Isles of the Ancients Geographic Location in Evenea | World Anvil

Isles of the Ancients

The Isles of the Ancients are a collection of islands found in the center of the Urrudean Sea. Due to the seafaring nature of the Empirials, it has been under their control for generations. Now it is home to a dynasty in exile, the Barrisius Dynasty.


There are a total of sixteen Isles, most of which are inhabited, these are the most notable, from largest to smallest:
Ineig Isle
Kakylos Isle
Furkin Isle
Ruvidal Isle
T’kir Isle
On the Isle of Ineig lies an extinct volcano known as the Summit of Fertility due to its ideal temperature and vast, rich soil. It is home to farms, orchards, and vineyards.
Mymrair’s Ridge is the smallest of the Isles, with only jagged pieces of rocks reaching just above the waves. However, below them lies the guardian of this archipelago, Mymrair the Isle-eater. Easily as large as a medium-sized island in this archipelago, this sea serpent has aided in the protection of the isles for countless centuries. Some say that it guards them on orders from Olmus, the Sea Master, a powerful dragon said to be the ancestor of the Empyrials and the Crockorus.

Fauna & Flora

The Flora of the Isles of the Ancients is not much different from mainland Empyria, but it does possess some species from Urrudea and Hallojar. The Fauna, however is adapted for life in the isles, such as Garganornis (a goose or swan relative 30% larger than a Mute Swan), Hoplomeryx, Deinogalerix, and Prolagus. Some mythical beasts also reside here, such as Mer-lions, Capricornus, Hippocamps, and the draconic Pythonus.

Natural Resources

Due to its small size, the Isles of the Ancients isn't able to produce a whole lot of any notable food, spice, or ore. However, they are known for producing salt and olive oil, two things that are extremely important for preserving foods. The greatest thing that the Isles possess, is a thriving city of merchants, guarded by both the Barrisius Dynasty and the island-sized sea serpent that scare off any threat from Empyria or Hallojar. Any merchant ship is welcome within this harbor, as long as they bring no ill intent with them.
Alternative Name(s)
Barrisius Archipelago
Location under
Included Organizations