Holy Platinum Empire Organization in Eotha | World Anvil

Holy Platinum Empire

The Holy Platinum Empire is an elective monarchy founded by Saint Avaria shortly before her death and canonization. The founding of the Empire was an attempt by Avaria to unify the fractious human, halfling and dragonborn kingdoms that had begun to form as the Time of Terror came to a close and civilization was able to beginning to flourish once more. The Holy Platinum Empire is the oldest human society on Nythlaang save the Kingdom of Wyrthanhaal and the Kingdom of Knerek.


The Holy Platinum Empire is an elective monarchy. The Emperor, though influential and powerful, is very much beholden to his electorate, made up of kings, princes and dukes, all of whom have their own agendas. Each kingdom, principality or duchy within the Empire is an independently governed nation. The leaders of these nations make up the Electors. These nations frequently vie for power and influence often fighting among themselves in small military engagements.

Public Agenda

The Empire was formed to safeguard civilization against the predations of the hells and Adversary gods.


The recent history of The Holy Platinum Empire is one of frequent internal strife and conflicts along it's northern borders with the Kingdom of Wyrthanhaal and the Duchy of Brythnholme. The Principality of Seraline has been mostly quiet for the past few decades with only minor conflicts along it's borders. The conflicts in the north correspond with Wyrthanhaal's civil war and their attempts to wrest the strategically valuable Duchy of Brythanholme from Wyrthanhaalian control.   In the south the Silver Principalities are relatively peaceful with only the occasional village burned down thanks to bickering princes and dukes. This uneasy peace has the Emperor worried, and the current rumours are that he intends a military conquests soon to prevent his complacent electors from getting any ideas from their idle thumbs. Some say he will launch a military crusade to retake Brythanholme while Wyrthanhaal is distracted by its war with Norgyanthia, while others believe another crusade into the Adversary Kingdoms is in the work. Either option is likely to garner support from his restless population who universally agree it's just been too long since we had a good war.

Stand Together or Die Alone

Founding Date
1 Year of the Dragon
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire, The Silver Principalities
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Platinum Standard accompanied by Notarized money orders from the Divine Bank of Saint Cythis
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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