Venatorian Empire Organization in Eregost | World Anvil
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Venatorian Empire

The Venatorian Empire is a nation that values law and order over everything else, and aims to spread its rule to all corners of the continent. Currently ruled by Emperor Vigilo Angelius, he has his empire overseen by several procurators, who act on his behalf.


The Venatorian Empire is ruled by Emperor Vigilo Angelius, who uses procurators to oversee different settlements within his empire, and commands his legates to oversee all military operations.   In the realm of the Venatorian Empire, the guards and soldiers who uphold the law are renowned for their unwavering discipline, stoic demeanor, and the considerable legal power they wield. Their presence throughout the cities and territories of the empire serves as a constant reminder of the authority and order that the empire strives to uphold. One of the defining traits of the Venatorian guards and soldiers is their stoic demeanor. They are trained to remain composed and display an unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. Moreover, the Venatorian guards and soldiers possess a significant amount of legal power. The empire operates under a system where the presumption of guilt is often associated with the mere act of being arrested. In the eyes of the law, the arrest itself is considered strong evidence of one's culpability. This legal approach places a heavy burden on the accused to prove their innocence, reinforcing the authority and dominance of the Venatorian guards and soldiers.   The Empire taxes its citizens heavily, but also gives them many free public services, such as bread, entertainment in the form of arenas, and maintaining public places such as libraries and bathhouses.


In the grand tapestry of the Venatorian Empire, three pillars stand tall and strong, embodying the essence of its values and shaping its very foundation. These pillars, order, martial power, and loyalty, form the bedrock upon which the empire's greatness is built, defining its character and inspiring its citizens. Order reigns supreme within the Venatorian Empire, as a well-structured society flourishes under its firm guidance. From the bustling streets of its cities to the sprawling countryside, a sense of organization and harmony permeates every aspect of life. The empire's governance is meticulously designed to ensure efficiency and the smooth functioning of its institutions. Laws and regulations provide a framework that governs the actions of its citizens, fostering a sense of security and stability. Central to the Venatorian Empire's ethos is its martial power, a force that echoes through its history and shapes its destiny. The empire places immense value on military prowess, recognizing the significance of a strong and capable defense in safeguarding its territories, upholding its sovereignty, and projecting its influence. The Venatorian Legions, disciplined and skilled, stand as the embodiment of this martial power, their unwavering commitment to excellence and readiness to defend the empire's interests. The empire prizes the unwavering allegiance of its citizens, fostering a deep sense of loyalty to the imperial cause. Loyalty to the state, to the emperor, and to one another forms the cornerstone of social cohesion, forging a collective identity that transcends individual differences. It is this loyalty that fuels the empire's strength, unity, and resilience in the face of challenges.   The Empire sees religion as extremely important, but cares not for which god you worship, as long as it is from the accepted pantheon.   In the eyes of the Venatorian Empire, practicality stands tall as one of the fundamental virtues, celebrated and cherished for its ability to shape a strong and prosperous civilization. To the pragmatic minds of the empire's leaders, every aspect of society is carefully evaluated for its practical utility, and the citizens are regarded as valuable assets based on their usefulness to the greater whole. In the grand tapestry of Venatorian society, individuals who wield practical skills that directly contribute to the empire's growth and strength hold a special place of honor. Among them are the revered mages, who harness arcane powers to protect and serve the state. Equally cherished are the blacksmiths, masters of the forge who shape the sturdy blades and armor that safeguard the empire's legions. Producers, too, are hailed as valuable members of society, for they form the backbone of the empire's economy. In contrast, professions that are considered less directly practical, such as artists and writers, may not receive the same level of recognition in the Venatorian Empire.


After suffering from the death of most of the world's plantlife, due to Demeter saddened by Persephone being taken by Hades, many mortals were brought to the brink of death. As Persephone was returned and plant life began to regrow, the kingdoms in the northwest of Eregost were mostly abandoned. On this day, Septimus Angelius rallied the survivors around him to join him on a hunt to ensure the survival of the region. Using his divine sorcery, Septimus brought down a blue dragon, fed his men with its meat and used this display of strength and charity to forge the Venatorian Empire and crown himself Emperor.

Foreign Relations

Within the complex web of political dynamics in the Venatorian Empire, the relationship with the Authenian Republic carries a mixture of opinions and sentiments. While there are aspects of cooperation and mutual benefit, there is also a notable discord stemming from the Authenian Republic's willingness to engage with the inhabitants of the Ceilic region. On one hand, the Venatorian Empire recognizes the benefits of maintaining a healthy relationship with the Authenian Republic. Trade and the exchange of ideas flourish between the two entities, fostering economic growth, cultural enrichment, and technological advancements. This cooperative stance allows both parties to leverage their respective strengths and resources, leading to a flourishing exchange of goods, knowledge, and innovation. On the other hand, the Venatorian Empire harbors a deep-seated resentment toward the Authenian Republic's willingness to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Ceilic region. This resentment stems from the longstanding enmity between the Venatorian Empire and the Ceilic Clans, a formidable group residing in the Ceilic region who have posed a challenge to Venatorian dominance. The Venatorian Empire prides itself on its martial power and strict adherence to order and hierarchy. Cooperation with the inhabitants of the Ceilic region may be viewed as compromising these core values, thereby challenging the Empire's self-perception as the dominant force in the realm. The mixed opinion on the Authenian Republic, therefore, encapsulates a delicate balance between the benefits of trade and cultural exchange, and the disapproval of their willingness to collaborate with the Ceilic region.   In the eyes of the Venatorian Empire, the Ceilic region is seen as a land to be conquered and its inhabitants as heretical savages in need of subjugation. The Empire's disdain for the clans that rule the Ceilic region stems from a variety of factors, including their worship of non-approved gods, their adherence to druidic traditions, and what is perceived as a lack of proper law and order. To the Venatorian Empire, the worship of non-approved gods by the Ceilic clans is seen as a direct affront to the established religious order and the authority of the Olympian pantheon that they uphold. The Empire, with its strong emphasis on order and discipline, considers any deviation from the sanctioned religious beliefs as heresy and a threat to the stability and moral fabric of society. The Empire prides itself on its strict hierarchy, discipline, and centralized control. In contrast, the perceived absence of a strong governing structure in the Ceilic region is seen as a sign of disorder and anarchy. This exacerbates the Empire's belief that the clans are incapable of governing themselves and reinforces the notion that they need to be subjugated under the Empire's rule.

Agriculture & Industry

The Venatorian Empire's steel industry thrives thanks to the abundant deposits of iron and nickel that have been discovered within its territories. These rich mineral resources have opened up vast opportunities for mining operations and have fueled a booming steel industry within the Empire. The discovery of extensive iron and nickel deposits has attracted a considerable number of miners who work tirelessly to extract these valuable resources from the earth. The extracted iron and nickel ores serve as the foundation for the Empire's steel production. Through a complex process of smelting and refining, the raw materials are transformed into high-quality steel. Skilled metallurgists and blacksmiths play a pivotal role in this process, ensuring that the steel produced meets the Empire's stringent standards of quality and durability.   In the Venatorian Empire, whaling has emerged as a prominent occupation for many citizens, driven by the pursuit of valuable resources provided by the majestic Bronze Whales. These massive creatures, known for their impressive size and distinctive bronze-colored skin, have become the target of large-scale whaling operations carried out by specialized vessels. The primary objective of whaling in the Venatorian Empire is to obtain two valuable resources: whale meat and whale oil. The meat of Bronze Whales is highly sought after for its rich flavor. It is considered a delicacy in certain circles and often finds its way to the tables of affluent individuals. Additionally, the meat serves as a vital food source for many communities, especially those located in coastal regions. However, it is the whale oil that holds significant importance in the Empire's economy and various industries. The oil is obtained from the blubber of the Bronze Whales and is known for its unique properties. Whaling vessels equipped with specialized extraction equipment harvest the oil, carefully processing it to ensure its purity and quality. One crucial application is as a fuel source for oil lamps, providing a reliable and long-lasting illumination option for households, public spaces, and even the streets of Venator Turrim. Additionally, the oil's lubricating properties make it essential for maintaining and preserving the mechanisms of siege machines, ensuring their smooth operation during battles. Whale oil also finds its way into various artisanal industries. Paint manufacturers in the Authenian Republic, for example, often rely on whale oil as a key ingredient in the production of high-quality paints. The process of refining whale oil takes place at specialized whaling stations. Workers involved in this process wear protective clothing and filtration masks to shield themselves from the fumes and potential hazards. They carefully extract, filter, and purify the oil, ensuring its quality and suitability for different applications. Whaling is a significant industry in the Venatorian Empire, providing employment opportunities and valuable resources that fuel various sectors of the economy. The demand for whale oil, its diverse applications, and its role in powering the Empire's infrastructure and military endeavours ensure the continued importance of whaling within the Empire's economic landscape.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
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