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Settled Dosjorya


The area on the Dosjoryan continent designated for settlement by the nonnative humans.  
The ocean forms the western bounds not only for settled Dosjorya but also for the continent. For a vast distance in each direction the coast runs roughly north-south. Inward, human settlement reaches partway into the long north-south mountain range, with few settlements being located east of the upper half of the Great Achton River. In the north, human settlements stop just north of the Bordere River and the Great Lekmeton River, though through history desperate people have tried, and have always failed, to start new villages farther north. To the south, human settlement touches the westernmost portion of the Habinin River, the source area of the Fonden River, and most recently the Scatlin River.  
Geographical Features
Four major types of biomes exist within settled Dosjorya: grasslands, marshes, forests, and mountains. Rivers and lakes can be found in all areas of the region.   Marshland exists around a small, uninhabited area around the mouth of the Great Achton River and not far away from the human capital city of Hasenburg. The constant flooding of the little bits of dry land here prevent settlement by any creature, but because of the harsh conditions and the lack of claim here by any species, the Gendirlo freely gave this land up to the humans.   All along the coast, with the exception of around the Great Achton River, sits the grasslands. Four of Dosjorya's six cities are found in the grasslands, and more than half of the human population can be found here. Much of Dosjorya's farmland can also be found here as the ground is fertile with few obstacles. The grasslands are not flat but do not contain a great deal of elevation change. Travel through this area is easy even on foot due to the number of cleared roads available and small villages to settle in for the night.   Between the grasslands and the mountains the land turns into forests. It is here where humans get all of their wood. The other two if Dosjorya's cities can be found in the forests. More rivers slice though the land in the forest than in any part of the continent, settled by humans or otherwise. Many bridges have been built in this area to facilitate travel. Though not as large as the grasslands population, the human population in the forest is big. Many settlements through time have cleared nearby areas for use as farmland, though some have allowed the trees to mostly grow back and rely on trade to feed their population.   East of the forests is the mountainous region. Not as many humans live in this area and there have been few attempts to expand further. To the south, the mountains grow ever taller and the valleys there are difficult to navigate. Roads carved through valleys or along mountainsides can be dangerous in certain conditions as the rocky mountainsides can give way. To the north, the mountains are not as tall and the valleys are friendlier to human settlement, though rock avalanches are still an issue. More rivers exist in this part and all human villages and towns sit close to a river bank.  
Settled Dosjorya has experienced few expansions through history. Gendirlo nearly always resist any attempts to change Gendirl lands into human lands, and the Order of Innena typically side with them. The eastern bounds in the Great Achton River valley are designated as a hard boundary to prevent humans from straying too close to Coloktial clans. As the ocean sits to the west, any expansion must happen to the north and south.   For many centuries, the northern bounds were found at the Grashen River and Lake Klosen. The need for more farmland close to population centers caused the Gendirlo to concede their land south of the Bordere River. Dookeni resist any further northward expansion though the Gundenti and the Tonlepelo are more open to human expansion. Few attempts have been made to expand north in the forests or the mountains, and all have failed not due to Gendirl resistance but from the inability to become self sufficient.   Not long after humans arrived in Dosjorya, the city of Tanfor was founded along the Sythen River. Before that, settled Dosjorya only included the grasslands between Hasenburg and the Grashen River. Gundenti, Faus, and Oundats initially resisted human settlement in the south other than Tanfor, which they recognized was a safe haven for mistreated humans, though ultimately conceded the grasslands north of the river. Over a long period of time, they allowed more villages and towns to be built along the Sythen River, with the last few being Sendit, Flagsden, and Resendou.   In more recent times, humans have expanded to lands immediately around the Scatlin River to the south. None of the lands between the Scatlin and Sythen Rivers are allowed to be settled on but are still considered a part of settled Dosjorya. Faus and Oundats have agreed that these lands will eventually be given to humans, but they have not yet given consent and the Order of Innena continue to enforce the current agreement rather than pressuring the Gendirlo to concede the lands formally.   All land expansions have been fueled by the growing human population and the need for more food and materials to support everyone. Few people are willing to risk settling into a new area not designated human lands as they cannot expect military or Innen protection from angry Gendirlo, nor any help from those groups to bring them supplies to last until such a village can become self-sufficient. The Coloktialo, who oversee all discussions about expansions, disagree with any reason to expand though the Gendirlo whose land is to be granted to humans are occasionally sympathetic, allowing for any expansions.

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