the Kalth river basin holds a thriving fishing and trading community, no matter how dangerous the river system can be. Due to the variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, ore, and many other resources found along the basin, it creates a want or need for these rare goods throughout Eveynjar, and as such, the region itself is one of the richest in the world of Evenea.
River Basin
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