Resendou Settlement in Dosjorya | World Anvil
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Resendou (REZ-en-doh)


  Resendou is a small village near the source of the Sythen River. It is dependent on the nearby town of Flagsden for goods as most residents of Resendou are farmers. Those who own shops in the main village gather their wares from Flagsden.  
  The northwest portion of the village is filled with the few shops and workshops one can find in Resendou. Shopkeepers are mostly specialized in goods and trades which help farmers maintain their farms. These tradesmen and shop owners count themselves as the most affluent villagers though their wealth is small in comparison to the rich elsewhere in Dosjorya.   The rest of the population specializes in farming for their family. Most of these families live in the southern portion of the village, with some portion of their land touching the Sythen River. A majority of farmers live in poverty, relying on themselves and their children to tend to their fields and being forced to weather the fortunes of the land, be they good or bad.   Nearly all of the villagers of Resendou know each other and are kind enough to help out someone in need. Farmers in Resendou, as they are in the rest of the Sythen Region, are reluctant to accept help but welcome any charity if their families are at risk of starving to death. Older men who are no longer fit to work the fields will hunt beyond the village borders or catch fish downstream and sell the meat to help supply their family with money. Families who lack someone to go out hunting suffer worse in lean times and must rely on the generosity of others most.  
  Resendou was one of the last Sythen settlements to be founded. Records state it was founded seven hundred years after the landing of humans in Dosjorya. its proximity to the Sythen River's spring source makes its waters cleaner but less nutrient filled.
by Jen Wright

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